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' ' �' . . . . . . <br /> � .. . ��' i.��_i. <br /> I�IISC�L�I�ANEOU� I-�.ECORD V <br />� <br /> 29058-TH[�tlOOfTINECO.iR11N01lL11ND.NCGR. � �� � � ' � ' �' � -� � <br /> LEASE Hereaf't�r to be known as Lease #A-103 <br /> _ This Lease, made this l�th day of July, 19�9, by and be�t�een Gerald & Agnes Rock, <br />' Husband & Wife, whoae addr�ss is �16 So. Cedar St. Grand Island, �lebraska, Lesaor, and <br /> STANDARD OIL COMPANY, an Indiana Corpora'�ion, with ita prineipal oPf ice at 910 South <br />' M�.ahigan Av�nue, Chicago, Illinois, Lessee: <br /> ii <br />', WITNESSETH: . <br /> - l. The Leasor hereby demises and leases '�o the L�ssee, the following described premises <br /> situated in the C3ty or Town of , County af xall, Stat� of Nebraska more particularly <br /> described as follows, to-witt Commencing a'� a point f ifty (50) feet south and Thir�y-three <br /> (33) �EG''� east of �he Nor�h 1�est eorner of the northwest quarter of the Northweat Quart�r <br /> (NW�NW�) of Section 3�, Township 11, Nor�h, Range l0, West of the 6th P.M. and running <br /> thence soutY� parallel with �he west line of sa�,d. NW�1VW� of said Section 34 to the right- <br /> of-way line of the Federal Hiway #30, runn�.n� thence north easterly along �he right-of-- <br /> �ray of �he Federal Hiway ta the south west corner of a tra.ct deeded to John J. Kellogg and <br /> wife, con�aining 4.27 aarea and recorded in Book 9�, Pag� Sg6, of '�he record� of Hall <br /> _ County, Nebraska, thence north parallel wi.�h th� West line of said NW�NW� of Section 34, <br /> 786.3 feet to a poiM� �0 feet south of the north line of said NW�NW� of' said Section 3�, <br /> running thence wegt parallel wi�h the nor�h Iine of said NW�}NW� of s�id section 3;�, 5�1.6 <br /> fee� to the place of be�inning and co�itaining approximately 11.59 acres, more or less. <br /> Her�af ter to be known as Lease #A-103 <br /> . <br /> If the premis�s are improved, this l�ase ,includes the building�, Pixtures, equipment, <br /> ma.chinery and appliar�ces owned or con�rolled by the Lessor and loeated on said premisea. <br />�� . �� HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the Lessee for a term commeneing on ��h� 22d day of June,l9�9, <br /> I and ending on the 21�t day of June, 19�0. <br />�: <br />� , <br /> - 2. Lessee agrees to pay �o the Lessor as rer�tal fo� the above described premisea, <br /> bu3ldings, Pixtures, equipment, machinery and appliances (if any be ineluded) , a sum equal <br /> to One e�n� ( 1¢ ) per gallon on all gaso23ne (not ineluding naphthas, stove and lighting <br />, gasolinss and li�e produats not customaxlly used in motor vehicles) delivered �o sueh <br /> service sta�ion for �a1�. Such rental shall be due and payable on or before the fiPteenth <br /> � day of the succeeding cal�ndar month. <br />� All rental paymen�s may be made by cheek. payable and delivered to Gerald Rock <br />� personally, or by rnail, at arand Tsland, Nebraska. Unleas otherwise designated herein, <br /> all ren�al paymert�s may b� made by ch�ck delivered �o Lessor or mailed to Lessor at hia <br /> addres$ herein shown. <br />�'- 3. Sn consideratlon of the foregoin�,, the Lessor hereby sets over and assigne unto <br />, �� the Lessee, with right of' Lessee to reassign �o othera, all of Lessor� s lieenses, consen�a <br /> f and permite '�o maintain and operate a gaaoline filling station on the above described <br /> premises; e�uch assignment to be only during the �erm of this lease, and all re- <br /> i <br /> newal a and ex�enaions thereof. <br /> . �. L�ssee and any asgignee or sub-l�saee is expressly given the ri�ht at any tim� <br /> during the term of this lease or any extension �hereoP, and for a per�,od of thir�y (30) <br /> days af'�er the termina�ion of �his lease, or any ex�ension therEOf, by lapg� of tim� or . <br /> o�herwiae, to enter upon and remove from �aid pr�misea any improvements or equipment <br /> h�retofore or herea�'�er purchased or placed by �.t or them upon the leas�d premises, but <br /> shall not be obliged to dca so. <br /> �. Lessor will kEep the building, dr�.v�ways, the water pipes, drains and sewers <br /> appurtenan'G thereto and a11 of Le�sor� s �qu3.pmen'� on th� demised premis�s in good and �uf- <br /> f3.eient cond3tion and repair during the whole of the �erm hereof. The Leesee shall hav� <br /> the righ� to pain� the entire build�.n� but shall not be obliged to do so. <br /> 6. �he Lesee sha:ll have the option of �xtending �his lease as hereinafter provided, <br /> upon the gam� �erms and conditions which were in effeat during �he original �erm. The <br /> period or periods of such extens�.ons shall be in accordance with �ither on� oP the follow- <br /> ing two clausea, the inapplicable clauee having been stricken before the exe�u�ion of thia <br /> leaee: <br /> -�.--�4-�s��e�-e�-3-3�ea�e-��s�-��e-e�€�#�a��a�-e�-��.e-e�►#g��a�-�s�-�s�ee€� <br /> II. A �otal of not more tha,n 3 suecessive periods of one year each <br /> ��T--A-�e�a�-e€-�e�-�e�e-��a�-------e�eesss��e�-�e�►�a�s-e�-e�e--3�ee�-eae�i <br /> The rental to be paid b the Leasee during said extension period or perioda �ahall be a swn <br /> equal to one cent ( l� � per �allon on all ga8ollne (as deflned in paragraph 2) delivered <br /> to such $erviee sta'�ion for sale. <br /> The LE88E8 ahall give to the Lessor written notice of i�s intent3.on to exerciee its <br /> extension privilege at least thirty (30) days prior to the expirat�.on of the original ��rm <br /> hereoP, and if said �xtension privilege is for successive periods of one year each as pro- <br /> vided in Gla�.se IT of this Paragraph 6, the Lessee shall give �o the Lessor a like written - <br /> notice at 1ea�� thirty (30) days prlor �o the expiration of the then current yearly period, <br /> of its intention '�o ext�nd this lease for and durin� the next succ�edin� y�arly period. <br /> Time and manner of makin rental ents durin an such extension shall be the same as <br /> g Pa.ym g Y <br /> provided for during the original term hereof. <br /> 7. Tf the Lessor or �he Lessor� s suceessora or assigns at any time during the term <br /> of thSa lease or any renewal or ex�enslon �hereof Y°ECE1V�8 a bona fide off�r to purchas� <br /> said premises, buildings, fix�ures, equipment, machinery and appliances included in this <br /> lease, and desi�es 'Go sell said premises, buildinge, f3.xture$, equipm�nt, machinery and <br /> appllances under �he terms of said offer, Lessor a�r�es to give Lesse� thirty (30) dayg� <br /> no�ice in writing oP such bona fide offer forth the name and addreas of the pro- <br /> poeed purehaser who has made the offer, the amount of the proposed purahased price and the <br /> terms of payment thereof. The Lessee shall have the f�rst option �o purchase the demised � <br /> premises w3.thln the above-ment�.oned thir�y-day period at the same price and on the same <br /> �erms of any such proposal. _In �he event that the Lessee does not exercise its option to <br /> purchase the dem3.s�d premises within the aforesaid period, this 1ea,se and a,�.1 of i'�s terms <br /> � <br />