� �� CORD V
<br /> l�'IIS��LL��E�US R�
<br /> 28058—TH6AU605TINECO.CNANDIeLAND.NEBR. � ' .
<br /> Elrner J. Greenwood, et a.� )
<br /> Plain�iffs, j Case i�o. 10��7
<br /> -vs- ; LIS PENDENS
<br /> F3en�amin C. MeMas t er, Jr. , )
<br /> et al Defendants )
<br /> To ��hom It r•�a.y Concern:
<br /> You are hereby notified that E1mPr J. Greern�rood and Florence C. Greenwood have filed
<br /> a, petition in the above entitled cause in the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> Th� propert �ought to be effected �hereb�r is th� Southtaest �uarter of the Northwest
<br /> Quarter ( S��d�N�ar�,-) of Section Twenty-�ne (21) , Township Eleven (11) , Narth, Range Ten (10) ,
<br /> c�Test of the 6th P.M. , in Ha.11 County, Nebrasl�a.
<br /> H�.rold A. Prince
<br /> Attorney for PlaintiPfs.
<br /> Filed �'ar rPCOrd the 5 day of P��y, 19�-7 �.t 3 :15 0 ' clock P. M. �-��%���
<br /> . egister of e� s N
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 00 00 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> I{NOW ALL F?FN RY THESF�' PRFSF!`�TS: Tha� Rom� Mae Rit�Pnh�use c�f O�,kland, County of Al�med�,
<br /> �ta,tP �f C�.lif'ornia, have madP, constituted and �npointed, and by tr1E3� �resents do hereby
<br /> make, constitute �nd ax�point Raymond �+T. Fillmore of 710 West Fotxrth St. , Grand Islarid,
<br /> Nebrask�, m�r Z'rue �nd Lawful Attorney for me �.nd in my n�.me p1�ce and ste�d, and for my
<br /> use and bPnePit,
<br /> To sell or otherT��ise dispose af any and �..11 ri�;ht, title �.nd �.ntPrest that I may have in
<br /> a,nd to tha.t cPrt�.�.n house and lot aituated �t 5(�2 West Fifth S't. Gr�nd Island, Nebraska,
<br /> bPin� the FaSterly Fialf �f Lot �, in Block 1?�, in the Qri�;in�l Toran, nosa City of Grand
<br /> Isla.nd, NebrasYa, and for mP ��nd in my name, to ma,ke, execute, ackno?aled�;e and deliver a
<br /> �ood anc� sufficient deed of conveyance f.o.r the same *�rith covenants of warranty.
<br /> Givin� �nd Granting unto my st�.id attorney full po?��er �nd author�ty to c�o and ��erForm a.11
<br /> and evPry �ct a.nd }:;hing whatsoever r�c�uisite �_nd necess�ry• to be done in �nd �bout the
<br /> premises, �s fully tc� a11 int�nt� and pur�oses as Z might or cou�d do if person�lly present,
<br /> hereby ratifying a.nd confirma.ng all that my said attorney shall la.wfully d.o or c�.use to
<br /> be done by virtue of. there ?�resent s.
<br /> IN '�^IITNE5S ��iEFFOF, I h�ve hereunto set my hand ��nd seal this 15 d�,y of J�.nuary in the
<br /> year of our Lord One Thousand P1ine Hunc�red and Forty SevPn. -
<br /> Roma Mae Ri�tenhouse, Se�l
<br /> Signed, Seal_ed and DelivPred in the Presence of
<br /> STATE OF CALIFORNZA ) On this 15th d�y of Janu�ry A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and
<br /> ss. Forty Seven, before me, ?�Tilli�m A. Cockrill a Notary Public,
<br /> COt1NTY OF Alamed�. ) in �nd for the said County of Alamed�., State of California,
<br /> residin� therein, d.uly commis�ioned and sworn, person�lly
<br /> �,��.�e�.r�d Ro�a Mae Rittenhouse knotan to me to be the person described in �nd whose n�.me is
<br /> subscribed to the T�rithin instrument, �nd. she a.eknoT.aledged to me th�t she e�;ecuted the same.
<br /> IN ?�1ITTIFS� ?P'HEP�EOF, I have hereunto set my ha.nr� a.nd. �ffixed my offici�,l sea1, the day and
<br /> year in this ePrtific�te f'�.rst above �aritten.
<br /> William A. Cockrill
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public.
<br /> In and for s�,id County of. Ala.meda, State of C�.2ifor. nia
<br /> FilPd f. or record the 6 da,f af M�y, 19�-7 a.t 1: 30 0 ' clock P. M. �-��-��� /�
<br /> Register of �eeds
<br /> 0-0-0-�-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O-f:-O-O-O-O-O-n-O-O-C-O-O-O-O-�-O-O-O-Q-O-O-O-�-O-O-O-O-�-0-0-0-O-O-f�
<br /> ST.ATE OF N�'�F3RASKA) Peter A. P�eehan, �, rP�ident of York County �,nd State oP Nebr�.,ka,
<br /> s�. bein� first duly staornu:�on oath, deposes �,nd states that on the 1�-th
<br /> YORK COU'�?TY ) d.ay of ���arch, 1922, he purcha,sed from Andrew Leonhardt and M�r�aret ' �
<br /> Leonhardt, thP fvllr�win� described premises, to-��i� :
<br /> The Ea.st H�1f of the �outhPagt Ql�a.rt�r (E�SE�) of Section Twenty-five (25) , Township Ten
<br /> (10) Narth, Ran�;e Nine (�) , ?�1est of' the 6th Principal Mer�dian in Hall County, Nebr�.ska.
<br /> Tha.t he filed thP dPed �f conveyance to the ��.id premises on the 21st day of Ma,rcn,
<br /> 1922, a.nd thP s�.me w�.s duly recorded in 13ook 59, at ��ge 645, of the Deec� Records of H�11
<br /> County anc� 5t�,te of Nebr�s.ic�.
<br /> APfia.nt is of trie o�?in3.on th�t the scrivener in preparing the mortgage executed by T.
<br /> J. McGuirP �nc� A. C. McGuire, dated �I�rch I, 1921, a.nd recorded in Book 51 at page 4�3 of
<br /> the mort�ra.�e records of Hall County, Nebraska, m�.de an error in the description of the real
<br /> eSt�tP in 5�id instrument.
<br /> mhat neit:n�r the said 'I'. J. I•�cGuire , „A. C. McGuire nor �,ny other �eraon, firm or
<br /> cor�oration have clairned any ri.ght, title or interest in said ?_ands subsequent to the date
<br /> ��ffiant received �he title to the s�me , and a.ffiant h�.s been the sole o?aner ��.nd 3.n
<br /> possession of' sa.id l�nds since said 14th day of P��rch, 1922.
<br /> Further �.ffian�G saith not. Peter A. Meehan � II
<br /> Subscr�.bed �nd sworn to before me this 3rd day of May, 1947. LeRoy Davis
<br /> My commission expires November 2, 19�+� ( SEAL) Notary Pub11c.
<br /> Filed for record the 7 da,y of May, 1947 at 1 t40 0 ' clock P. M. ��r�� � �
<br /> _ -u��-Register of Deeds
<br />