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<br /> � �1.ACTIONS AF�f:(�'�tldli'PRIl9T fi9YAYi4.Yniatna nhall e�AWIn nnd contost nny actio�ot procaod�Ing pur�i��o aHoct ftw socwy Iwtoof a IM m's.-'�
<br /> ' rl ht�or nowerd of f3nna11r•ttinI or 7�u,t�o,�n!i r,tinll A ON CAUG4�irr.i oxpensac.incl��itHl Co&t OI WidqncY aftltlq p!b o ot�WY's toea in an euch xtlon a "`
<br /> I p�oc.eedit��1 In whldt,i�a P�►ti��16ro ar 7n�;tna ri�r:y np Y S1►n+�':f ftt,ntx fall Wfnakv anY"pnymont or to do any�ct as�u�d In Ihe manner provldod In my nd
<br /> � tl�o Loiin f1�sl�urnoniU,�:+r�iciflcfnq/rnclra�Ynr:�tun,�r��in Itn mv�i(lie:roUpn,wilhoid nUll!��tlon eo to da enc�Without noUeH to or tfemand upon Twnta and �
<br /> c:Rhnuttnt:�isln�]r�ia;tnrftnntnn'iaC;pr,t?an,rney mt:Flmd.c�tle�rc�ratnr.uchmannarnnrllocuehoxtemnaoithermnv0aemnoeossarytoprotectthsRwcurlry
<br /> ho�oof. i ructc�r:Nnl,IqitilR �oto�r upan cinr��s�r,;1 I�I41f1If�1 12�il.�nuficm,v,o:�Y ell coss und uxppnsa�Incurred Uy Uaneilcl.zry In connoctlan wlth the oxarcls�
<br /> �7 11F�nnl:r.iary n�llin Tnrray�.n�np n•_bite,ln�!u,�iqs w;u�aut hrn.inCan�:zr.�ot aVldenu�o!tltlo,a�urt tosts,npprnl4n!s,�urvey�and attomay'�(aas. Any such
<br /> costs onQ e�o�mno nnt p»td wf;te�.n tnn(1l1)t���:�of�vrlltnn dtvearn.i shall�1rnw IntoreEt ut the dQfau!1 rut�ptovided In tl�e Nato.
<br /> 6.F.Mili(fFA`f��M�k:Pri.6haa�kl Iha 7ruFt�[,tnta.ar e�y pnr111rdrgof nr Intorost 1lwrein,Pw t,ikpn ot drunAgad by ret�on nl my pubilr.Improvwment ar
<br /> e�ndom�etl�n,NrRC��ctln,,�r In any eth+sx nu.nnr�r Inciudinq due���t�����w af Condemna6on('COn�omnoNa(Y,a shaild T�ustor rocefvo an notieo a Qthw
<br /> In1u�;,,��.,��r,�T�►rrAnR nuc��tpfcrncad�na,7iuF.tnr�.hnf1{INn;irhrn�l lv/tl��nqt��9�pfAUf fb F3AfIHhGi.!ry. Honefk�n �hall be entltlai lo all com�nsa6on,awruds
<br /> �nd otfiar�A�,yy nnto m rnlilit Iii�rr,i(a,and r.•hoY!tr��nt;il�x!nl itc tst�tl�n to c.�mmonca,appear In andpro�cut�in its own nanw ony sctlon a proc�diny
<br /> � t}anet�ry efin�l pina i�o nrttilkc�tn inksi 8r,�cRr., nmir�or nntu�;mirr;!In cunnoct:on wllt►such 4iFJng br diunepa. All wth compentatl�on av�ara� d�mq�i,
<br /> n hts o1 acUun.nnd��rna►.�cis mvra�r�aA to Yrt�rtm�hn•f�rcv.:rrod:�')mrc hareby assigne0 to Benoflclary an0 Tr�sror agrF,os w exazuc�such furttwr aaalgnrrwne�
<br /> -.___. oP«��r�o;,m�dv n�L*�nnrlr.tar/n-7rust�s n1ti�rrx��drn
<br /> � �;� 6.FUl'r.�l�ff AL�V0.PAr:.r.s,u�acn ru��vss�.cri,�n�:�tut.r3cmufi�i,:ur,N�^cv�w��uary'a optlon aid prlor to rocanveymco c1 ttwi pr0p�rty to Trw10a.may mdca
<br /> ; tunuo ndvaamAO ta 1'�nlrtw. Such fiiNrn rxtrnnr.c�s,wilt�Intorac!tPreinon,sh��N bo securocl by thia Dcsd of Truat whan avfdoncod 6y pfOrtd680fy f10W6 6Wtlf1�
<br /> �hnt s�lci rn'�nn rtm naa�rrect horeby. ��,
<br /> .y+++'`'� � 7.AR1.�CiId7�1AIcM7 qF SUC�ESSPl1 YAiI(fYf:fc.Eiunnliclary may,from tlmo to tlma,by a writton InsGrurtwnt execuWd and acknowkdgo�d�by�6wwfklary,
<br /> „�,,,,,,.,,�d�ly�� manad to yi��u+tnr and Rr►aoaJoQ N11fw Ca.intp i1 wht�h tha Tn�rt f::,tu1i Is loealod cu�d by omwwiao a�mplyk�8 with C�o provislons of tlw appek.a,ae law of tl» ;_
<br /> Stata a1�Vidrnnkp siahctitute o eicsxessoa or.t.tr:,roseare to thc►Ynu:T�a namod her�ain or ecdng hweundw. � ,,�:
<br /> 6.Stl4L�H:i��rI�13/k�iD A�aSIONt. flt.tn D�eA ol7run11gspllirc:to,Inures to tho benelit o1 and 4inds all Rartfes hereto,C►ek heire,legat�s devfseoa, ;,;
<br /> percon�l rrrnrnnentcitoioa,9UOC8fiA0l9 AM.1 At,f.4i�ft9. T1L41Nft11'f3anQih;l;�ry"shall maan the amor end hotder of Ihe Noto,whettwr a not nam�C as�awficfary
<br /> horeio.
<br /> , 9.III�iRliC�. ETcsnalk�n�+J or Its t�grnt mny mr�ko roar.on�lfie enhiys upon ond InspecUono of the Properry. BeneTiciary Wiall glve Trustor nodoo at _
<br /> the Hmn.ut or pdctr tcr nrt ins�icxi cpc+cttyp��rnnnonnGin causo tur ttw InspecGon.
<br /> 10..?.N.t.tif7�L1f�t6�'J fl LEABED� RC+71fl,ElI�RANGic I!Y I�ttJVEFICIARY NOT A WAIVER. Exlenafon o}the tlme forfiayment a modiHcaMon of =
<br /> amonimtiam n}tho Rums sucureQ by lh.&9s�awiry Inr,trumr+nt nMtK!b Benoticinry to tuiy succassw In fntorest o}Trus[w shall not oparate to rekasa tho _
<br /> hab�liry u9ith�uri(�innl Teumtur a T�uSlM 8 6ll!�fdR,,;(llp Itl IIIi0t06t��i�z+i�fie�a�Y shall nof ba req�ired to commence proceetlin9s ogalnst eny suocessor In Inrorest _
<br /> �- or reh,xi tu��chincf Ume tnr paym�nl or othvnV,tu mo9�fy nmoruxailon ot aw sums sea�red by 1his Socuriry Inshument by reason o�eny demand mado by _ _
<br /> ;�, Uw origit+At T�uiator ar Trunta'e euccessors M lntarnst. Any Iwtwarruaa by BwwNclary wi exarcising any rlBnt a remedj shall not bo e wahrw of or procNxl� __::
<br /> tha ezettri!�nhnnll rtQht or rwnMly. �;._.
<br /> �r 11..'ffl'cf�MniBEW Or THE Pfii�PERTY dfl./�BlztilcFOG1hl.IB9TEREST IN TAUSTOR.If WI ot ony part of ha Pr w eny InEanst k►ft Is wld or �;,-
<br /> � transfa�md(nr If n benaBait�l Intanst In Tnrstar i0 sa!d or Ufln3lkirrnd�ux!T�ustor Is not�nsturd psrson)w Caut Bonofictary s a wrltten oonsant, Bwwficiary -
<br /> � ff may,atc�Geptlun,tnquhrrlmmod�Atn �ymunl�tnfu4ofaflsum3coa���d�y mkSocwirylr�sFW�i�,nl.Fiowww C�Isopuonwtia rwiboexer��,,r 6�+�w�ti�ay ��-'_�
<br /> i1 exerc'ain I�ip�qhlhlli�A hy FodorF►1 n�as o7.tt�n dntu of IhtR SawrihJ�ns6ument. if Bw�olldery ouarctsos�hls optlon,Baneticlary chaM phro Tru€ta notlea of �•,_L
<br /> qooaartAlnn."TTno n�Hw sh�II prnv�an9rf ti•:l M npt tons then�7�3ava from tlw dat�tlw no0co k dQlNarad or mafed withfn wh�h Mu Tructor must paY aY�
<br /> � � sums s;tr.umd by fhh�Snmlriry Inatrument"tl�Yrustcx IA11810�il%(h4Rtf 6[�ms prbr lo Cw ax�Era6on of this pwlod,Bonallciary may Mvoka eny ranwdks parm�ttia �_
<br /> by lhts»s�r.urlly Inrtn�mo�iS wlhaait lurtT}r+r natlno or clmm�nd on"fi�xstw.
<br />. 12 FE`l4Thi'f�S OF�C�AULT_ My o!It�n.f�l�awinn ovonts sP��il be doerned an want of dofault herwnder: �==
<br /> . a.Truptar ahnll havo loiiod fo maF:o p:�ymanT o1 nny Ins4;�linant nt�ntwost,prindpal,or princlpal and Interast or any o4►er exn saxxod haraDy whan =__
<br /> '� due;nr,
<br /> ���F ft.Trnorra hus aecurred a txoach o�or dolnult undar�ny:�arm,covonant,agreement,condition,provfslon,ropresentaton or warranry cantatnad In �jr.�
<br /> � an}�ot the Laan InstrumeM&. -.
<br /> t3,uhCCfEG�HIATiDM:RENI�DIL3.Upon dofnult,E3ano�dA�y et�n optlon may roqulre lmrtw.dlate payment(n fuY nf aN sums socurW by C�Is Sacudty �;.�__
<br /> Instrum�n�i wr1hmrt htrtha�d�rend end maY im�n�'.o tha�oww of g;ila e�d any ot}ier rertied�es pormlttod by appllcablo law. Trustor shall bo en6tlai b collect �.
<br /> NI expenpno k�mirrr�Q ln pursuln�the romc�Aio�p:ovhlodln tltits pam.+ aph 131nGudi but not If�nited to rea.eanabW ettom s fees r,nd oosts of ti8e wid�nee. ■_
<br /> If power of:ealu In Invukuai,Tm�toe shall rocatil fl notico 01 du[aull:�n oach counry I�i�whldi eny aI tlw Properry i,t loc�ted end shaA mail coplos of such =
<br />: notice in Uin mannor prescri6ed bYe�!icabk�1.mv to Trustor end lc��e otlwr pwao�nsprosuibed a�11cabla law. Afar Cw 6rt►e rpukodpy appMc��b{a lew, —
<br />-• 7rustea slial l' ivv pu l�lla rtaUco o T s�f e to t h a R9rsons an d tn Nq�nrwr prosai b o d b Y aP W�f a w• 7r u s t e q,wi t h o u t d e m a n d o n T r u s 6 o r,�h a N i s e N tl w -`
<br /> Prope �t pu�Nr.uuctlort to tlie highest b1ddA�11t tho tirqc+nnd�.r,ce and under the Iwrtss des nated In the nodco of saW in orw or moro p�rak and In any
<br /> o r d U r ua t 0 e d etorminns. Tnrstae ma y p a st�9 sato 01 all o a�� psrcel of Uw Properry by�,uwic announoert�nt at Ca tlrtw arni pinco o�a pr �y __.
<br /> ' ^^�:��s.�f?39I�. �?!!$flr3arv nr1L r7aaln+f.aa r{} n;�,d�acn��u.�nn�arty at wny s a{a e n d ma cr e d�t t h e sums secur e d h e reu r w l e r e o a�n s t tl w n u t�o� �i.
<br /> - Upon roefligt ot.(�aymant ot uio prfco Bi�1 Ynr�no sfmli dulNor tce(►w purchasa Trustao��«i oonv�yk�tlw Pr Tlia raGtate MI OwTNStaati tl�a0
<br /> 'i'
<br /> � � shall be qmna htcin ov�duncp ot ths�truth o�Iha stntoments mnda thixoln.Trust�shaN aw�ly tlw proc�da ol aw saa in 'ra�n�adx:(al to all s s
<br />-• • , of tha saftq inMudlnfl,Ba9 cs�Gmlted b,Trusti�ata tnea ac Fsarmitar�i�y c,ppllcabk law arid roasonablo atbrrwy's feos; (b)b all su s�aredby th(s S�ty
<br /> �:. Instrume�it;and(r.)any�:c,�sa lu tlia per5on a.parEO:�s I�aBy r�nGtled to (t.
<br /> " 14..rSli�i1:lTil`IARY AtJ POSSESSt�N.Upo�nccolura��,n�ui�dar paragroph 13 a aban�nn�nent of ttw Proporry.Benaficiary(Inperson by agont ot.by
<br /> _ ...�,,,,.. . �udkiall���nppaNimd rr�cohrer)ehnH be enti8ed ip ontor upon,take(,,ossessTOn of and managP'tha Propert�and ro collect the renq oT Cw Property Inc!udng
<br /> � t� those pum due An1�ront�cdkctod hy qa�n�+t?53nrY«�n�rocotvn��anau�apc�ed nrec to Paymon�of the costs ot management of Cie ProparH and cotlectio�
<br /> ,'�:;:� ot ront�.In�idlnQ,but nat tlmitad to,rec�4tin,s 1bss,{xOmiurtl5 C.R t6C6hie�5 bOMlS A11d fBaSdtable BttOrR6y:S f6B6,and then M the suins�ec�xed by th(a
<br />= � ' �•1;;.,. � Socuriqi•I��Miumnnt
<br />_i,ti :;,;;:;.. �
<br /> y . cu'+,p,��1,t�.SMO'�W(CL13S14E.�trtisteecuid0onofldary,:rondeactiotCiem,shtUltwentitkdtoenlorcepaymentandpe rformar�olareyir.debtodrwsa
<br /> - �"�l°='•°� �� or ob' iHnnn securrad her and Io exerciso 011 r i�ta end w�Ka ur►dw thls Doed of 7rus1 or undor an Loan InsOrumeni a olher a I�we
<br />�.-�,.:•.. . E �'... �8., fb ., Y �►Y
<br />-- IIDW 0�11I�rnofler In forco,RO�ur..iuiiuifi oa��i+-ua uu u(itw uudh��Juutuclries.9 and ohAigafiona tseaxed hereby may f10W Of IKIT�69R6f�O 6iGNBd
<br /> _'�' "'�'�• � xfiethenaty murtstngn,doed of trust, �jo I}an,c�sslgnmonl at cslherwise. tdelthst tfie ecCeptAnCe GI ZhIS D96O of Trust rtor its en ca�ront whetlwr by oaxf
<br />- °.•t .� .r. . actlon mipumun�it tb the paww of s�othert�w ers f�erofn ca�guiirwd,tsh:+lt pryudico or In any manrwr atlACt Trustea's a c 's rlght 10 roalizvupa�
<br />__,t . or onlorrr�any nthar encurity now or heret►tlor t ui 19 by Trustuo on�3orwficlary,II bal� agrew.l that Trustee and Beneflctary,an��i o them sheN bo en��lod
<br />;� . to enfaroe thin Uoed ot Trust end asny o:1wr sotxuity now or hui+:nitw hekt 4y 3ena��clary a Trustue In such order and manner as hey or ai�lta ot tliam may
<br />___1_%_,z�_;S . In thelr ptcsululu dlc,nrdUon delemtine.No rom�y hnroln confunc«i upon a rasorved lo Truateo or Henofldery is Intero�iod to bo oxGusivY of any othw ronwdy
<br />-___=;':�'`' heroln ar hy 1uw rot�ltled osp�rm itted,bte'_e�u^�shaN tx�cumutatb�o snd Rhal l be In additlon to�►vay otlier r givart heraundor a now or hsreqIDw oxky�q
<br /> --°.°=��i� etlawarkisquil�arhY stntutg.Everypowar,o�vr�mody�}NOnbYnnyafNeLOianlnstrumonttW7�ualaaaBona acowhkh�theroltl�OmR�aYb�otlwrwki
<br />__ _ .,.•�-.� entitled,mcry he oxerclsed�concurreml�r or IndeRandontiv Irbn�•tma to tlmo and as orien as maY be deartiedp�edlont by Trvati�w Ban4fi "aarsr and�ithw
<br /> _� t
<br /> �' ' ol Uiem mny purnuo Incnr�s�tunt re+red.es.Noirf�ng liorofri sha�i�l�o cons7ucd as prohialtlng Esone��da+y hom ng a defic{oncy Judy�nont ayalnst Wi Trusbr
<br /> �*ri��y'"'�,^�.� to the extnnP euuh aclian Ea�oermittod by law.
<br /> _-_.�;�„�� 18.G�D�1'ffRPpM(i LAVN.'fifs Osed of Tr1iot shnll bo�ov�iiwd by tlw lawa of tFw State a1'Nabraska. In th��+'�nt that any provFs{on a dauso of ony ol
<br /> - the Loan k n�rumn tn c�xtflkq wlth eppllcabl4 fdw auch contn_ W�all not eHoctother pr hskms of such Loan InsWmonts wh{ch canb��Non ofbct wi7�out
<br /> �;�;,�,""",�'�� the conNC:t�i4�nv�Inns arM b tf�ls eny tha�:a�tislons ot t1io�.oan Instrumenm a►w do�arot!q bo swrwat�le. Thfs Intrum4nt cmnot b�waiveA,dianpod
<br /> =__,,g,, discharge�t�a� rtnlnute� ordy,twt onty Gy�n InsVumont In�vrilny slynad by U�e yerty epainst whom enlorcortwnt of any wallor,chanpa,dkdiarp�oi
<br />-`;°:,:yra�;:�. termination�ht enught. ry �eq
<br /> - � 17.RtFI�I'r'EYAINt:E.Upon paymHnt o1�Il sums soou'4+d Dy bt sec�ru edb��tl IS Se�q4iri�lnqs7u�men�M�Triisma Tr us�sh�all r�n,�yrPL'w°�''opwty
<br />��'�.� shall curratdnr tli{u Svaurtry Instrument c�nd t�ll'rtatos ovklonn:ng de y ty
<br /> _-�:;rr:r ;,;� wfthart wsrcnnty enA wFthuut d�arge ro tl►u p�tF,nn oe�+mo;m lu¢�Ily enUtled to i� Such pa�son or persons shaN y eny reoordatlon casts.
<br /> " Z_?.� 1B.REtp1U1f:3T FOI�i�NlTICES.Trustor rt►rn►astA thel ooitk+a ol tlw notioos ol datdute and sale bo sYnt to Tnisbr eaaddrosa whkh ts tlw Pr Addtoes.
<br /> --'._ ":-:� . Trustor turtllpr n��acm tl�at oo�tc�s ol the noUOOa o1 deloult ie►d saW W sc►nt lo oacn porson who Is a party Iwrotn at ttw addrpss of such�aot kM --
<br /> --- ..� hereln.
<br /> -- ' '-`�:`,z� 1D.NO!?dGff�.AnpnoUatoTrustaprv�idLd(orinthts;;{�curitI Ins7umantahallbaghronbydNtvoringROrby�aIIlng It�y1l�tGassmallunbssappNcaEla
<br /> -'``' * law requkes u�:�01 e►]bUtc�r mo�od. Tlre nui��o shNi tw dliacted lo tha Pr rry Addresa a an other addresc TtustoF dp6 nates b noUCe Ic Bw�e
<br /> -`�"��'�'"�" My natico to�(funnticlnry ahn�bo gken by f1r61�cd�ss mni11�f3enqflclary's a�dreas stated hsn�n or any o111or aadrsss Hen�fiGary creslgnates q/no�
<br />_,--�Y�_-� Tn�sta. Any etaUaa p►outtt�d lor in tl��s Socutitp.InsVUnwni ahatl be daemod to havo been qiven to Trusta or Benefidary when gNen as prov�dai ln
<br /> _"-'`�� ��"• �r 30e ACCE[�'7ANL`E B•l TRW3TEE.TtusSDt+nCCOp�s Ihla Trust when tt�fs Deed ot Tru3t,dul�exACUipd 2utd ackrwwfpdgod,Is made a puDllo racard as �
<br />- , provlded by Imv. .. ' _ -
<br /> - • IN WITNiESS YL'►r11�REOF,T�ustor I�as ox�ec;uted this Oeed of TNSt as ot the day an�l year first above written. =-
<br /> _ . . C:-�4�'
<br /> __ .. .�` . y� �����r���//J/ �f�-._�
<br /> / l/'7Jil�
<br /> ii �•s+� , .
<br /> Mrr�n� .
<br /> - '.r'. �, usinr ames A W it� �°s
<br /> . ,$te-''' SBCU11 umb6f ��� �
<br /> �;`r�. �, ; �. _�ii d e11�~0-.,..��.� � 1 . _ ni ,QQ.. .�
<br /> - __ -- , - -:
<br /> _ __...
<br /> , � � STATE OF NEBW�Si�A Trus�or ana i � a ana c c ar
<br /> �:�5. ._._��$~z�y--�
<br /> COUN'TY OF �al l � soant socudry Number
<br /> ---- - , • ;
<br /> � Tlid(oreyaing Acknowlattymom a1 Deod ol 7rvsf nnd Daed ot Trust was acknowlaic�ed Ix�tore me on April 24th• 1997
<br /> �n , by Jaum�rs_A_Whi�e ��nd dana A Whtixe�lC1A D�na A Bckhar�
<br /> - - -- l /�_..� .,
<br /> ���IN�6�1�` �lotary`pu6iTc '
<br /> ��- ��� / My comm�ss�on expires__l0/30/0� �
<br /> R < (Paga 2 ut 2.) t
<br /> � -
<br /> . ,
<br />