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<br /> . , 1f tho amounts h�ld by Lcndcr for Es�zratH Ir�ms�xccetl ttyn runaunts permlttcrJ to t►e hold by RESPA,Lcnder shal! �"�.
<br /> accouni to Bu��ower fnr��o excc•�s futitAs��fl n��ulmd by RLTS}'�i, Yf th�am�unts of funds held hy L,ender at ztny time ��
<br /> �•:� ere not suf�cicm u�pay tho Escrt�w Uams��hr.n.cbuc,Lendt�r mHy no�fy tho Borrower and require Borrower to make up =
<br /> � � � Ihc shortngc as permtttal by RE5FA. ��
<br /> """'� � 'Il�c Escrow Funds aro plodgcd as ed�tdtinnnt sc:curity toT 811�rvm�sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcn{. If Horrow�r
<br /> �.._,. ��; �-
<br /> t�ndcr�w Lcndcr thc full pAyment of all suuiT sumn,Barrowza�'s�ncc�wnt sh�ll Q�o cRCdited w(th tho l�nca ramaining[or �_
<br /> al! inswllmcnt itcm� (a}, (h),at►d(c) nnd sm� �nrrtgs�u in�9utvtc�prcmium installmant that Lcndct has not hxomz = -
<br /> ; ot�Ugatcd to pay ta the Sacrctary.and Lcndc.r vltniL�resm�ttiy rr�iUnd:uiy cxcc.s�fund.v t,o Bonowcr. Immodiately prior ro � -=
<br /> _ . .,. i� a foroclusuro twlo of tho!'rt�Crty crc ite�c�ltiititu+n by I.endtor,l7orrowu'e account shall bn crcdltcd with eny baleuice
<br /> r�cmAlning f�x�Il Inxt�slimc�nw fc►r ltcros(�),((a�,and(c).
<br /> 3.AppliqUlan af p�gmente.All prymnntn undcr pa►�;t��]►fis 1 end 2 shall tx:applictl by l.cndcr as fopows: _
<br /> fy3{,to tha mo�tgago insuranco prcmiunt w bc paiA ba�.l.�ndcr to thc 5�xrcuuy ar to thc monthly churgc by the _
<br /> �� Sccretary insteecf oi tho mon�hly mortgag¢riuiur�rtcc pramium;
<br /> „ S,�p�,to any ttucoa,s�oc:ial acscs�rtenrs,lcuset►o1d {}��y�ncn4�nr ground rents.nncl i'�rc,flood and other hazard
<br /> , �• � fnsurrnco prcrriiums,ag rcquircd: �
<br /> �,to interest dua undcr tha 1N4w;
<br /> ' ��i�W amortlzadon o6 ihu prencipnt of thc No1u:aix9 ���_
<br /> . Fj({h,to lato cherges duo under tha t���te. �_-
<br /> ,,,� 4.Ftre,Flood�tnd Other Har,�r�E I.�n►�vance.Aom►�vnr shall insure Nl improvemGnts on thc Prop^.,rty,whether �-
<br /> � � nc►w in eaistence ot subsequently eteewd, agcw�se any t►xr�ucis,casualtie.s,and conttngencies,incloding Fue,for which - -
<br /> � Lcnder irquires insnrnnce.'i1�fs insurance s1�all bc maint�inad in tho am�ounts snd for tbc periods that I.ender re,quires.
<br /> IIorrower shall aLso insurc aU Improvumcnsa on the Prop:ety,whatha now in existcncc or subse�uendy erected.against _
<br /> loss by floods to tho extent required by dir,Sccretary.Ail��nsurance si�all ba canried with companies�pproved by Lender.
<br /> '[t�e insuranr,e policies and eny renuey�ts shall ba h�td b��t.cndcr and shall in�lude loss payable clausrs u�favor of,and
<br /> in a f�rm acceptablo ta,Lcndu.
<br /> In the evenl of loss,Borrower s1t:Ul give i.endrr iunmeciituo nouce by maii.Lenuer may maice pro�i vi tuai ii�iui
<br /> , rnadu pmmptly by Barrowr.r.Each 3tts�uancc comp�.3ny r�ancemed fs hereby authori7,ed and dire�cted to make payment for
<br /> � such Inss direcUy to Lcndor,inste.aif��f.tn Bo�rowcr a��d to Lender iaintly.Atl or any purt of the insuranc,e proceeds may
<br />_.,.�,,� __ , be applied by L.ender.at ite optia+t, ci�her (a)to thu reductlon of the indebtcdncss under the Noto and thfs Security
<br />: � Instrumcat,fust�o any delinqucnGain�runts a��plkd�4n thc ordor ln pazagraph 3,pnd thcn to prepaymcnt of priacipal,or
<br />_ . (b)to the reswrauon or rcpair of tltu diunaged Prnp:aey.My application ot @ic procoals W the principal shall not Extend
<br /> �� � or postpone the due data of thn ma�thly paym�rns which ara i�efetred to in parag[aph 2.ar chonge tha amount of such
<br />�-ry�-�. '� paymcnts.Any exce.s.s insurance pmcecds over tu�amount requirui to pay a1Y outatanding indebted�ee�undu the Note
<br />:'.�µ*.,�} end this Securlry Instrument sha�l he paxid to t'hc�endty kgally antitltd th�elo.
<br /> " In thc event of foreclosure o{f thia Sec��irn Instrumcnt or other uexisfa of utic to the Property that axtInguishes the
<br />---',::�.:F;�;;;. indebtedness,all right,tittv iuiu i�i��:s��f�.;:t�::::ir.^.r.d!Q ins�,*�_.rme polici�s in force shall pass to the purchaSet.
<br /> -�•�_�`�'' S. OccupRncy, Preservptiap,Mv(nte�Ance and Protectbn of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Application; _
<br /> '�'''"'_'��`=�� Leweeholds. Bomowor shall oecupy,esub]ish,and use thc ProTMrty y Horrower's princ�pal residence within sixty days
<br /> �'"'�'r -'�"��� aftcr the exocution of this Securiry•Jnstcum�ant(or within sixty days of s latcr salc or urartsfu of the Property)and shall
<br />��R-�;�:;j� condnue w occupy tho Property ay Barower's principal rosidenco for at least one year after the date of occupancy,
<br /> =���;� unless I�ender determinrs tha►requi�mens wiU cause unduo h�rdship for Borrower.ox unless exteaua�ng circumstances
<br />-��–'Fi�'��! exist which are beyond Botrower's c�ru�rol.Boaower shall nudfy Leneicr of any extenuating circumstances.Hano�ver
<br /> _��t�!+� shell not commit wasto ur dastroy,damuge or substantlally chenge the Property or allow the Propejty to deteriorate,
<br />--�-�«�r��r�"1 reasonablo wear and tear oxcepted.Lend:r may inspoct the Property if tha Prope�ty is vacant or abandoned or the laan is
<br /> ._�:.:=�.� !n defaul� Lender may talce rea�,�n�blc action to protoct and preserva sush vacant or abnndoned Propeity.
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