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, .:�i�N11!�iFF+-0ria;."�rt��Y.iS`i+-==Jix��:ra^n.;;�.�._ ..F_,_._ �.�..M._. ... . • __ ___ __ ____ . _. _ <br /> , � 9�.�. � ���'7"Y2 <br /> sppIlcpLio law may spalfy for nina�atomenq bePore sato oP�Iw 1'ropeny punuant ro xny po�vcr af snta comalncd In�1�is <br /> S&uriiy Ins�mmoau or(b)rntry of n Judgment mPorclnp thts8cu��llY]nsvumcm. 7pou copdjtlont arc tha4 HorcoWgf. _(n) _ <br /> p+qi i.eoder nli sums whld� tlxn would W daa undar�his Suuriiy inswnxN and iiw Noto as If no accNerailon bsd <br /> occumd;(b)surcs any dofautt ot any o�hor wvennnt:or agrtemoms;(c)p3ys aIl cxpenus IncurrcA In cntorcing thit Secud�y <br /> InsWment,lnciuding,dut no�Iimltcd to,reasonnbio nuomeys'fces;and(d) i�kes such xiton ns I.ender may rcasonxbly <br /> requ(rq to auura th�t tho Ilrn of�his Sxuriiy instn�mcn4l.endcr48ghts in the Property and Aorcowcrh obliga�lon to pay IFw <br /> sums xturcd by.this 3ecudry Ins�mmem shall continuo unchanged. Upo� rc(nUalement by Rorrower, Ihis Sccw(ly <br /> InsWment and�tio nbligntlons secnred hercby shall remaln fully effeaivo ns if no nceelera�lon had ocsumd. tlowever,�his <br />- . dgpttorel�s161oshallnotnpplyin�hocasoofnctoterallonunderpazagraphl7. ` - <br /> �19.-S�le qf Nolet C��nge of I.oxn Strvkcr. Ttro No�o or n paniai Inrerest in tho Note(roge�hcr wiih�his Secnrity <br /> 7ns�mmch�)qtay Uo sold ono or mora tfines without pdor notico to Borto�vcr. A salo may resull In a chango in tho rntity - <br /> (&aown ss�ho"LOan ScrviceP7 that coltects modAty pa.ymr.nts due undar itrs Nace and this Sttud�y Ins�mment. 7Lere.Iso <br /> mzy Ge ene or moro chang¢s o€tt�E..oan Secvi.eer unmlare�k to a x�le oP d�e IV,ote. lf J�em is a change of t5r.[aan Sesvicer, = <br /> f3atro�xer vii1L tx g(ven viriitzn nndce o[U�e cGange ia acconlance wilk��aph l2 atrove and a pliwAte taw. '[he notice • <br /> vrillgataUleaa!za:ardaddmssofd,i:ar,�rLnanServioecandd�r,arJdiessoowGtchpaymenrssRout�temaAe. 'Cfienniimvrill -� <br /> als�ccpWi�.anyoihertnfonnz�iontec{yutQ6r�7pl.icaGtelaw. - _ _ <br /> , '2�{; LN'azked»rt^,Sut>sCa;eCtS.�$orro�t�er s�ix![nm eaiise or pemiit tho presertce,use,di�posal,slomge,or raka"sz of any _ _ <br />��. ?3�ut�6:�b Sa6stance5 on or in the Pmjtny. 9mm�vcr ahall no� do, nor allo�v nny�one eise[u do,nnyahing af(ec�ing the . . - <br />- �'�oppHp th,t is ifi-v}olntion of eny Enviaaamm�r.l Lnw. 'It�e preceAing Iwo seNences shall no:r,saly�o�he presence,use,or - <br />� stM-3goy n the Ptoyerty of smnll qnamities of}laznrdm�s Subsmncex that generalty recognized m 6e npproprime to nurmal = <br /> resideq�inl uses end tn matntennncc ot�hc Propcny. <br /> ..Oofr"ower shall promp:ly give Lender writem rotice of any invesii�ation,claim,dem,.nd,lmvsul�ar other e.c�ion by nny = <br /> govemmentnl or regulnlory ngency nr prive�e ptrty involving the Property and any}luardous Substance or 8nvironmentnl � <br /> Law of avhich pot�ower hns qctuni knme)edge. If IIotrower leams, or is nm(fied by a�q govemmentel or regulalory 2 <br />- authority,ehat pny re��otW or othcr reme6aflon of any Hmardous Subsianco pffeaing ihe 1'ropeny is necessaq,Dottower <br />