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<br /> 7. Prot�ctbn a�f L�ndRt'e 0�curity. II Barrow�r fdb to p�rlorm the cowmnt�snd apreement� conteinnd In thb Daed of Truot,nr II ���:
<br /> eny ection or proceadinp i�comm�nc6d�vhiCh m�t�risliy�tlact�Lentl�r'e interest In the Prop�rty,than Lender,nt I.onder'e optton,u{�n notico
<br /> to Borrowu,may mek�auah epp�u�nce�, dbbun�iuch eum�, Inctudiny renonabie attorneys' fae�, end teYa suoh ectlon se le neceeeery to ��_
<br /> � - �� � `�, prot�at Lander'�Int�n�t. If 4�ndu rrquk�d mart�p�Inwr�nc����corvJltion of m�klny tM lo�n�acurod by thle�eed of Truet,8orrowor�hell �:-
<br /> pey the premlums roqulrad to melnleln�uch In�urexe In elteCt untll euch time�s tfx�roqulroment lor ruch In�urence terminecee In ecr.ord�nc� � 1
<br /> with Borrowsr'��nd L�nd�r'�writun spr��mani or eppllcabla lav�.
<br /> •'i�� Anv u�'�ountt dlehur��ttf bY Und�r purtu�nt to thl� p�r�gr�ph 7. �iLhrlat�reysVtM^4 h±r�tcr'me Nj tn rment�nnh mm�nt�sh�ll h� ___
<br /> ' � indebt�dnees of Borrowar acur�d by ttU�P��u oi iruot. linles■ouu�wor���
<br /> peyabls upon notic�lram L�nder to Bar�ower requn�tinp payment ti»reof. Nothiny contelned in this pereprepb 7 ehefl roqulro Lender to Incur n
<br />"�. my expsnie or tske�ny sction henund�r. ' __
<br /> ' !,� g, ���p�orion, Lander msy meke or cnuse to qe m�do reaaonebte ontrie�upon end innpections of the Pronerty,provided thot Lender -
<br /> ehall Cive Borrorvsr notice prior to eny such In�pectlon�p�cifyinfl rea�on�bla caus4 tMretor ral�ted ta Londer'e intoront!n the Property.
<br /> � 9. Cond�mn�tion• The prac�eds of eny eward or clalm tor damade�,diroct or can:equsndsl,In conneotlon with eny condemnrtion or �
<br /> ,, to'thetterlma of anyPmortfle0e,daed ot tr wt orr ther eecuYiqr preeme t with o Ilin twhlchrhet�priority over thle Doed o!T�ust�L��er,eubject
<br /> `�' 10. Borrownr Hot RN��wd:ForD�Kane�BM��►d��Not�W�hn►. Extenaion of tM tim�tor psyment or modificetion of emortization
<br /> � � of the sums s�ciuod by thi� UeM of Truat peentnd by lender to any�uccee�ar In interest ot Borrowor shall not operute to releaae, in any
<br /> ��"�• "F". manner,th�Iiebiliry of the oripind Borrower snd Sorrower'o�uccsanoru In Inteee�t. Lsnder eh�ll not be requlred to commance proceedinp�
<br /> - .:'�'�-;'� egalnat such auccen:or ar retuse to extered time tor payment or otherwise modily�mordxstion o1 the eumw encured by t�is Deed ot Tru�t by
<br /> I' reason of any d�nmand mede by the oNylnai eo�rower and[iorrower'e successars In tntarcat. Any forbeerancse bY Lender in exarclsing any ripht
<br />'�:,_,���+�. �`� or romedy hereundar,or otherwiae affordsd by appiiceble law,shall not tse e wefver of or preckKle thn axercbe of any such right or romedy.
<br /> .,,:.-z>�e_.
<br /> � 11. Stac�:ostora and Aulpn�Boued; Jok►t�nd 6war�1 11�4iRty�Co�SipnK�. 7ho covenente and egruomente herefn conteirted shafl
<br />-�.�"""�°�'�� Wnd, and t1w riphts hereunder ehall inurs to, the rospective succesaore and ess►pns of Lender end Barrawnr, sutrject io the provisions of
<br /> parayraph 18 hereof. All covensnu end sgreements of Borrower�hnil be{oint a�d Revarel. Any Borrower who co•aipns thia Deed of Tnist, 6ut
<br />:-.:r;;._��. does noi m:�ecuto ths Note,(e)ia casipning this Deed of Truat only to 8rent end convey th�t Bortower's intereot In the�ropevty to Trusteu under
<br /> ��s-,�. - tt►e terme of tNs Qeed of Truat,Ib)ia not pereonelly Ilabie on the Note or under this Oeed of Trost,�nd la) egreee thet Lender and any other
<br /> ����� dorrow�r Mreunder may aflroe to extend, modltY�torhesr,or meke any other sccommodetbm with repe�d ta the terms ot thb Deed of Tmst or
<br /> :-M•?r. 1M Note,v�ithout that Borrower'e consent end wlthout rAbsafng that t�orrower or mudifyiny this Deed of Truot es to that Borrower's Intere�t In
<br /> _� tho Property.
<br /> �:_•.�,� 12. Notic�. Except tor any notice raquirnd uMe►applfoebN I�w to be piwn in enother manner, (a1 any notice to Bonow�r providad(a
<br /> ' t_,,���,�� in th{s Deed of Tr:a��ael�be flwe�mav deiak ete hY notice tlo�Lgendar es providbd heretln and(b)eny notice t rlander�ahell be p en YaceK tied
<br /> -°�_ ° at owh o24�-�t�t-------.
<br /> "s'„�`�.� me0 to Lender'a addrose statsd herein or to iuch other addross a�LeMer may aetipnsm oy ouiico i��.zu�as aa�:a=:de'!t•'twin. Any noUce
<br /> ___��� providad tor in tt►is D�ed of Trust shall be deemed to have been glven to Borrower or l.ender when piven Io the menner deeipneted hsrein.
<br /> � 13. Qowrni�►p l.�w; Sw��+bNitlr• The state end Ic►cal lawa applicabte to thi�Daed of Truat shall be the tawe of the jurisdtct?�n in
<br /> ��' which the properry(a located. The torepolrp sentence shell not Ilmit the eppiicabflity of tederel lew ta this Deed of Trust. In the event thAt any . _ _
<br /> n� T untaor the NoU which cen�be qivan effeot witFwut the sioniliatinfl pro�viaton,�end t�thia e�nd thohprov sidns of thtseDeed o4lTru tf and ths Note
<br /> —� ere deeiered to be severoWe. A�uaad heroin, 'costs," 'expenae�" artd 'ettorneys' teee' include ell auma tp die extent not prahibited by
<br /> applfceDl�law or IimiUd heroin.
<br /> -- — 14. Borrow�r's CopY. Borrowar shall bo furnished a canformed copy of tM Nate end thia Deod of T�uet nt the ttme of gxecution os
<br /> --- eft�r ncordaUon heroof.
<br /> 'r�
<br /> " �E. R�yp��flao pprwm�nt. Borrotiver ahall fultill ell of 8orrower's obliyatione under any homA rehabilitetlon, Improvement,
<br /> repair, or other ben ayreemant whfch Eorrow�r enterr(nto with LerWer. Lendar, et Lender'a option, mey roquire Borrower to exircuts md
<br /> � dqlitier to l.ender,in e torm accept�ble to lender,es aasignm�nt of any riyht�,cfakn�ot defensas which Borrowar mey heve epaiost psrtas who �
<br /> eupply labor,meteriale or sorvicee tn connectfo�wkh improvement�made to the property.
<br /> 18. T�111YfH 0}tlN Pf0FN1tY OJ�BNN�ICLI itltNltt hl�OrtOWH. If au or any pert of the Property or eny Interest in k fe wW or
<br /> - transferrod(ar tt e benefialal intereet in Rorrowsr is eold or traestoTred and Borrower te not a ntituml personl wlthout Lender's prbr written
<br /> - cona�nt,Londer may,et IU optian, nqutre Immediste qayment in 1u1!oT elt euma eecured by thls�u�cl nf Truat. However,th(a q,�tlon sheii not
<br /> bo axerclsad by Laixler if exercise la prohibited by tedotei law ea ot ttie dete of thfe[)eed of 7ruai.
<br /> � If Lender exerclaea thie option,Lendar eheli pive Borrowar notice of acco:erallon. Ths notice�hall provide a period of not lesa than 30
<br /> - pay tt►eso aurna�prlor to tho sxptr�tionrof thi mpelriod,tertderhm yBnvokee ny rorr edieeipermittad by tfbs Daed of T uat wfihout gurther�notica or
<br /> - demend on Borrower.
<br /> - -=�i
<br /> ----- .
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<br /> -=_--�i Mena pement Syetema Deveiopmant,lnc.1800)9B46�60 Title�One Ener�p/zerl�+� NNE_aEED Copyripht(cl 1994
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