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<br /> Shc a wrf[ af executton ar attachment of any sim0ar praeess shall tre entered apainst r�ar wn�cn snall � N
<br /> • br.cr��me a Iien nn the Trust E�tate ar anv poRian thereof or interest therein and swcn execudon, attaerament or s�m0ar e.
<br /> , �rnc:sss af�uApment is�ot released,bonand, sansfied. vacated ar stayed within sixty 1601 daY�after tts entry or levy;ar � � . :,
<br /> ""`� ' 'Ji
<br /> (a� thera i-sas occurecd a breac:t of ar dctauJt under any t�rm, covenant. ���EM�Cl1to conditlon, provisfon. D
<br /> rrtperesentanan ar warranty contained in anY pnor dee� af crust ar maRQBqe aNectiag chc T�ust Estate. {F� ,
<br /> ...r«�+''�' 90. Accd�ratlon upan A�faut.t;Addltfons!R�m�dJes. If an ovenc at default accurs, 8enafl�ia►Y may declaro the � �'•
<br /> C:
<br /> � • "'''" Inda4tr.dnrs�:s secured herehy co be due and payahle and the same shalt thereupan hecome dud and payable withaut any w ,;,�;.�
<br /> . t•,
<br />� prPS�nrmer�;c. RemanA. pratESt or norice of any �cind. Thereafter, Beneficiary may: !„� �i..
<br /> :.':.,'�s;;.-s<
<br /> (i� e�ther in persan or b�v agent,with orwithaut hringing any action ar praceeding.ar by a recaiver appoirted � � Mj � ;�„:__-.
<br /> b�<>>coure a�d withou[ regard to tho adaquacY at its secunty,ertter uROR and rake possosslon of the Trust Estate, ar a�tyr V • !..
<br /> ,Y..-
<br /> �r�r�tl�a�uot.in Its owo name or in the name at Tnistee,and do any acts which it deems necassuyr or desir8ble to preserva * `
<br /> ° t�re valu�s,marketabiliry or rentahility af the Trust Bstate,ar part thereot or interest tnaein,increase tt�s ineortse t�erofram ;.;Sp� ' -
<br /> r�t prata�t ths security hereot and,with or withaut taking possession of the Tnuc Estate.sue for er atherw�se coltect t}�� :"��F,'_
<br /> rrennts,issuas and profits thereof, including those put due and unRaid. and appfy d�e same, tess costs and axpenses of �
<br /> ,�4�ation and cal�ecdo� including attomays'teea.upon any i�debtedness secwed haeby,a11 in svch order a�eeneticiary �
<br /> +.may detarmine. The e�nterng upon an�taktnq possession o4 G'�e Trus►6sr¢a>�a collec�en af such rena. IssuGS and ��:�;,Y,;? -
<br /> , proflts and the auptica�iur� 2�larcof as afnresaid shalt not cure nr waive ariy c1�:rault or notice af defavJt hereunder or f��.z,
<br /> imalidate any act dnn� �n response re suct► dnfault ar pursuant to such nat��s at dehuft md. notwitlutanding the ;,}fz�y.__
<br /> � :�:.
<br /> cnndnwnce in possession of the Tnrac Estam ar the callnciian,receipt and applicatfon of rer�ct,issues o�prof�ts,Trustee ;�,�,'.�:.$Y
<br /> , ar BenntiaWSr shali been entitled w exercfse every right provided for in any nf tt�e Loon fnsVUmer►ts ar by Iaw upart ,���._
<br /> . � accurtence of any euent off defauit,irtcluding the right to exercise the power of sale; r,1�.�;�,_.
<br /> rt1) commenca an anti�i� to foreclose this Deed of Trusc as a mortgage, appoint a receivet ar specificaliy y.;��
<br /> enfarce any of the covenants hereof: _;;:,,�•,�::
<br /> F �i��} de!(ver ;o i ruatoe a wrir.en declaratian of default and demand for sale and a w�itten notice nf default and ��,�;ir
<br /> � elec:ion ta cause TrusL�e's imerest in ;he Trusz Estate to he snld, w�ich notics Trustea shall cause;o �a dufy fiied far �;
<br /> recora :n the app p T�»r»___ : ;.,......,.a.�, �+�.
<br /> .. . � f0 fITCe OTiiCES Oi [IiC�..�lll�ly ��� wi�ia.:i ii�$ ��uo��a�ow �u w.....+. �..
<br /> �i
<br /> (ivi exerC:se suc�otner ri5nts ar remedies ac law ar in equiry. _�_
<br /> � �� x''�, t 1. fo�acJosws 6y Power of Sats. If 9eneficiary etec�s to foreclose by exercis8 of the Pawar of Sale nerein canta�ned,
<br /> � •�� Beneficiary shaU nonfY Trustee and snail deposit•�b�th Trustee this Secon�Deed of Trust and any note evidencing tne Indebtedness
<br /> i ,, �5���:�� and such recr,ipts and evidence aT axoendituras made a�d secured Mereby as Trustes may require. _
<br />� � �"� ::•>t' {a� Upun receipt of such�otfce fram Beneficiary,Trustea shall cause ta be recorded,published and delivered �
<br /> -:;�x�„�..,:;.
<br /> .1,:., ,,.,.,,_ to Truscor sucn Narice r�f Default and Nonc�of Sale as men required by law and by this SecAnd Deed of Trust. Trustee .�s
<br />�: `Ey';r 4.�„ shall,withoui demand on Tnestor,after such dme as may then be repuired by 1a+.v and a�'tar recordavon of such Notice of
<br /> , �` �:v�. Default and after Natic�or Sale having been given as required by law. selt the T�rust Estate at t�e time and place ot sale =i�
<br />-J��� � fixed by it in such Nodae ot Sal�,either as a whole.ar in separate lots or parcels nr items as Tnutee shall deem expedtem, .
<br /> y ��yH � and in such order as it may detemiine,at Dublic auction to the hi�hesi bidder for cash in lawful money ot the United Stetes
<br />-��f3�x#.',ts�` - ---
<br />� payabia at the time of sale. Yrustee shaU Celiver to such pur�hasee or purchasers thareaf its yoad and sufflcient deed er
<br />___ ,�.-�.- deeds cooe�eeying the property so sold,huc without any cavenant or warranty,express ar implied. ?'he reCitals In suCh deed -
<br />�`'�'�i�' � of any matters ar facts shatl be canelusive proof ot the truttrfulness thereAf. Any person, inrdudinp without Ilmitation
<br />�•� �•• Tnistor, Trustee or Beneflc�ary, may purchaso at such sate. . �
<br /> n• .... -
<br /> _._.:+.,eqi:;•;• _ -_
<br /> 3�,:'�� �b) As may be permitted hy law,after deducting all costs,fees and expenses o�t Trustee and of this Trust. ��
<br />_�-�,.;..�.n� _
<br /> =- =-�"':- �a inclu4fng cosLR of evidence of titie in conrtec;ion with sale,Truscee shall apply the pracaeds of sate to payment of lil the _
<br />� ^�`°g'' Indebted+�ess lii)all ather sums then secured hereby,and l���i the remainder,it any,to thc person or persons IegaIIV erttitled = -
<br /> --`�u:rdFs��...
<br /> �y..r�....._� �1EfCL0. ��'�
<br />�,__�,�yl',l�.,'��:'. --
<br /> u'"":�:�`,.:N%, ec� Trustee may in the rr+�nnet provided by law postpane sale of all ar any portion of U�e Tnut Esrace• _
<br /> ,,,,'....•...�.j.}.�:• ---
<br /> :/:. .. •' I:Si:.�'; . __-
<br /> -_�_ ...� �n nr�n�1 _
<br /> :i �:..j;''�r�'' 1Z, R��nadtes Not Fird�ufve. Trustee and 8eneficiary, and each af them,shatl be er�tted trs er�fo•��C=:•••e.^-.._ _�
<br />;�:.. . _., �;.. - - -
<br /> . � performaace ot any iRdebtedne�s or abligations seaured heraby and to exercise alt rights and pawers under this Second Deed o ;__
<br /> V Truse o�under a�y 4o�n Instrun�Em or other agreemem or am� taws naw or hereafter ir force;notwithst0nding, some er all af tt�e j:_;}�
<br /> • `' such indebtedness ar�st obligatioru secured hereby may now or hereaftcr be othervvise secured,wheth�r by mortgage,deed of ttust. E'.:;-;__
<br />- +"��`',� --- --
<br />=;i, •. �,,��,}: pledqe.tlen,auignrrrbnr.ar atherwise. Neither tfie acceptanCn of this Second Oeed of Trust nor its mfarcemen�whether by court ___ -
<br /> � o�tton ar pursuant to the pawer ot sale ar o4her powers hetein containo�i, shail prejudice nr in azry msrtrsar affect Trusie�'s o�
<br />_ � �-i Benaficiary's rigM ta realize upaa�or errforce any other securitV now ar hersafter held by Trustee or 8er�ef'iaary,it befnq agraed thai s , v
<br />;;::�•, �;` Tiu,,�ten and 8eneticiary,and ea�h ot them,shall be erroti�d te enforce this Second Oeed of Tnutand ar�y etiher securitl►now ar --�-s,,.,�_
<br /> . ..�.,•:�.,,..
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