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201200550 <br /> in�tie Pro�erty aud rights Liuder this Security Instrmnant; and(d) talces such action as Lendar may <br /> re�sonably requira lA�seure lliat Le��der's inCerest in the ProperCq and�ti�;htv under this Seourity Instrumcnt, <br /> zwd Borrower's obligaEion to pay the s'ums sccure$Uy tlus Security InacrLUnent, shall contiinua unchuiged. <br /> Lender n�ay rcG'uire tl�at Borrower pey euoh reinstatemcnt aums auci axpenaes iu one or more of the iollowing <br /> tortns, as aelected by Lender: (a) caelx; (b)inoneq order; (c) certified checic, bank check, treastu'cr's check or <br /> cashier's check, provideQ�ny such dicalc is drawn upon an ins6htfion whoso deposits are insured by a <br />, inetrumentelity or enlily; or(cl)Iileetronic Funcls Transfer. Upoii rci�istatemenC by Borrower, <br /> this Seourity h�sh�umenC and obligntions seoured hereby shall remaui fully eff�otive as if no acceleration had <br /> oceurred, Howcvcr, this right to reiastate shnll nof�pply in tl�e case oF aoaelerauon under Section 18, <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. TheNote or lpartial interest in the <br /> Note(together wiCh thie S<:ctiirity lnstrwnent)caal be sold one or inoro tiines�viflxout prior notiee to <br /> Rorrower. A sale might result in a cl�ango in the entity (known as the 'Zoan Sevvicer") that eolleots Pariodic <br /> Payments due nuder the Note nnd this Seciirilq In�tr�u�naut avd perfonns other mortgage]osu� �ervicing <br /> obligations tmder tl�e Note, fliis Sectuity Hxstrwnent, and A�F�licable Law. Therg alao might be one or morc <br /> ohanges of the Lot�n Servicer tmrclaYcci to a sale of the Note. If thera is a chango of the I oan Servicer, <br /> 13�n•ower wil]be given written notioe of�ha changc which will stata Uie nnme and address of tlle new Loan <br /> Serviccr, the address to which pa�yments should be n�ade and airy other infbrmaYion RBSPA rec�tires�n <br /> conneotion with a notice of transfar of servicing. If the Notc is so7d a�id thereatter fhe Loan is serviced l�y a <br /> Loan Servicer other than tho purchaser of the Note, the mortgage lortn scrvicing oUligations to Barrower will <br /> remain with the Lo2n Seivicer or Uc hansfetred to a suocessor Loan Servicer�nd are not Assumed by the <br /> Note pmohaser unless othexwise pinvided by the Note pmchaser. <br /> Neither Borirower nor Lender may coniincncc, joui, or be joined to any juclicial flckion(as eithee an <br /> indivtduallitigant or the inember nf t�clnss) fliat ariecs fi mn tlie other party'a actiona pureuenf to il�ia <br /> Se,cuvily Inatrument or tl�at alleges 11iat Uie other p�rty has breaclied any provision of, or any duty owed by <br /> reason of, this Security Instrument, until euch Borrower or Lender has notiffed tha othor patty(with suoh <br /> nofice giveis in compliance with the requiraments of Sectioa 15) of such alleged breach and 2ffordcd the <br /> oCher party hc�•eto a reasovzble period aftec the giving oPsuch noEice to take correetive eetion. If A�licable <br /> � Law provides a frme period which must elapse before certain acCion can bc Ya1cen, that time period will be <br /> deemed to be reasonaUlc fbr pur pnses of this paragrai>h. The notice oP ncceleraCion and opporhuiity to cure <br /> givon to T3orrower pursuant to Section 22 end the nofice oF accele��ltion given ta Borrowe�•pursuant [o <br /> Seceion 18 eUall be deemed to sakisfy the notice and opporhmity to take correckive actiou provisions of this <br /> Section 20. <br /> 27. Hazardous SubsYances. As useci in tl�is Section 21: (a) °Hazardous Sxefist¢nces" are those substvices <br /> detined as tuxic or hnaardous subsk�nces, pollutants, or wastes Uy�nviromnental Law snd the followitt� <br /> subskmocs: gasoline, kerosene, oYher fl�uunable ar tmcic pelroleum products, ioxic pesticidas nnd hexbicides, <br /> vol�tile solvents, n�at'crials cont�iunig�tebestos or formaldehyde, t�tid rnclioaclivo inateria1s; (b) <br /> "Environmental Law" mea�is federa7 laws and lawe of the ji�risdiction where the Propeity is lacated that <br /> relata to health, sefeYy or eeiviromnent�nl prokecCion; (c) "F.nvirronmental Cle�nerp�"inclndes any response <br /> acCiou, re�nedial action, or reniovEtl nction, as defined in�nvironmental Law; a�id(d) nn "Errolronmc�ztacl <br /> Cnnditton"me�ns tt conditiou that cau cause, contribute to, or otherwise higger an Enviromneutal Cleanup. <br /> Borrower shall noti cause or permit Uie pr�sence, use, ciispoeal, storage, or releasa of any Tiaz2rdous <br /> SnbsCancea, �r thrcaton to release any Haza��dous Substnnces, on or in the Property. 13orrower shnll not dq <br /> nor allow auyone else[o do, atiylliiiig affeating the Pi�opertiy(a) tlxak is in violntion oP any Environmental <br /> L�w, (U) whicl�creafes an Environmental Conciition, or (cJ�vl�ich, due T�o the presence, use; or release of a <br /> II2zerclous S'ul�efance, creaCes a condifion that adversely nffecfs the value of tho Yrol�erty, The preceding two <br /> 2A000083 <br /> NGORR51(A-SingleFomlly-FennleMaelFretldleMecUNIFORM MSTRUMENI' Form30201101 <br /> VMF(�7 VMP6(NE)(1106) <br /> Waltera I(luwer Flnanaial S�rvloes Page 13 of 1� <br />