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<br /> , UdEress) ...... • (Gry) ..
<br /> T��athcr wfth all righcs, easemeitc�, aR�tuM��tances. rayalties, mineral rights oil and gas rights, all
<br /> � w�tr.r and rr�ar�an righta. ditchsa, anc� wat��• scock and all exiscing anc� fr�ca�re improvements, :4.
<br /> structur�s, flu�urps, and r�placement, cha� may now, or at any time In the fiar.�r�e, be pnrt af t�he real ''j.
<br /> estare dt:scrllt�d above(all referred c�as"FrnpQr�I�. �'
<br /> 3. MAl(1MliM tbBUGATICIN L1MR. The toeal prbnr.i{�al amnunt secured by this Security Instrument at any �
<br />`� � ane time sh�li noi exceed 5.......b7Apa,.on............................. .This limlt�tion of amount does not include . ,�-
<br /> ` interest and ather fees ai�d ci�argc a valittlU rr+ad+: p�ursuanr. to this Securlty Instrument. Also, this ;
<br /> ' "' limitacion does not a�ply to advan�es madct ii�1�t�3�, ths.t�er�t'ts of this Security Instrument to protect .y.;;_
<br /> I.ende�'s securtry and co perform any nf����cov�nants c�ntama�l in th�s Securiry Inscrument. ,r_`
<br /> 4. SIECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVAtV�EES. The term "Secured L1ebt"Is defl�r�t�D a�frllrnivs: � -
<br /> �►. De bt Incurre d u n d e r the terms of a10 promiSS�ry note(s)� Contractts�, g�arar�ty(�? or other evidence u;,-...-
<br /> of�ebt described below and aiE �helr extenslons. renewals, mod1�3¢at�Vons or sub�titutions. M Men
<br />- referenGlng the dPbts below!t Es suggesteQ that you lnclude irems sc�rh as l�rrawers' na►nes� note �,`,`=
<br /> :� QIYIOiI►itS,lnterest rates,qtAtUYitpy[/Qt6S,6tC.% A Uciver.eal Note or. Hanufacturod 8oae Rstsil �.��
<br /> Ina ts l l m e a c C o a t r a c t a n d S n c u r i t y A g reemant execuYed by Buyers/Borrowers. � _:
<br /> 7Phe above obli.aation is duG And payALlo on 360 moathe from laat conatruction dieburaement if not paid sarliar. F_�
<br /> ' '� ��'-
<br /> �. �!! fsit::'p ��a�rpc from Lend�r ro Grantor or other future obligations of Grantor�o Lender under �� _
<br /> .' "��t;:; ".' any p�omissory nate, contract, guaranty, r�r other evidence oT deioi eiie�u�e� ��S .+�a�tar !n f_�t _;__
<br />- of LendPr executed after this security Instrument whether or not thls Security Instrumenk Is �.�_
<br /> ��r>��'� speciflcally refere�t2d. If more than one person sigr�s this SeG�rit1/ Instrument, ea,ch Grantar
<br /> agrees that thls S�curity Instrument will secure all future advances ahd future obligattons that are
<br />-;.� � iven to dr Ineurred by any ane os more Granmr, or any one or more Grantor and others. All --_
<br /> �.:.:�.�� �uture advances and other future obligatfans are secured by this Securiry Instrument even though _
<br /> ..,�, - �=� all or part may not yec be ad►raneeri. All fucure advances and other future obilgatian� are secured __
<br /> u='�'.-<�'�:;, as if made on the date of this 5ew�ity Instrument. Nothing in this Securltyr Instrument shall .---
<br /> ���•� ��• � eonsticute a commitment to make additional or future loans or advances in any amount. Any such � �
<br /> �.-.,:,. ::� _
<br />--:::.,a,��. eommitment musc�e agreed to in a separacc writing.
<br />= C. AI! obligatlons �rancar owes to Lender, wyich may later arise. to the extent not prohlbited by law, _
<br /> �`y-����r:� `'� including, but not Ilmited ta, Ifabilities for overdra�ts relatlng ta any de�osit account agreement
<br />=:�°�':�:'= be:tween Grantor and Lender. � -
<br />--�-�-�..� . ,
<br /> -�--����`� D. All addltion�l saarr+s advanceii and expenses Incurred by Lencier for insuring preserving or r_
<br />�R���'�:'� otherwise protecting the Property and its value and any �ther sums advancer� and expenses
<br /> _�:��� incurred by Lender under the terms of thls Security Instrument. _
<br />����� This Securitv Instrument will not secure any oth�r debt i�I.ender fails to give any requlred notic�a of the
<br /> -_.�;�;
<br /> _,_=�_==� � righc af resc�sslon.
<br />�`�"'`��'a '' S. PAYNIEPITS. Grantor agrees that al1 payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when du� and In
<br />��n � �ccordanee uvith the terms of the Secured Debt and this Seeurity Instrument. � �
<br /> _. ��'�;�-- , ----
<br /> ° � `''':" 6, WARitANTY OF 1'17LE Grantor warrants that Grantor Is or w111 he lawfully seized of the estate —.
<br /> _.�,��_-� conveyed by this Security Instrument and has the rlght to Irrevocably grant, convey, and sell the ==
<br /> _�-���-��� '� Property to Trustee� in trust� with power of sale. Grantar also warrants that the Property is �;-
<br />�"��'�`'�A"�`�` unencumbered,except for encumhrances of record. ��•
<br /> _ .p.wr,.,. -�
<br /> -�m, �7/1�N �!v.
<br />�;?,�,�.;,��;^*� S. PRIOt� SECUiIiTY IM'ERFSTS. Wf[h regard to any other rnurtgage. deed of trust, security agreement or
<br /> ���'.• :,..::� ather Ifen document that created a prior securiry interest or encumb;ance on the Properey� Grantor ��:-.
<br />�'.``�.: �. agrees:
<br />-�� � A. To make all payments when due and to pe:rform or cornply with all covenants. �.�;.:;:
<br />�;.:. .
<br />' � �; � � B. TA promptly deliver to Lender any notices that Cranror receives from the holder.
<br />=�'�"��� C. Not to allow any modiflcatlon or extension of, nor to rec�uest any future advances undcr any reote "�'�=3
<br />,�;•.,,:�:.
<br />__ �;' or agreement secured by the Ilen document withmut Lender s prior written cons�nt.
<br /> J.i;.�f��_,- ':.
<br /> R:;;sf;:,,; �. ' & CIAIMS AGAINST TITI.E. Grantor will pay all ta�ces, assessments, Ilens, encum6ra�ces, lease payments,
<br /> y;��`�rt;;.. .� ground renes, utfllties� and other charges relating ta the Property when due. Lender may require
<br />- ,;,., ,
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