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•_ia.a`i1.:SiL:�F:Lm7.S�J�.1yAYka3.7;::sd:SLxT:ai:G.a:s.Y�IwwN�'i+.ww+..^...^�.�.,.�.-^���_._. _ <br /> :_.__ . �2... . ' . _ <br /> �i}�"7�� <br /> T'p68'fiiRR WITJi dl tla i�»provomoms now on c�rc+Iler cra�W an iho propeny�and�II rassmcots,sppuncnenccs,and <br /> flttutet �pw ar h�r�Ror a p�R of tho proluny. Ali rcpt�cwncm� nnA oddi�Ions xhall also Bo coverod by tLla Socurity <br /> Iir.ttumnM.A11 of tlro forcgoln�is rcfcrml to In�hie Scendcy Insuunrnt as U�o•Ampeny.' ,________,,__,__ <br />� 80RROWRR COVENANTS that IIorroncr is l�wtully seisod of tha esmlo hcrcby convcycd and hu�ho right a grant and - -- <br /> convey Urc Prqpeny and Au�iho Pro�ny Is unencumbere�.cxttpt Por cncumUrances of rxord. I3orrowcr wanants and will <br /> def:nd�rnerilly tho tftic�o thc Property nEainv all diinu and dunuds,su6jai�o any ena�mbr�nas of rccord. _ <br /> TNIS SL'CURITY 1NSTRUM4N7 rnmbinu uniform�rovenants(or naqonol uso and non•unifomi covcnams with Iimilcd — <br /> v�dNions by]udsdlction ta constt�ute a uniPorm s�curi�y inst�unxnt avcring ra�1 property. _ _ <br />� UNIFORht COVf3NAN75. 7iortoucr and I.tndcr mvenent nnd ngrue es follmvs: ___-__—. . .._. ,..- <br /> t. Psq'ment ot Prin[i�l pnd inlertstt �M7�t and I.nte Chprgcs, lUnowcr shall prompilY gaY when duo tho �=-' ��� -..... . . <br /> pflnct�l of and In;erxs[on the debi evidencat by t!w Ndo nnd any prepayment aoA tate clai�es dao undcr ttn Ncco. �-'..�__ <br /> 2. SUnds tor T�xes�nd tnsurancc. SubJon to applla�bio Inw or to a witttec vrairer�y FTm�dcr,Bouoxcr st'ati Qay w }�_— <br /> I.cnAor on U�o dey monthly payments arc duc under tho Noto,until thc Ncte is Q.vd ia EiU,a sum('Punds')for.(a)yeaBy taxet {-�.=—__,__ <br /> nnd asscssmcros whicl�nuy uwtn priority ovcr this Sccurity Insirumcrt as a ttca on t"✓:Propchy:(b))�rady IeasePAtC Qzyrr�ns {.�'.f'�'�_- <br />- aa ground re.s en tM:Ncc�xny.if any;(c)ywrly 6:v�rd or propeny iasur.xaR.pee�°nivrns;(d)Ycady flood insurr.e�+e premtums. ,��,�?=,�y�__�c-:_. <br /> tf any:(el Y�Y u'bneag�iw�r.�m Prcmiums,it any:and(0 aay sur.s wyilSL:by 7bttower ro l.ender. lo u.00rdaaoc wit! °"'�;;::- <br /> ttx provis[oas af Q.uagrs�h 8,in[?�v of Nz paynxnt of monga�e ittv�ras�ce p:Zmiarzu.l'hese i�ems arc caticd'Gscrow ieems.° --�— ' <br /> irtrA:r m� axy tips.:,mttec¢ and tatd FLrds In an aor�oant[ra rn exccal th:maximum ameunt a tcnd.r tor a ft�lr.,tlp ��?�F_:-:� <br /> r�latM«angrgc laan tmxy n��iro for ISOrrowcr s zscmw..xoant amicr thc fcii_m1 RwI Cs�atc S�Y�lentrnt Procedurts Act of if;�r:>;�_J�. <br /> 1974 as anxalat from limc.12 U.S.C.Sttaion 2E�1 tt saq.('RC•SP�I'2.anlatt anMher law that appli;s to tho Punds ��'�y_:--.-. - <br /> sets a Irsuz amoum.If so,l.cMicr ma , at an timti,co'.Iect and hold Fmids i5 an xnount not to exaai the lesser enwun�. �`'��_��- <br /> Lender msy ewra��a tho a:nount of funds due on the basis of currect Ga:a�n<i-rrna>nable estimates of ex�ndiiurcs of fute:: ��;`�-'� <br /> �vf�r' <br /> Escrow Iicros or abenvisc fn xcordma:with applicablc Iaw. �ts�(�fi�N <br /> The Punds shatl lx held In an instimtfo� �drose dcposits are insurcd by a £edarai agency, inslrument�liry. or ootity � T �;J � <br /> (Iceludfng I.ender,iF Lender Is such an ins[itution)or in a�y�ederai liome Loan 4sa-de.I.ender shall apply ihe Funds m pay the �-�:�y.� <br /> L'scrow i�enu.4cndcr mry na ehargc Borrou•cr for hotding and appiying thc�unds,annually anaiyzing�ho cscrow account,or ���_"':a;._— <br /> vetifying i!k L•srrow IIems,unicss Lcndcr pxys Oorrowcr intcrcst on�he Punds and applicablc law permi�s Lcnder ro nuke such ��r�ry+i�`£- y�r�:,:- <br />�- a charge.I4o�re�•er.Leider nuy requirc Ilorcoxxr to pay a one•tinx charge Por an independent rerd ata�e tax rc nin urvice ��^"- `"" "--'� <br /> P� 8 i�:e':3'S��`."d-:t: <br /> uud by I.cnder In wnnarion with this loan, unicss epplicabie law provides o�h:viu. Unicss an agrcement is made or 4.�:�'.��';��°"`- <br /> applEcabie law raZulrcs Intcrcst to h pald,l.ender shall nat be rtquircd to pay It��ta.v:any intcrcs�or wrnings on the Punds. �r ( - <br /> .,'�.�.3>�:��- <br /> &orcowr;anA[.endcr m�y agnti: in wri�ing,howcver,��:�intuest sA�li be pai8 on.Ur.Nnds.Lendcr shatl giva to qortower, Yj¢��;n�.:::+�� -- <br />� wittwut d�ar�v;, �n annuil xmunting of the funds, shooing rnrlits»nS dtbiu ta the Runds ud �hc purpose Por whicL endF x�'t t <br />- deoi�ro ihc ivn3s was m�dc.Tnc Funds wc plalg�.7 u.�iJ��Wr�i�•-•;::i fc;aIl;an:s°.»urd E;thts��rii;ln��•s��+.. !--`� ._.----.--.. <br />� if�he FunAs ixld by I.endce e�cad the anaunts pefmit�cd�o be Mld by appllcabie law,Lender shali acmunt to Dorro�yu �t�'tx�, <br /> Por the exeess Funds in:mrord�nee wi�h the uircmes[s of a Ilcabie law.If the nmount of the Funds held by Lcoder at any 'Fx�1�0�,'�a, <br /> �I PP �Si-',.,.s>..,.,sz-_�` <br /> Ume is r.ot su(ticiem�o pa���,e L�scrow Items wlKn dar,[<nder may so notify liorrouer in wming,a�d,in such case Ibrrou�r [y'� '3:;•F6.•_'-_-— <br /> sM1oll pxy to Lendtr�hu amount nmssary to make up�he deficiency.[torrower shall make up ihe de0cfency In no nwre tAsh j�i:rf�°`�?`�fi"�_: <br /> 4ti�'Ll:l�_:4n"�__ <br /> twclve monthly payments,at Lender's w1e diurction. � � ���' ''—•-_ <br /> :R'.s.;a>�.,�, .i__i:_: <br />� Upon paynxnt in full ot all wms secured by this Security instmnxnt, Lender shall promp�ly rcPond to f3orcawer any ,,�y�:;,,^��,�.�„—.,_ <br />- runds helo by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire ar sell the Propeny,t.ender,prior lo the acqulsition or salo ,+;.:�-� ��)_+,h�=�,_,, <br /> �� ,..Pw.�. <br /> ti4'�:stg4!_,ra—: <br /> of the Property,shxll apply any Punds heid by Lender a:tl�e Iinw of acquisiUon or sale as a credit against the sums secured by ,r,,( ;s„�„kF._3=-: <br /> this Sccurity(nst�unxnt. =ii��{":�����'%c <br /> f., -z': <br /> 3.AppiS.a�bn of Pa)�ments.Unlcxc a,pliu6le law provides uitx.-ra+ise,al�paymrnts rcceivcd by Lender undcr p�regraphs '�'°;;.��;:, S-:�:- <br /> 1 and 2 shall-6e n ifed;�fi:.c.,ro an r� a�mem char a duc unda ctic Notr,sttnnd,to anwunts payabie undcr pangraph 2: '::'^r:�"'�ZTi}:%- <br /> PV Y P 'P Y 8 ��7:"�!`f=:%=.-�. <br /> ihird,to luteresi dv.;foueh.�o rricetpal due;�nd lau.hi any la�e cAarga duc uo:3�c qx No�s. `�Y.^'r���;,.;:•�;:; _ <br /> 3.CbaTges;Liens.Bxra��vr d�all Fvy all iaxec.:�vxsments,c6arga, fe:a:7..�ac 3mposi�ions zttdbutoblc ro�he Propeny �,r!��5;;<<,a,��;:=,v_u <br /> v <br /> uAictt rrcry�'xnin pdority orer tlils Seearity IeaseholA paynunu oc feeund rcms, if any. Dorzower shnll pay ���y�F� t{r �t.:_ <br /> �Ticu o4)i .v.'raa,in thc nvancr rovidcd iu n ra h 2,or If not aiA in ihet manncr,6orrox•cr shali pay�hem on tinx dirwtly '�'�-�{,,,,� .x,:�-�. <br /> to Iho person owcd payntcnt.Dorrou•cr shall p mptly Pomish m Ladtr all notices of anwums w 5e pald un3et this paragra�S. �'+'�;{er�` n�k�,.+.�i _ <br /> A€Dottower makes these paynxnts directly,Oorto�xer s'�c�11 promptly fumish to Lender rceeip�s evidencing�fre pr.y¢ents. 5 '°���'� =��- <br />� Qonower shall promp�Iy diuharge any Iien wUir�4r�pdority over this Securi�y Instmment unlas Qortauerc(a)agrxs in �(��� �,.t',��'���4.. <br /> writing to the paymem of�he obligation seeurcd by�he lien in a manner ac+ecptable�o Lender;@)mntes�s in good fafih the lien fFb=;r{�i�'�.?�';.•'�;=�; <br /> 1 �:4.;x <br />-= b , or delends � ainst en!oreemer.� o(�he lien in, Ie al rocecdin s which in �he Lender's o inion o fa.e ro rcver.t iErs '9;�;'v,�L-��;�-^-.'�>•4=° <br /> caCorccmcrr of thc Ilcn;or(c)sceums kcm thc holdcr ot�Ic licn an a rccment sa�isfano to Lcndtt su6ordina�in Pthc lin�a� ��"�7�`�Ll»`+:«:'•=;- <br />._ 8 7 8 }�- _< i r :,_.. <br />-- etees Secueity insuument.If(.enc?ca dntrmir.�s Ihal any part oI th.Propeny is sub��rt�o a lien which may avain priority o��er 5� �,t; ` •�-'.: � <br />-= [b.;s Sen:tity InslNmcnt,IwoSer may givc 6orroucr a nolitc idCnlifying Ihc hcrt. flortowcr shall salisfy Ihe litn or take on:oI ( ��� - ' r?�� <br />- n>.re c:e:,t�r:�inns scl fonh abovc wilhin 10 days of the giving o(�a�ice. sti�-�?�'''�'°,i°y`�q:t: <br /> �ty��;`;�3x�;r4.;: <br />. Fam3028 536 :i;.t - � - <br />-_ 7.Rl�'3�19�NF./2 °Yw>.�r `,�_�'� _ -� _ <br /> ' if .. <br /> f�°,�� <br /> _ . �. ' :. .y.p�rv�:Y�Vrv����.�.� . . _ . . . ..— . _ �.. � � .. .� .. �.� <br /> _ {,4 __ __ _ _ -� ^ f^f� - <br /> 1. . <br /> � !,-. ' . . . . r `!�•. . <br /> - - . _ •e - '. .. . ' <br />`.. .:r.-){'_'_ ___. �• _ <br />._ _ _. . _ _ .. . . . _ � . . . _I � <br /> - .� - � . _ . .� . . ._ . _ _ _ <br /> � ' — �' ' ' ' . . <br /> ' 1 : � � <br /> .. � '� . f. - . . � . . . <br /> 7'• <br /> - �. (�lJ� � . . .. ' .. _ _ . <br /> _F�S_ . ` . . � . - <br /> 51 . � . . . • ' . . . <br /> . L?t��.) � . ,_ . - <br /> .i . <br /> - . -.i. . . , . . <br />. ';. - . -- ' _ . ' � � � ' . . , <br /> .n�� - .:^r ,r..1 ;:i.`:. . . _ _ - _ . . . . . <br /> 1 � _ . , . � . . ' _ .' _ . _ <br /> 11 �. . _ ., .Y.w° . <br /> s- �r ` - . } - e �ry�t": -r-- <br /> s s . f <br /> tl S . �1`!r i (� - �- - ' ': � .- �} . .� � . <br /> ' � l}' ♦ . . - . � - ��� ) r :% f...,� ! . <br /> r � <br /> ... _. ,. , ... .. . . r. i �.C., � .. . r' - . _,� . �. . . . , t .�. _. ,.�. . . . � _ . '_ <br />