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<br /> TUCiii'PI•If:R VJITI•1 till thr.tir;pruvemems nnw or Itcre�+ftcr cr.cted on thc property,and :'�Ilr�mc���a���Pf�es,and
<br /> lixnirc:s nn�v �r hercuRer n ��uri nf the property. A!I replaccmems and additions shall �ilso be covcrd by this Sccurity
<br /> Instrwncnt. All uf the forr.gnin�i:s�refcrecd to in this Security Instrumcnt as the"Praperty."
<br /> C�ORit�JVJ(�R COVrN�BlT.`i that 1Rnrrnwer is Inwfully tieiscci of tr�e estat�her�by convcyed And has the righY to grant und L
<br /> crnivey thr, FIY7J3CPiV alid [ItAt f.I1C PCOpCCIV I5 UIICIICUTIII�fC(I, except for encumb�ances af record. Barrower warran►s and will
<br /> defend gen�r��lly tlir,tide to rli�f'ruperty against all claims and dcmands,subjcct to any encumbrances of raord. -
<br /> TI�IS ,"5�CIJRITY Iii1aTR[Jf!1IENT cambincs uniform covenants for�ational use and non•untfomi covenants with limited
<br /> variationn by jurisdiction to r.oir.n�.r.utc a uniform securety instrument covering real property. �.
<br /> [JNIf'OltI�4 COVGNAiet i.s. Dorrower and Lendcr covenant and agree as fot����vs; , d_.
<br /> x, (+A;y�ncng oF Pcpe�G��l nnd�!vtepest; Prepayment und l.utc ChArgc4. Borrowcr shall prompdy pay when due the _
<br /> �uincipal c►f aucR iute�rr st an¢he yi�bt evitlenced by the Note and any prepayment�nd Infe ch,r�es due under th�Note.
<br /> �,rainds f'or'Dl.ayc�r��e�.+b�,suranc�: Subjest to applicable law or to a wi9et�z�aaiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> L.ender an�lhr.duY manthly��raj�nl,:nts are due undcr the Note,until tlic Note is paid in full,r�sum("Funds") fqr.(a)yeariy laxes _
<br /> Qlld A:45C091IICDIa wliich may nttnit;.priority over tiiis Security qnstrument w a lien on ti�ie Property;(h)yearly ieasehold payments
<br /> or�round�r�tnt�on the Praperty,i�{any; (c)yearly ha•r:xrd ur property insurance premiurr►s;(a)yearly flood insurnnce premiams,
<br />� if any;(r.),yr.nrly martga�;r, in:ur�tue prcmiumti, if:my: and(�uny sums payable by �oreowcr ta I.euder, in ac�nni�nce with
<br /> thc p�-avi�lions uC paragra�h Fs, in,uicu�,4'ti��paymcnt of martgagc insurance premiums. Th��e items ai�c callcd"Escrow Itcros." _
<br /> I.ender muy� at uny time, c�llrc:C und hnld Funds in un nntaunt nut to exceed the muximunt nmom�t u IcnJer far a federully
<br /> �cla�cd mur�gngc loan muy rr.quizrt fnr Ilurrn�vcr's c�crnw acruunt tmdcr thc fccicrul Rcal Gstatc Sctticmcnt Nra:cdures Act of
<br /> 1974 as umcnd�d fr�nn limc In Iin�c, 12�J,ti.C. Scctfun 26111 ct scy. ('I��SPA"),��nless u�iudn:r Imv th,�►���,ni��� ���t��o r�n��
<br /> ,ct��u I��ti��ur wnnunt. If nu, L.�:isd,u i��ay, 01 any tliiic, cullcct iuid hulJ F�unds in un tunaunt nut tc�cxccci! ihe Icsur anwunt.
<br /> l.cnd�r muy c�,�lnm�c thc inn�iuni��iT f�unds dui' nll t�il`I�B�Iti u��CUI'Yl`Ill llUtit and reasonahlc cstimatcs i►f cx�ndituns ��f fl�turc
<br /> I?xr��µIl�iiuu ur otl�crvrl�;w in uc:c:��rdun�:c with cippllruhlc law.
<br /> 'fhr. {�undy shall 6e held i�� nn intiNtuii��n whosc de{x�sh:; i�rc insural by a tcdcral ugcncy, insirurncntulity, or entity
<br /> (includiny I.ender,if I..endcr is r,i:r,is un institutiun)or in a��y Pcderal Huma Loan Bank. Lender sl�ull upply the Funds to p:►y the
<br /> Escn��v Il►:ms. Lsnder nusy�iol sRarge Horrowcr for hulding:�nd upplying the Funds,unnually imulyzing the c.scrow account,or
<br /> verilyinl6 tl►e�'scr��w ltems,unlc:;s Lender pays E3urrc�wer interest nn Nie Funds und u�plicable law permits l..ender to inake sucl�
<br /> n cllnrgQ. finwcver, �.CAC�Ci insy cxtjiiiic riCniv:�:.i:%F:i�$ass�-iim:�harg�f�r an indepcndent�eal cstate tax regorting scrvice
<br /> u�eci by: b.cnder in connecr�on R+ith cliis loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> applic�ible Imv requires intcresi:l:ca bc paid,Lcrtder shall not be required to pay Borrower nny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> 8orrowen�nd L.cnder mt►y agree�n writing,huwevcr, that intcrest shall be paid on tl�e Funds. [.crder shall give to Borrowcr,
<br /> wiUiout ahnr�e, an amnual �iccuu;:�.ting of th� Funds, showing crrdits and debits ao the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit tmtlle Cunds�vns macir.'I'hre Funds are pleciged as additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> If�U►:Punds lield by F.cncie�:excccd the amounts permitted to be held by applieable law,I.ender shall account to Bon'awer
<br /> far the excess Funds in accordaru:e with the ir.yuirements of applicable law. If the umount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time ie qnt st�fflcient co�ay the L"-scruw Ite�ns�vheu due,L.ender may so notify Horrower in writing,and,in such case 8orcawer
<br /> s�ialt nuy io G:nder the 1�noisnr.aecessary ro make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> cv�etve mauthly payment;,,a�:I.,er�dcr's sole discretion.
<br /> • Upon paymcnt in'fu[f af;a�l sums securec! by this Scc:urity Instrument, i.endcr shall pmmptly refund to 6orrower any
<br /> Funds ituld by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall ncquire or seli the Property,I..ender, prior to tt�e acquisitivn or sale
<br /> of the ht����cty, shail a�ply an}��Funds held Uy I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agalnst the sums secured by
<br /> this Sccuriry' Listrument.
<br /> 3.A��plfwtion oF Puymc�zns.Unless applicabte luw provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 nnd 2 yluill be�ppNcci: fr5t, uo any prcpayment charges duc undcr the Note: sccqnd,ro amounts payable und�r paragraph 2;
<br /> chird,io interest duc;fourth,�n�rincipal duc;and l:xst,to any late charges due undcr the Note. .
<br /> 4.,Cl�,a�;gE�s; Ltens. Dnrru�+vcr shafl pay all taxes, asscssments, CI1Q5�JC3, tines 1nd impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> which�nup�actaiu priority o��c+*this Securiry Instrument, and leaschold papmants or gmund rents, if any_ Borruwer sh.ill.pay
<br /> thcse ohlfgatiuns in the mmme�r;providcd in paragr:�ph 2,�r if not paid in that m�nner. Borrower shall pay t4iem on time dircctly
<br /> to the p�rsan owed payment. f.;��rrower shall pmmptly Purnish to I.ender all notices of ainounts to be paid einder dds paragraph.
<br /> If Bs+rrn�ver z�ukes tlicse��zymunts dircctly,Bor�ower shall prumptly furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing t5e payments,
<br /> 13nri�otiver shnll prompUp dischargc.my lien which has prio�ity o�er this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ogrees in
<br /> wti:iny�tc:t4ie pz�r.iccil of Q�e�lbligati9n secured by thc licn in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> ' by, or clefends 11SAtILtiC r;nfor�:emcnt of the lian in, Icgal procecdings which in the Lcnder's apinion opcmte to prevent the
<br /> enforccment af the lieu; or(e�sccures from thc holc�cr of thc lien an agrcement satisfactury to Lender subordinating thc lien to
<br /> • this Scau�ity Instrument. Cf f��:nder dctermines tl�at any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority o��er
<br /> this Seou��ly Instrument, f..c�►dcr may givc Borro�vcr a notice identifying the loen.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take onc or
<br /> ni�n•c ot'�thc actions sct fotKl�abovc within 10 days of thc giving oi notice.
<br /> Form 3028 9180
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