:..�'n -.Ciiw'vr"T� rf�F' '.'t _��. _.__ _"'. .-_ t ��'.�'_
<br /> . �YE rT 1 n t. . . . d:� uff.. /:. .
<br />. __. _!..._....+..�' -_:_______ _ r. i,.,.b.ki.vlKYw�sfY.�sto. .
<br /> aT/.i�.w �V��7I/S✓
<br /> 7'QOC!fl#UR WIYii nll�ho Improvomenu now on c�rcaftcr crec�ed on tho pro�ny,nnd all cnscmema,nppuncnrnccs,
<br /> and llxwres now ot Ltren(ter a pae of tho property. Ail ropincemeNs nnii aAAftlons shpll also 6e cavcnd by tl�is Saud�Y
<br /> InslrumenL Ailofthoforegoinglsrofetttdtoln�GLsSeecd�yln.srrumentastl�o'Mnpeny."
<br /> llORROW1iR COVliNANiS mu�.rnmwer ts L�xwPilty seLed af�ho esta�c hercby conveyed and has tho right to gnm
<br /> aad cvas..y-tFo P�opcny aiui tlat t�x L�eopeny+Ls ueear.omtered,exce�t for encumbru�ces of rxord. IIorcower wurams and
<br /> wt1F d4fenk gmr.salty ttie ark to ihe[kcpecty aIIalnu aIE cWms anh dcmm:ds,subJcet to any encumbrance�ot recorJ.
<br /> 'fFtFS S�(.S1I2[[lf iNSI"RUAtL�'[JG'a+ai5tees vnifcrm m•reeanta [oc national uso and non•uniPomi covenaNS with =_-
<br />- limtted vaaiaaions Ey judvl;slion tomnstitvtt a unifam sesutiry 4uwrnent eovedng rral propeny. .. .. .... ..
<br /> i1;lt�DR.WCOVENANT'S. Bocrowerud4er�d:rcovrnuuydagrceasPollows: _
<br /> I. P,pjtnr.�t cQ ff'rleclpnl an9 Dm4¢3rst;A'rr�+x,�xx3 xsr�O.ate Charges. Da-ro•uer sAall prompqy p3y when duo�ho K�:�
<br /> principilofa�lintmstonthodeb:evldenced6yrheNottardanyprepaymentandlstc�argesduoundertAeNa�o. 3�:=;-.
<br /> Y, fi��!lsPor�hxaarodlnwrance� Sub}ec�tonppIfcabtelawortoa�vd¢enwtiverbyE.ender,0ortowershallpayro ��;,r:;..
<br /> I.cndtr on the day nconably payrtser.ts aro duc undcr tho Nae,un�il thc Noro Is pald fn Cu1F,a sum("I'unds")for.(a)yeazly !�-•.--�
<br /> laxes and�ssessiprnts whlch nuy miain pdodty ovcr this Sccuflty 1ns�mment as a Iten on�a Pm�ny;@)ycady IeaseM� ��-'`'_"-��
<br /> p� mer.0 or und rcnts on tLe Pro n (f an (c)yeari hazud or n Irsuranee nmiums; (d) yead ttaad - !r���
<br /> insaram�e rcn�ms, if an : (e)ycad mon e o li�isurmce n.mtums, If a�d(p an sums a able b Bamrrer eo ��''j�--��� �
<br /> i� Y � 68 P ' Y Y FY Y ,�'�
<br />- l.ender,in accordanw wl�h tho provls ons oF paragraph 8,in�ieu of thopayment of morigage insuronce�mioms. 'ftxv: � _ _
<br />- items are called"Gscrow items." I.ender may.a�any Umq collect and hold I�nds in an annunt r.a ro excee�!the ncuimum �-,�%�;,_.
<br /> amoum a lender Por a tederaliy nlated mongage la�n may ruryirc Por RonowerY ucrow xcoun�ur.dzr che fe�4rn[6teat � ,
<br /> fisiate Sen�enxnt Procednrcs Act d t974 as amended from timo to flme,12 U.S.C.§2601 rr seq.("RESP.�'),unless arta�Y.r yl;�;; _-.
<br /> . law Re:n n,�yilies to tho Punds se�s a[esser amount. If so,Lerh:r�nay,al any time,collect and hold Wnds in an amoam not to ���.<.�
<br /> �==��:;.::..
<br /> � � Czc�c�f.ha Ieaser amouN. I.emtzr�a,ry esqne��-ihe a.^.�a�m a 1�nds due on �he basis of curtem data anJ roasonab@ , :.
<br /> estim9tis 4f expenRit:'res of fulute C•scmw Ir✓ns a o:hern�ise in ncwida.r.e v�iCa a;plicable law. f r-_? '_-
<br /> � 'Ihe i�ne4s s:�r.13 be held In ary instiuv.mi.�hase deposi�s nre insued bp a itderAf n;eMy, irsuur.r.rt:a:ity,tt tr.!�y -',".--.
<br /> (Includin¢I.ender,if L.neki 3s zsxk an insti�utionlor in n�y Tedeml}lome M1�ozn Ba�Y L.tnic�shall ap�iy Ctt Fum'!s r�Ta�•
<br /> �.;s`=
<br /> Ihe titerow I[emi, l.endar may ex chazge�Bonpwer for truldi�;end applying ibe Fsads,a��uxlly analyx(ng the esc:nx• `K����:--
<br /> euoum,or verifying the fiscron Re�rs, unless Lender p�ys Ib'artoutt in�etesl on ihe funds md applicable la�� germiu -;?,,;.;�;.--
<br /> l.ender eo make such e chus„c. tlowever,l.ender may rcqvi:e Bo:roxxr to,pay a oae-�ime chaige for.n indepenAer•. rzal E''"""""
<br /> estate taz reponing service used by Lender in conaecdon tivtth this Imn,rsrGss apylicaSle Inw provides o�hmvise. Un}rss�.� �.r�,`��'.
<br /> agrc,ement is reada or npplicab;e Inw reqyins irr,cresi to be pai9.Lend.r�lsnit mr,6a reqnired to pay Goaowcr any inta:est or �ry��;� :.'
<br /> exming�on the Punds. Rorro�vu nn:!Lendcr mTy�grceiv urici.^.g,hox�ever,�ha�intercat sM1,.n bo patd on ihe FLnds. �.ender �,��;��:-
<br /> shn1l giv..�o Bortower,wl�hout chx�,an annual nccouni^g of�h:Nnds,showing crcdits and deblts to Ihe I'unds nnd th= ?' ��';"':
<br /> purposc for whlch ench debit to�hc Tynds wes made. 'Ihc Ponds aro Ied ed as eddi�ional secum Por ell sums secured b �;�'�S"�'---
<br /> P S Y Y ...1:,;;-::-
<br />- this Securtty Inswment. .�-:'.::1:'
<br /> If�he ['unds 6cld by I.ender exceed�ho amounts pertnitted to be held by appllcnbie law, Lcnder shall nccount to >���t�°-:.'--
<br />� Rottower Por�he excess�unds in accord�tico with the n�quircmems of appilcabfe law. If�he amount of tiw Nnds held by � , --
<br /> Lcnder al eny�ime Is not sufficiem a pay tho Cscrow Items wLen due,Lender may m no�ify Qortowe�In wd�ing,and,In �- - '
<br />- such cam Dottower shall pay to I.cndet the nmount necessary to make up tho deficlency. Oorcower shall make ap �he �;r��--_:
<br />- deliclency In no moro than�weire monthiy payments,a�I.enderS sote discrctlon. 5:�;'x�;•. �
<br /> Upon payment In tu l l o f a l l sumi securc d by t h is Security(ns wmen t,L en der s ha l i pNmp tly rc Nn d t o U o rt o w�e r a n y p„f�,,_;;,.:
<br />' Ponds held by I.ender. If,under paragmph 21.Lcnder shall acqufrc or sell ihe Ropeny,Lcnder,pdor�u the acqulsidon or i?1e;:i�.
<br />, salo of�hc Mopcny,shall appiy any I'unds held by Lender a� the�Ime of ucquisiiion or u�e ns a credit�gains��he sums C{t:��;;�t�.;,;
<br /> securcdby�hisSecufl�yinsuumcnt. � �'� ''� �
<br />�: 3. Applicalbn ot P�ymenls. Unlezs applicable law provides oiherwise, all paymems received by Lender under t', �:':
<br /> paragrzphs I and 2 sholl Iw appticd:lirst,ro any�rcpayment charges due under the Nole;sccond,to amoums payabte under '�'�'f"-'--�
<br /> r,:i'.-:,...
<br />= pamgreph 2;�6lyd,to imercst due;founh,to princ pal duc;and 1u410 any lato charges due under the Nole. y,+,;����;_:�
<br />- 4. Charges; LICns. Dortonc�shall pay a!I Ipxa, azscssments,chnrges, Mcs nnd imposhtons attribWablc �o �hc �t '-•
<br />= Propcny whieh may attain priority over this Securiry Inswment,and Ieasehoid paymmts or ground rents,if nny. 6o`rower t"^- '-
<br /> shall pay thao obligetlons in�Ix manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not patd in dia�manner,Dortawer shall pay�hem an ��� Y��`�'
<br />= lime direcll ro ihe rson owed a mem. Oono���er shall rom tl fumish ro Lender all notices of amounis lo be ifd undtt �";="_.
<br /> Y P� F�) P N Y P• �'r4�.7,v,?:.
<br />- this paragraph. If Oortowar makes ihese paymems dinrtly,�orcower shall promp�iy fumish�o Lender receip�s evideneing a��,:�•_�
<br /> q�mr.n:;,,_-.
<br />" 1�10 PdYi11C11�5. s vA'�.:ie.i
<br /> Dotrower shatS ptompily dischuge any lien ahich has pdorily over ihis Seconly instrummt unitss Bortower.(a)agrees y��yi��:_.
<br />= In wdting lo the payment of�he obliga�ion secured by tlie lien in a manner acceptable m L.ender,(b)comes�s in good faiih fie � -;: -.
<br />._ Ilen by,or deknds against enforcemem of�he lien In,Iegal pmceedings w6fch in the Lender's opinlos opera�e�o prevem�Le pplx qr:-���
<br />° enforremem oi the lien;or(c)sewres from the holAer ot the licn en egrtemem saUefac�ory io Lender subordlnating�hc lien �rr�r -°
<br /> �o�his Saudty Instmmem. If Lender de�ertnines ihat any part of the Ropeny is subJect�o a lien which may a�tain priorNy �ii;�?�
<br />- ovcr�his Scturi�y Inst:umem.Lcnder mxy give Bortower a no�ice identifying�he lien. 6orrmver shalS satisfy�Ue lien or�akc N,,h -` '.
<br /> fi�';;;:-:
<br />- oneormorcoithcec�ionssetfonhalwvewiihinl0dayso(�hegivingofnotice. �yr - .
<br /> 5. ltarard or Properly Insumnce. Oortower shaii kcep ihe improvements no��e.iqing or IitrcaRer enti�ed on tLz ,���; .. -
<br /> Propehy insurcd agafnst loss by tire,huards included within�he�emi"extended coverage"and any o�her haznrds,including �y`l 7_ �
<br /> n�a:o�n�a��g, m���i���u Lender rcquircs insurancc. This insuranre shall be maimain.d in Ihc amounts and Por the � :;
<br /> �!#Y--'i��
<br /> Form JOSS 9190 I �tr:n b �....�:.:
<br /> /'o I NFnI `ii.e..ar,
<br /> 1.:
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<br /> i 5i.[l � t 1�S-r lra t - - �i� r-� •
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<br />