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<br /> ��`-s 1U��.(D'�
<br /> 'fnG�'PHI�K WITH nll tl�e im��r�ivemcros no►v or hereafter erected on the pmperry,aind ull entiements,uppurten;.inces,nnd
<br /> fixtures nu�e ��r heeeatter n part of the praperry. All repl:�«�►,����s ����a naa►��„�, shall nlsu be ctwer�eci hy t6iis Se�urity "-
<br /> Inti�rumcni. All af the fnrcgoing+s rcfcrrcd ta in�I�is Scciirity Instrumcnl u:;thc "Pn��scny."
<br /> RORROWER COVGNAN'1'S�hut llorrowcr i.r' lawfully sciscd uf�hc cs�atc her�rby c�invcycJ and has ti►c righi lo gru�Zt mtd
<br /> rnm•sy �he Property and Ih;�t thc Prnperty is unencw►iberrQ, rx��pt tar cncumbnn�es of recorcl. l3ornmver warr.uits imd w�ll
<br /> drieikl geuci.d{y di�titl�tu thc t'�•up�r.y abuiu:,i ali claiuis and�eniands.r:ubjcct to:irsy encumbrances nf rcsarel.
<br /> T}lIS SECURITY 1NSTRUME�i'Y'combiacs uniPonn r��veuants for natianal use nnd non-unifarm cu��en,mtr with limite�i
<br /> vari;itiims by juri�diction to cans,titute a uniform security iusnument r�ivecing real properta�.
<br /> UNIFE)ltM COV�NANTS. Sorn�wcr and Lcncter covcnunt;md agrcc ns fullows:
<br /> 1. H;ym�it ot P'rhkipal and Interest; Pre{wyment And Latc Charg�w.Borrowcr shall promptly pay whcn duc the
<br /> princip:d��f and intcrest on thc debt cvidcnced Uy thc Notc and any prepaymcut and lulc churgcs due undcr tho�lutc.
<br /> 2. Gu�ds for 7'uscs and Dn.�uranee. Subject to;�pplicable la�v or w a written aaiver b�� Lender, Harco�+�er shal! pay to
<br /> I.cnder on thc da.y munthly payments arc due under the Note,uutil the Nute is paid in fidl, a sunt("Funds")fiir.(a)yearly uixes
<br /> and assessnients wliich may attain priarity over this Security b�strumcnt ns a lien on the Prr��ersy;(b)y�:arly lrasehold payn�ent;c
<br /> or grou��d rents on the Prop�rty,if any;(c)ycarly�harard ur pmpc�ty insumncc pmmiums; (d}yearly floal insurancc pretniwn�.
<br /> if any: (e) yearlp n�ortgage insur:uice premiunu, if any; :ntd(�nny smns payablo by�urrower to Lender, in accocdance with
<br /> thc pruvisions oi'par:+graph 8,in lieu of the paymcnt of monga�e insurance pn:miums,These items m•e callexi "Escruw Items."
<br /> Lernl.r ►n�}•, at any ti�ne, collect anct hold Funds in an amount not ro excecd thc maximuGrr amount a lei�der for a federally
<br /> relateJ tnort�a�e loan may requir4 fas l3orrower's escro�v account undcr the feder� Rea! ��sc�te Setdement Prucedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amc�xied From time to tiroe. 6 2 U.S.C. Section �601 et sey. ('RESPI�"),unless aerJr��ier!aw that applics to the Furxls
<br /> sets a Icsser amount. lf so, Lcncier may, at any {ime, collect amd hold Funds in ara amuum not ro cxceeci thc lesscr amount.
<br /> Lendcr i�uy estim:rute the mnount of Funds du� on the basis of current data and rcasanablc estiniates of cxpcnditures of future
<br /> Escro�� (tems ar otheru•ise in accQrdar�:e wiNi applicable law.
<br /> Titi: Funds shall be held in an instiwtion �vhose deposets are insured by a fi�der.cl +agency, instrumentality, oe enthy
<br /> (including Lcnder,if Lendtr is such an institut�a��or in any Feder,►I }ion.e Loan Barik.Lt���7er shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Fscrow Items. Lerxter Anay not charge Bormn�ee��ar hoiding and applying the funds. annuully analyzins die escrow account,oi•
<br /> ve.rifying the Bscrotv Items, unless Lcrtder pays[ion•owcr interest on thc FunJs and:�pplic.ablc I.tw pcnnits f.ender ta make such
<br /> a charg�.HoK�cver, Lender may n°q�ii�:Rormwer to pay a orte-time chnr�e tor an indeprndent rcal estate t;+x repnning service
<br /> u�ecl by Lender in connection ��.'s[h r=1is lo�n. ur.tess applicable law provides othcnvi��. Nnless an agrecment is made or
<br /> appurable�taw mqu�res �nterest to bc��aid, l.endcr shaii not i�c required to pay isortuw•cr��r�a�ccrest or c.nmings on ta�e munas.
<br /> Barrower nnd Letedcr may agr�c in writing, houe��er, that interest shsll bc paid on the Funr3s. L.cnder shull givc to I3a,r,rawer.
<br /> without charge, an annual accounting of the�ur�s, shawing credits�nd debits to the Funds and th��uerose fo*�9�ie`�cach �
<br /> de�il to the Funds�vas made.The Funds are pleds�as additipn:►I security for all sums secumd by this Se����rety�,t�5tr��ua+e�t.
<br /> I�the Fl»xls I�eld by Lend�r exceed tl:e aniou:�ts permittr:d tu�be held by nppllcable[:��i.�..ender shalC.s�cc�oapC.e��inrzower
<br /> for thti exc.:ss Funds in accordunce with th�reqair:ments af.:f��icable law.If thc amouut nE the Funds held by Lena7er. ut any
<br /> tirr�is not sufficient to pay t6e Escrow Ilems whe��.�iu;,Le►kier may so notify Borrower in writing,a�d,in such case Earrower
<br /> sh311 pay to Lender the amuunt necessary to makc up the dcficicncy. Eorrower shall ma1:e up the deficicncy in no morc th�n
<br /> twelve monthly pay�rx�nts,at Lender'� solc discretian.
<br /> Upon paytncnt in full of z1I s::;�hs secured by this Seccrity Instrumenl, Lcnder slna4ti,�romptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> FuMs licld by Lcnder. If,under Farsgr�ph 21, Lcndcr shal!acquirc vr scll the Property.Z:.En4er,priar to thc acquisitinn or sale
<br /> of d�e Pro�rty, sliall apply any Nunds held by I.ender,U the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit agaiust the sums sec�red by
<br /> this Securit��lnstnini:n[.
<br /> 3.Applkwtion of Paymen4s.Unless applicablc law provides othc►wise,al!payrncnts recc'svcd by Lc�ider ander paragraphs
<br /> ! ani 2 shaU be applicd:firat,ta any prcpayment chargcs due under the Note; saond,to tunounts payablc undur parugraph 2;
<br /> third,ta�in�erest due;founh,to prhuipal due;and I:ist,tu any late charges ciue under the Notc.
<br /> 4.Cftsirqss;LIeas.Borrou�er shafl pay all taxes,assessn►ents, chsrges, C ncs:uid i►npositions atu•ibutAble to t�c��4'operty
<br /> wh�ch rruy :ittnin priority over this Sec:trity Instrumcnt, aud Ic�chold payments or ground rents, if•�ny..Borrower shall pay
<br /> tlicsc obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Horn►wer shall pny�them on tlme directly
<br /> to th�:pr.rsan ow�paynxnt. Borcower sliall promptty fumish to I.ender all noticcs of amqynts to be puid under tliis pnragraph.
<br /> If Bnrn►v�r makcs these payments directly, Borrower shall prompNy fiimish to Lcnder n�x;s:'r�1s cviJencing the paymcnts.
<br /> IIumoxer shaU promptly dischargc a��y lien which has priority over this Security InsCrument unfcss Borrower.(a)agrecs i�i
<br /> , writing to dx paymcnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manncr acceptablc to Lcnder; (b)�ontests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or d:fends aga:nst cnforcement of thc lien in, legal proccxAlin�s which in U►e Lendcr's opinion operatc to prcvent the
<br /> � enforcemeni of the lien:or(c)securcs fro►n thc holder uf thc lirn an agrecmcnt satisfactory to Lcnder suborclin�ating the licn to
<br /> th�s S�eutity instrmn,:nt.If L.ender detem3incs that any p:irt af the Property is subject ro t�lien which may attain pric�r.i�y over
<br /> this Sc�arity In,nY4nlcne.Lcndcr��ay�`ir;.1�orrowcr a noticc iclentifying thc licn.Borm�v4r shall satisfy thc licn ar t�aice onc or
<br /> moreof thc actiona ss:t i'onh above within l0 days of thc giving of naticU. .
<br /> Folm 3(l.�.tl 8i30
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