` r st4d -li � -_�ffF�ti��N�;1�I� � •jr, r_� �`_-'
<br /> �.� � af� }� � tf`yr Yrfl.�t• 5��.�Sf�j1�'S� --,.� ' � ri�-h�, -.
<br /> ::�� ..�G�a�.�..l.'.s.'-..�'�s��'`�4Y4`z�:l,dta�MiIAIN�Yi2....___�-..:_s -.� ..-
<br /> i%
<br /> _y�.�
<br /> 92� � a� .
<br /> �yn�tNS mry no lonjer iw ro�ulnd,at the optlon of i.eodcr,lf nwnK�gc Insurancv coveroDC On iho a�naim nnd fnr tho pcdal
<br /> . _ - . 11W I.cnikr ra�{nires)provldtd i�y nn insurcr approvnt hy LcnAer again bttonxe aval�oble nnd is obtMnaf.Amrowor shnil pry .
<br /> the prcmiums rtapiiraf to uuintnin mongngc Insuranca In e(fat,or a pmvidc a toss rcurva,until tho rapdrenxn� for mond+ae
<br /> lnwrence uxls In ucoNn�ce wlth nny wriurn agra�nxet hYx•ec�CorruWxr and Lcrvkr or apptirnUlo law.
<br /> — !,Incntc!!om Isnder or i�s agant moy meke rcasorobte en�des upon and Ins;x�ctinns of�he PmJ�ny. I.ender shell gNO _
<br /> � Rorrowtir nalco at tho tinb of or pflor to an lnspccllon speclfylnB rcasonuble eausc tur the Inspavion.
<br /> -� i0.Cond�mnetlon. Thc pra�c�cds of any award or AAim tor Aamnges, dircct or conscqu�mial,(n rnnnualon whh any �,
<br />-�-_—_= eondtmnatlon or o�her taking of a�y pan of�ho Propeny,or for mnveyanco in liau of ronckmna�ion,era herdry nssig�ed and r
<br /> � �`--= stull Uo po�G�o Lendtt. _.�..
<br /> _;_�� In thc evcnt ofa taal uhing otth¢Propcny,tho prartAs shall bc appllut to ihe snms sccurtd Uy this Sccudly Inriniment, _-
<br />:�,;;;; wt�ther or nnt ihcn due, with any exass pald to Dorrou•er. In the went of n pminl laking of tiw Propetly in�vLich the filr ��_^:
<br />;�,,�,:;� muket value of tho Ptopcny lmnxAlatcty beton:the taking is a�ual ro or grc2ter d�an d�c anwunt ot�hc sums securtd by�hts ;�,:--
<br /> �s�� Sauflty inuta+ai.�at irenr�di.YSt;r btFo�e z.'xtaking,unicss Dorcoxer and I.endcr ahcrwlu agrx in wrf�ing,the sums secunrl by _—
<br /> �� thls Saurity instruaxrx su.ilt 3c roduvd by the amoum ot tho procs�ats muliipilal hy�ha fotlowing frsction: p) tho tata�R �°.-
<br /> amcuat of the s�ms saeeeed u�ixety befon:t3e ixhiay,div6d3d Cy @)tine f�tc markc� vatuc of thc Propeny inmxdlx.:Ip
<br /> Ciefon:it+e trking. Any P+alu�c.stull bx paiQ to 8orrox�n. [u the event of s Q,utia!taking oi�6e Property ia n-tkh aS3 f�ir r,:
<br /> �'"' mxc&et vatu:of eta Property enTnx�iKSty O.fo�e ttK w3uay is tess than tt�anxura of the sums ucurcd Gvrvdiav:[p befort tEr.
<br /> ' tating.unless�a[rox•er and I.endcr o;hzmi�agrt�ia wtitin3 or untets appliable law qheix'i�peoredr.s.thc�enco�.+ds�als �
<br /> ` .�� be applied a tM s�ims securcd by this S+nirity instnunem wh�th:r ar not tho sums arc then dna -
<br />-��'�:�i'i if Ilw Froperty is abandoncd Ay Aorm�ecr,or if,ailer notic�6y i.ender to Aortowxr thal the aand:n.r.a offen to nuke an :%.=-
<br /> ar' swud or su�lo a daim for Aan�agcs, 8o(rower fails to rc>pond m Lender wiihin 30 d�ys aRer thc dote tH,c r.xioe Is givea, '�
<br /> �zSY� i.crnkr Is wtlarizal w collzct and apply�he proacds,at iu oFtion,cRhcr to restomUon or nQair of thc Pr�yeny aa to the sums +e'_�
<br /> _.z�:.,, :,.,.
<br /> f.: .c•xvrod by this Searity Innnxr¢.m,whaber or no�thrn due. ---:�
<br />-.�.��f�ir UNess I.eaMer uid Ilorron+er dhciWiw agrce in wri�ing, any appiic�tlon of prac�ds m principil shall aa extcnd or r:."�
<br /> �'�•.`�� postpono�he duc dxte of tha momhty pa�-�nnu rcferred to in parngraphs 1 and 7 or change�he un,xmt of such pa�•nxnts.
<br /> �-.
<br /> `�Y�d 31.Sorr+em�zr Not Rrlia�ced�Forbrarunea Ry Lrndrr Not a Walrer.Rxteosion of�he�im:for p�ynxnt or modific�tion }_�
<br /> r'�`�j d amortiration a;�he sumsrrcind by this Secarity In.v.aunent g�nted by Lender w any sueces»r!n interest ot Dorrower shall _
<br /> ;!l'03 r.m aptraee ro mltase Ihe liahiliry of the original Ilorm�vecor Hortower's sutcesmrs in inrerest.Lcnder shall r.cc Ge requlrtd to `.
<br /> +��r c✓amuke pro�kedings against nny svicecssor in ineeces�or rcfuse w ex�end tinx for paynxnt or oihendse arudify anwniz�ton �,__
<br /> v� of Ihc sums secuad b this Saurit Imtromtnl b rcason of an dcnund mide U the ori iml Ibrcon�r ur Bortowets
<br /> ;s-i��i•. Y Y Y Y Y 8 • .
<br />:._,q.,.
<br />-�;�k;�r� uu�ceswrs in inter.st. My(oclxarance by 4nder in ezercfsing any dght or remeAy shall no�be a waiver otor proclude the ��;_:
<br /> ,3- _ exerciu of any right or rem.Ay. ,+ �
<br /> �'�� 12. Suottasors and Assigm Bosmd;Jolnt a�xl &rnnl Liablliryi Co•signcrs.'flic covznants and aga�arcnts of this e
<br /> �G��; Securiry instmm.nt s6all b!nd and bene6t�he succeswn and assigns of Lender and Oomox�er, subJaY M Ihe proviFions of e "
<br />-•1�;sF� paragraph 17. Ftottower's mven3nts and egraments shall be Joim :�d uverol. Any Qorro�vcr �afio co�slgns �his Secutizy .-
<br />'`"�"?! Imuunxm hm doa na exttute�hc Notr.(a) Is m•slguing ihts Secarfcy h�strument only to mongage,grant and mnvcy th;s �=�-
<br /> - '� Borrowcr's Intcrcat in tlic Propcny undcr�hc terms of t�ls Sccuri�y Insuument;(b)is rat personally obliga;ed lo pay thc snms k:.-
<br /> ����A socurcd by�his Security Inswmcm;and(c)agrces that[�.ikr and any other I3ortoa�cr m�y egtx ro exknd,muct.ify,forbear or } �
<br />.,;„Yt;.f._ make any accommodattons with rcgard lo the temu of 7hu.:tcurfty lnsuunxnt or the Rae wiihoat tAat 6ottoo�ec s mnseM. [",-
<br />.`i'�?fit�, I3.I.ann�har6es. If the loan secured by�hts Securi�y Insuurzienc is subjce� to a law which sc;s maximum loan charges, ij,:.�
<br /> -�_`j,z,�i aM tliat Iaw is finally fnrcryreted w thai�he INCresl or mher loan cF�nnzs collectal or io Ix mlluud in m�nection wi�h�he �.;.�
<br /> - loan exceed�he pern6ued limlls.�hen: (a)any such loan charge shall be nduced by the amoum nceessary ro re<';,r.e We chuga �%-;
<br />-`.,%S.��j� eo z1=pertntacd IimiC and(bY.3ny sums alrcady mllec�ed Gom Oorrower�dilch exceudtd permllled limfts wift be refunded to �����-
<br /> �r;.:
<br /> -,.!�.+'{ Dorrowar. Lcnder nuy che�w_ ro makc�his rcPond by rcducing �hc principal owe3 uader �Ee No�e or by mnking a direct
<br />-:�;.r�1y. F�;.,
<br /> ;_.^N,�.�S paynxm ro Storro«�tr. 35 a refcr.d redcces principal, �hc rcduaiun will Ix uw�eA as a E�zar;u prcqaymcnt wi�hout ::¢yr
<br /> prcpaynknt cha�c u�d.r ihc T7ata �j �'
<br /> ��;,,:� 14.NoUeec.Any no:'se to Eorraxir p:ovided for in this Security Inswmem sh�dl M givrn Fy-delivering it or by mailin� t =
<br />?-:�;;!'; it by firs�class rmil unka�flJinble law r�quira usc otano�hcr mcthod.Thc ncc�s*a11 Ix directed to�hc Property Addrcss '?'
<br />'iYi�;'Ll or any o�her sddress Butrmver daignaus by nmice vo Lender. Any notice to Lender shall M given by fint clau mail �o s;:_,.
<br />--z,f:r ._..
<br /> _�y�a I.ender's addcess s�ated hercin or any ahz�addrrss I.rnder designates Fy notice 10 Dorrower. Any noiice prov(ded for in lhis r :�
<br /> -b�� Socuriry Insms:r,.d shal I Ix decmod m hare ber.n given m Oorrowzr oc tender nhen given as providid in this paragraph. ��
<br /> /S� _y l5. Govcrning Lnw;f,evrrabilitp. 7his Sacuri.r Insirumant shall bc g�+¢med by fcdcml law and �he law of the
<br /> �s?:;_` jurisdietlon tn whtch the Ptoititly is located. In IYC e�en.that any provision m�la::se of�his Socuri�y Insuunsnt or tLe Note
<br /> _-S"� mn01GS with applicab!e laa. ,cch mnilin shall nm aCfe.:nhcr pmvisions af thi;S�_urity Imuumcnt or�he Notc which can be �? -
<br /> ._.�,.',�,, ..��:-
<br /> - .:..�_ givm e(!cet withaut�he confliciing provissen.To�his cr.il tlm prarisiuns of this Se.uri�y Inshunxnt and the Note arc dalarcd ���;.:�
<br /> �:'4t;s lo bc scvcroblc. i%%'.
<br /> '"��� lG.Qorrouer's Copp.6orrower shall be giecn ora:•�r�inmied.opy nf�he i:o*.r a,-A of�his Security InstremenL %�"�
<br /> - �t rHm�ota e»o F::
<br /> :��1� +G��rn 6 ;.
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