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201200550 <br /> 23. Reconveyance. Upon paynient of all sums secm�ed by this Secmity Instrunaent, Lender shall requcst <br /> 'Crustee fo recoavey the Propeety and sh�ll surxend�r Ehis Sccin�ity 1'nstrwnenY uid nll notes eviciencing debt <br /> seciucd Uy tl�is Seourity I'nst�wnent to Truatee. Trustee ahall reconvcy tha Propertiy without wnrranty to [he <br /> person or peraons legally entiticcl tu it. Such person or persans ehall pny a�iy recordation costs. Lender may <br /> chazga such persosl or persot�s n fee£or i�econveying H�e Property,but only if the fee is paid fo a tUird party <br /> (euch as t1Te TrusYee) For eervices reudered and the charging of the fec is permitteci under Applicabla Law. <br /> 24. Subsfitute Trustee. Landar, at its option, inay from Cimo to ti�ncremova Tiustee and nppoint a suocesaor <br /> trusteo to any 7'rustee appointed liereuuder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security <br /> Inslrun7ent ia recordcd. Without coitveya�ice of Cha Property, the successor h�usEee shall succeed to�a11 the <br /> title, power�nd duCies conferred upon'I'ruste�;herein aud by Appliceble La�!, <br /> 25. Request foY NoEiees. Borrower rec�uests that copiey of the notice of defaul[az1d sale Uc scnt to$orrower's <br /> addi•ess which is the Prope�•ty Address. <br /> `— 24000083 <br /> NE8F2ASKA-Single Famlly-fannle 1�1aelFretldle Mac 11NIFORA4 INSTRUh7ENl' Po�m 3020 1101 <br /> VM P� VM PB(NE)(71051 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnenclal3ervlces Page 15 of 77 <br />