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'.�� a_rv Y_5 i'ic � � FSf y ��^�� .h %1,:_ <br /> f `( t i ( _.r °4`�f3 �� Ifri�`tS�Rl�i�K t� � ` � -. <br /> . . L r�-. : _ _ �i.. � , 1�t t . <br /> '�'-�..aL . • r - s i- : - ��u1 .d:sa ' f i..- .._ <br /> _ ____ �t-.4=,i�i'.{{ra.....c..:.nS�..nk�..fwu?a_�.�xxuraax.wrcwwu�ar..uW,v_ . ____._ _ .. . .'�'t-��.i..,.� <br /> , - 92� � �t,o�'7�� <br /> � <br /> ' kY.h},d�mvR ooWd mWt N tarieltaro d Ih�Monxry a wh�M�mNeM1�!YrWP tLn Gan«w�ad Iy tMt BwxRy MNvnwnt«WMMa ------_�°—--... <br /> 1W�dly NfNMt BprowN rMy qi:i Wdl�dN�uN�nd�dt[i�10.�T pOMdW N I�D»ph 1B,by aushD fh��qbn d ptOqtt{q ip iN - <br /> dwrdtxd wRh a nMp lhtt,l�lendr'i Qaod IeNh dUemY��Ua�,pracl�dts taldture of the Owrower'e Ntxeil N the ProJ�ty ar ofhx rnMMW �y,, <br /> WpYmIM d lh�fen wNW by ihk 8wwMY IntWtn�nl a Lmdx'a se�dry hUraq. 6oircnvw stul tlto b�N dN�ut Y Dottowp,duMp IM �i:;.:,_ <br />'. Aw��PD�M(K��.9�w mHMN/td�e a N�ocwH�Nf�rrmtbn m il�twmnl�to I.ender(a kiW lo pwAd�Lm�r whh�ny rnNwW �.��,�;;A�::-__.-. <br /> IntonnWa�)M canmdion vt�h tL�ban wk1�oW by tlw F7ota.hWd-�7,but not G,.ICd to,ryxaccikCaz:ta�',M 4�p Baraxa's cxupfnry o7 ---- :�- �� <br /> the iYOputy at�p+Nc�pY raidanor. 11 lM�6eourMy hWUiwiN k oe a Ir�Mwkl,Batoww iMl oortpy wai d lh�paAtbnt d th�1w�. ` '.,�y -.. <br /> H BmawK ao�uYa�te�UN to the R p�untn�Lmdx�pren fo iM �"";���:':%`". <br /> oprtY�the le��Nwid rW the 1»tlN�M!not mv m�rW+h NsMMA ..'F,:��t,,;,.C..:.l+';:- <br /> 7. Prol�cilon o(twnd�r's tilyhN in!M Prop�Ay. n emnuw AM to prtwm tho covrrnu�nd�prwnenu oonuF�ad f,- �rY�1�rz"�,, - <br /> h IhM Sew�NN M�WmnL ot then R a b6�P+o��➢���Y s17�Yw�b1�}f�ct L�ntlr's t{yhle Sn ih�Poopry(wch n a p 'A�3 r�;v�;a�5'N9r < --- <br /> A brA�vNC.M�+t�,!a conderm�Eai oT faleMure a lo miorca dws or Wm,then Lender rru do md fa wh�ixr Ss rtr�nxvr �-,^�t,,:,,`�nvrv;:-,: <br /> � 1 roP� 1 Y WY E ..r y;.ttilt:+:�,- - <br />- to proleW i1i�vW�oi th�('ropmty��d Lendc+'s r1yMs N Iho i4q'ittty. lcnda'c aWa�c mr�LicWdo ryayi�p cq sum�soautd Eg 2 IYas r�is ''=:-�,-iv'r'-5�':�". <br /> 1M{ W!t U11f �fqWlN�f�iPDtUNp MI COU:l�UP�4'10 fO�tM►bk iIlDt�l 6'1005 011d MIIOtYI 0(1 ih!T! t0 t1W2�$9}3. ��:•-=•;l:,•ri,,._-.. <br /> (l{D� �dlfMy M/ 9 �H -4 r��brft}' � <br /> AAriw�h lmder mry uks aWa�wder tnis pdryrph 7�LOM{If dDD3 II01 IL�YD�0 d0 f0. �i,� �r�� � . <br />� My viwunts diqrttW M'LaftMr undor 1Hs pnp�h 7�hM toeomo eddUa�tl Jebl M Oorruwcr eenxed by thN 6�wrNy Amt�sr�aNi. a r.-'� ``�.r <br />- �'IM{{�OffqVPl�IX��M(�6t�QtN�0 O�hY lK�lli O�QyfMf11,tt�Mrounle sML beu hldMt hom Ihn dHe of dWwivnenl at 9✓a �Y i ��f�'�s�y���� <br /> NoM rM�ind MW W peyabN�wkh YAarnt.uPon notla Yan L�ndM b Bortow�r ta{ueaWB WY^nnL L -th#t�C ef :�: <br /> !. l�Iqly�IlfWfan01. N lend�r nquFW manp�p�hsutnta as a CotH➢11on oi mnldng the lon aewrxl by Nie Guix3y Nthuiwnt. E;?„i,_��y��;u',':�-�, <br /> &ttpwr ftyi py UN prfmiumt tpuYOd to mW Wn ti»twrtg�pe hHNNCS N MNCI M,la sny reeeon,lh�mqiq�y�NwfY�:�0.wMy� F,i-7(St�.�1xa --' <br /> nq�ttd by tendw NpK a ee��es l0 6a fn�lFut,8ortoxw shM p�y the prembms nquFed to obtetn ear�np�wb�W�Wj oct.tenwr�t a tM �` ' �t�� � �r -< <br /> y5� }:.;4:n r?_:;;-: <br /> rm+tppe Nwnncs pwlaiey N eMc1,�i a aet wb�lenlWy eq+k�ienl lo the co�l to Banowa ol�he mMqp�haumce Krnkv�N MNc7. ��,r��,�,h�,� +� <br /> r}r.'=-: <br /> kan M YUtnN�mal�pe Ineurer WPrw�d b/UntW. N wbsWlN?/eWHWnI mort9age hswwita eor�4 nei a+�l•7�,Boirowt�r tMl �; �i, �.�'��:.,...:=..- <br /> WY .. Flc{r�r;r�=_::..:,.. <br /> lo L�ndx Mch month n�um ecXW lo onrMrMh d Ihe yeuy malp�ye Nwmu prarJUm 1wNp pYd by Barranx vh,n�.»iw�mu cawp� q'��?r,.i�,�!Y�.::t�z-� <br /> ud or oeesed to be H eNed. l�ndu wi acc�pl,uie�nd re4N Ihe�e n f�a�a bss reaave In iw of mor� r`�"�`� �"�� ���- <br /> Mp P Y�^ floSadnsunrce. iourw«w yi\.`•'}���/wi�::-,=� <br /> qyrn�nl�ma/no lonpn 6a rKpY�d,at th�aption of L�nder,N mOrlplp0 L�aurY�cO coVenp�(h IhE 4mounl and kf IM p611rB 3aat lp�dlt E _� + r/ '-- <br /> r�H+)ProvlAed by an heww ppraad DY L�ndr�yWi beeorcss nWDlt�nd Is obuNed. 9ortavc��hY pY Ih�Kwhunu reGUS�M to !j-_ "�h'i t��` .. <br /> mW Wn mqtqqe N Wrenco In NNCI,ot lo pmidr a bic nNtvR u�d U�requtMnml fo:matp�qe hwyna anc:a In ucordm�wYh�ny S,!r�F`��;�1 o-'i `x. <br /> xtitl�n y�nwnt b�MVt�Omaww nd Undar at M�P�I�w. '='�'�'�;'��;�i,J p,.• <br /> 8� �fl{ENCIrOtI. LMd1!Ot Rf�pent m1y m�k!�MaMi�6q enWn upOn Yfd NspecUCns o1 iho PttpMty. IRn:W ehY qk�BOrtowK ;''::,�P��,t.,;:=:.: <br /> ,+G�r an a.� - <br /> 110YC�tl Ih�tlMS d tt ptl0!lo an Ylcpec�lan 6pKliyNp rMfDfM6M uV��tor 1h�il�poCilCn. _i i �'xu t=. <br /> �ii�y i �,SSr <br /> 10. COI1d�en�+tian. 7!N proceorte M any awwd or d�M 1«drn�prs,drec�a emsequen�41�N canecllrn wiih�ny ercaenvutlon ��F�,$�t i4y _. <br /> «anx waw a+mi sw+a me rroa«iv�a for oonvv/uiu In feu d firaby�s51yn W and 0.��7 ke tekl to Lsndef. , t f�116,•s.�}>,('�y.=!:: <br /> M lM wvnl ol a IoW tYf'�9 0l the Propay,the poeeads sMf be+ppied to�to aenu seared by fhts Secu�rg�a7:�m�n4 whN)Mr a not �?��;.��.#:�l{is;�.,='::. <br /> t i�. _�..,.. <br />. Ihen b�e.whh e�ry extMa�nkl lo Oonowlr. In�he eveni ol s pufial I�IMg ol lhe Aopxrry h whkh th�hir m�rket vdax o7 YAe l9�Faiy ��v;v;'J,:�n,�;i:, .. <br /> kl(�! Golas Ne IYAi b d l0 G( ata Ih�n lhe unani ol the sums sxa�ed �h15 IIIlWfldlll NYMdM1d bOlCtd lY WM , ��`'!�n`�"'-'`-_ <br /> eN a «W v bi sacuncY Y C ��;,��:',�h�p�-;�,�;!::,_: <br /> uni/s�Oarowa 1nd LandOr othxWise�qree N xrY.hp,lho aum�aacured by 1hU Sewr,ty InsWment ehal bs teduud by the amounl 07 Lhe • �% ���- i.�;Y_. .���- <br />- {xuaade�by tha PoNCxM k�dbn:(�)Ihe IoW unounl oi aums seaxed Nemedat betore Ihe Wdi MkAd <i:,;r,;�r:z1,r i.;....�. <br /> 9 �N 9, h'N)tM hir mrket - x.,,:r;... <br />- vYw ol th� kmnCuYC: bobre Ihe ukY� . M W�nu ehaA be qW to F7ac.zr�n. In Ih�wmt ol a ol tM Pr h ��:;-%{;aC�:;��'•�'.`--�. <br /> fh�Y 'Tl 9 Y PYIW IYYiG q�ttY : ' . -. .. .+�..=:_.: <br /> whkh Ih�I�Y mukN vWa of tho PYOperry YmxdiNey be(ae the I�kNy Is Mst Ihue 1�c a.+rwm of lhe aum�a�ared Ynn�t�lj Wlat tM '"'�;t ,'� � . <br /> tY3�p,uNns 9aravn and lr.c4r Uhrrrtsa�yrce N wriln9 a unbss�ppiabM M�r c�hervASe povSr,ns,the proaeetlt iM!W�p�1ed ]���I{;�t�` �s}� _ <br /> to Iht ewns axwed DTL��irsuRf C�aL�n/n1 whelha a not tha sums�ro then c'ue. Y!��•:�i 1' > >- <br /> 6y '19�(i�7 r ,���,-+�r�;.' <br /> H N�Ptcqxty Is s:ac�'a.�r+n1 C��5vrow�r,or H,�tla no'JCe 6y Lenda to 8mr:+ntr�tul lhe tondmna to m�k��n wnd a eMN r( y - <br />� NtYYn brthde»� Um'�ail`h�o rcsI ibn ail f{n 90 G the Pi;i�' weto the sumsssecured`b ah,s^aa-.��i�MW�obcl l�'��t�t'*°�s•kj`�U _. <br /> whNh�no��tndua oP p� b Y �Y '��4!`;'tt ��,>cti .� <br /> Un{ns Lander and Barowa olherM:e ayee N wMNg.�ny�ppYa�kn cl proceeds lo pMGp�l e1w1 nol Wmd a postpone t"a chro �ri i' �k+�s <br /> P <br /> dile ol lhe monlhy pymenls rNerted to N pvaynphs t�nd 2 a dunpa Ihe emp;m d suU�pcymer�ts. ' � � ' <br /> d�ti �(„is`{I` ` . <br /> 11. 8orrow�r Not AN��wd; FonMmnc�By l�nd�t Not a 1'7nN�r. Enensbn ol the trne ta prym�nt or mod�utbn � `�r1,, ?' . <br />- ot unorliulbn ot tha sums socwed by this SecurXy InsWrnenl pruitHl by Lender to any successor N htKest ol UorrowK ahN nol �- < <i i <br /> � <br /> openle lo rdwaa the i�t�i'vi y M Ihe ori5iial Barowd a 13arowa'e suaesswa N Nteres6 Lmde`sh�Y nol be requYed lo ecrcrc�enes +t_-t:' ; <br />. prouedl�qa aphsl�ny succesaa h h�erosl a rNuse to extend t4no la p�ymonl a olhm.ise motlly amaUatlon o�lhe sums s�curW - ^'� �%�:+..� �� <br />. Iry IF::Sw.y ho�vm.„t MJ ra:Fi of:.�y E..-r.:nd rafa by ihe orl�.tl Oortvxet u Oa�exa's :uceesser,B hlaa:t My fe,�E:,s:na i::�- � .;s•-".- <br /> [y Lencla M�adsing ar.y�yht a rmxrly stwl nol be a welver ol or predudz the oxxUSe ol eny r(9ht or remedj. . ' - <br /> 12. Sucauon and Asaipns 8ound; Jolnt�nd Sawrai Wb11H�; Ctrtlg�Yp. Tha a+ma:a�nd�qeements N <br /> ths Seu;.3^�!r,e;nxncnt ahat bNd�nd bmofil U�o suacssus ond asslg�s of Lmtftt nnJ[larowa,scbk:tl lo t�c pra�eJms ol yamSraDh �. - <br /> 17. &�rntr'a taveMnls�nd e�ttmenls ah�Y bo�otit s�d srrerel. My�ortaxtt wlro to-s�gns flis Secu�iry InSVUment Iwl ticrs n�l �i� � <br /> peMe Lho NcSa(p Is cos�gnhg ihh Securiry IneWment ony b rncn�gr.(jant ar.d umty thet Eionowers httvest h lhu Property - <br />- cndx L.e torms ol Nb Sen:t��nswmmt: @)Is no�t<*sr�a0y oC7ga�ed�o pay t-c s:..-s eca:red by�his 6curir� ins'+umenC�nd (c) � <br /> 3�Ces IMf lmdcr vc any--Iher[iarowtt mny agree Ic eSmd.���.LWteEr rr ra.��.ty e�tqns w^h �qad to Ihe Imns of <br /> Ih1s Sew�:^./InsVUmm�cr Ine No:e without f:at 8artavtts wnsm�- � <br /> 13. L0�0 Ch7�gbE. 11 Ihe Ican sr_urtd by Ihis Seeuriy Ins:r.mcnt is suDjea io a hw se�s mv&rv�m Ian ehuges,nnd <br /> Uul 4w is fnvy i�lerprNad so ihel Ihe n:oresl w othtt bu� charges coAtcted a to Ce cKecletl h wmecllon with lhe loan aceed <br /> Ihe pxrcJlted tnYls,thm:(�)eny auch ben charge¢hat be reduad by Ihe emour.f neceasary lo rcduw tha chergo to the pertnillad <br /> iriti wd(o)a�ry amns a:rwdy vmdad"vom oa�wa vmicn escecdcd P�`ned ia.�i: ..'a w rei�ndao io oo�mrca. imder mry enoose <br /> b rtuke Uds teF�nd by redicNQ lho prhdpel owed unda lho Note w by vaking a Cued Faymmt to Dorrtrxv. II n relvntl reduus pM• <br /> dpal.the�.�^wdbn xi be 4aletl�s a puUU Prcp�ymmt wdhoN anY pe{�ayinenl cnarqe undtt the Notc. <br /> tA. NCHC�i. My noUCe fo Oorrowr provided:a h Ihis Sew::•y hswmc�t sha9 be gken by dMvttNg X or by meiV'ny X by fSrsl <br /> d�es ma1�nlese aDD�e bw requtes�so oi anolha mr.hod. The rroGc¢sha5 be ckcaed fo the Propary Addcoss a eny othtt address <br /> »tel.�m(]Bry ra,�c�s Fortn 3028 8,'PO <br /> � <br />