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<br /> � ����5 C � � -r �
<br /> , �' � IN CONS TDE�tATION of th� payrnr�nt of the �ie1�t narned thcrein, �-
<br />• . �, tha unclersiqnad hereby rel�sac��am tb.R� Mortgaqee and Security Agrse-
<br /> ments, Modif iaatiox�s af Mori;g�qe�, P�aei9nmente of Nota and Collat- /p�e
<br /> er�l Documente, and Renawa�.� Extonrtaion. Amendment and Modifica- C
<br /> .�;..;•�.•;;� � tion of Mcr�gage made by T Fi E CAT'1'LF COMPANY, a Nek�raska \
<br /> corpo�xtion, on the fallowia►g dmsc�s:ibed property, to-wa.t: _
<br /> The East Half of the 5c,a.,tt�w�:��': Qua°t.•r (E�ssw�► of ��
<br />' '. ' � S�ct ion Thirteen (13) , "�^�crwr�sh,a.p Eleven {11) North,
<br />:.��,.� , ,.. � Range �en (10) Wes'� o� t1ac� fu't.h P.M., Ha11 Cc�un�y,
<br /> �-" :�� Nebrae3�aF �.
<br />. . _''4;.(c`•;r±�.{;:t�
<br /> ; The West �3a1f of the Sou�l;hcuc��� Quazter �W�SSW�t) o�
<br /> •:'V71:'+.'�' Seotion Thirtee� { 13) , Tt�rax►i�1��.p Eleven (11) Ne�rth,
<br /> �� Ranqe Ten (10) Wes� of tr�ca �th P.M., Pxcept tr�cte of
<br /> :: '. '��' land conveyed to tlie City o� Grand Ieland, by Deads
<br />_��`��:�:,}t}, , �QCnrded in Heah 112 a� PL�r�m+ 111 and D�>.ed r�cordesd in
<br /> �".'S'�"'�.,:''''... es 4 1�7 nARQ '�R� _
<br /> JY���i��� � ; ` v��,� .......� t...a� .
<br />`Y;.��;1�`.��'�,r, except that the fo�.lowing �ab,�17. be exaluded: ,
<br />�,�,��,�:`,s,�::y
<br /> =�y-�:v1�:�,�',�.; • of Section
<br /> ._-;�;;,: That part of the Se�u�hwest Quarter (SW�t�
<br /> -''���t":�" Thirteen (13) , Township E1or�en (11) North, Range Ten
<br /> --°=_��__= t 10 y W�et of th� 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Esland,
<br /> .,�.a��� Nebxas�ca, more partiaularly describsd ae:
<br /> _-=-�•��r�
<br /> =-=''=��� Beqinning at the junction of the Eestc right-of-way lins
<br />- --t�
<br /> _ of North Raad and i:ha North line ot the T�ehi gleven
<br /> Quaycter (SW�C) of Section z11Weg�eof�the�6th P.M.pthence
<br /> =_—_.-- (11) Narth, Range Ton (10)
<br /> -���� proc:eeding eaet�rly along the Nor�h line of ea►id
<br /> --_--------= Southweot Qttarter (SW�S) t� a point 200 feet Weat of the
<br /> -- - East L ine of eaid 3outhwest Quarter (SW�t); thence
<br /> ----;.,;� deflectinq ri�ght in a sou�therly direction 200 fe�t frc�m
<br /> --------��- and garallel to the East li�e of eaid Southwast Qua.rter
<br /> ----�� (SW�t) for a df�tance o� 60 feet; thenae de�lecting
<br /> ----� riglrt in a weaterly dire�t3on 66 f�set from and parallel
<br /> a,.�.'_.;�, -'- to th� Nnrth lf.ne of a3id Sau�hwest Quarter (SWk ) to
<br /> _____;;:;�• the Bast line of North R�ad; 'thenaa defYecting right in
<br /> _, _�� a nnrtherly dir�eation along the Sast line of North Raad
<br /> _-��=�:.y:�-_�s to th� point oE beg3.nning,
<br /> - - -,�,.,�
<br /> _�:�R��,.��
<br /> �`=.r'';`�_� . w�iich documenics are reaorded aa follc�ws:
<br /> =':;;:.�,ry�,tt�..��..
<br /> `"��=�':"'^"�'� � Mortgaqe and S�curity Agre�ement da�ed July 1J , 1980,
<br /> �����`."-�`� = and recorded Jul_y 28, 1980, in the Office of tha Hall
<br /> -_;:zv;�:.:.... :
<br /> - _ ; y:. ' Count�, Nebrae3ca Registor of Deodo as Aocument IJo. 80-
<br /> - .. 003 84:; �
<br /> .,`... ._
<br /> ' Assiq�ent of Lien datod November 1, 1485, and record�esl
<br /> `����. April 28, 1986 , in �ho Office of the Hall County, � _
<br /> �!'.-;•�•. "�-_ LInl�raclta no�,;star o� �eods as Uo�um���� No. 86-1(92060, -
<br /> ..� _�:..�;.°�.�, .._�_.._.� _.-�-- - _
<br /> � - ' Mortgaqe, aecu�city Agrnoa::�^.� and Financing Statement
<br /> � - 3ated Februcs�y 26, X486, A�rn+� �-eGa�rderl April '� , 1986, in
<br /> " � , tho Offiae �f th� ��1�. Cau�ty, Nebraska Register of --
<br /> ° � ��. Deedg aa Document l�a. 8f�-�1a1?07y _
<br /> � Renewal and Bxtension, Ames�slment and Modif ication o� __
<br /> Mortqagee dt�ted April 1, 1��0, and recordPd May 29, _
<br />