<br /> �9
<br /> 290E8-TN�AYCYfTINEC0.6RANDtlL11ND.N!!R. 30142- . .. � .
<br /> Henry F. Marquardt Ss.
<br /> Clara E. Mar�uardt Hall County.
<br /> I hereby certify that t�iis instrument was entered in Numerical Inclex, and
<br /> f iled f or record this 2�, day o f �IU�U S�'. 19 52 .
<br /> at $`:�j� o'clock �. M. ���� /71 Q
<br /> TO lJ���vsa/
<br /> Register of Deeds.
<br /> Kansas-Ne6raska NaturaI Gas Company, Ina
<br /> A Kansas Corporation Deputy.
<br /> /� Fees. $ 2�7�
<br /> That the Grantors,
<br /> Henry F. Marquardt and Clara E. Marquardt, his wife,
<br /> oj ahe Counay oj Hall and Statg of Nebraska for ancl
<br /> in constc�eration of tl�e sum of twenty-fi�e (2g) cents per linear rod, receipt of Five Dollars of whicl� consideration is hereby acknowledged, tho balance to
<br /> be paid wit�in sixty days after the completion of any pipe line constructed hereuncler, do �ereby GR.ANT, CONVEY and CONFIRM unto Kansas-Nebraska
<br /> Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors and assigns (hereinaf ter collectively called "Grantee"�, the RIGHT-OF-WAY and
<br /> EASEMENT to construcf, install, maintain, renew, replace ancl operate pipe lines and appurtenances thereto, for the transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum proclucts and otlier fluids, or any tl�ereof, in, under, upon and through the following described Iancls situatect in the County of H&1.1.
<br /> _ and State o( N@bTa.S1S�. to wit:
<br /> The North Half of the Southeast Quarter and the 3outh Half of th� Northeast C�.iarter
<br /> all of Section 35 in Township 10 Nor�h, Rar�e 9 Wes�
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way and easement unto said Kansas-Nebraslza Natu,ral Gas Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, so Iong
<br /> as such pipe lines, and appurtenances thereto, shall be maintained; toget�er with the right of ingress to and egress from said premises for t�e purpose of
<br /> constructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing and replacing the property of Grantee located thereon, or the removal thereof, in wleole or in part
<br /> at will of �'irantee. �'irantors retain the right to use. anc� enjoy said premises,. subject only fo the right of �'irantee to use t�e same for fhe purposes
<br /> herein expressed.
<br /> (t) Grantee agrees to lay all.pipe Iiereunder at suoh depth as not to interfere with tlie cultivation of the soil; to pay Grantors any damages to
<br /> growing crops, fences or other improvements which may arise from the operations of Cirantee; any such c�amages, if not mutually agreec� upon, to be
<br /> ascertained.and determined by tliree disinterested persons, one o f whom shall be appointed by Grantors, or tl�eir assigns, one by C'irantee, and the tl�ird
<br /> chosen by the two so appointec�. The written awarcl of a majority of sucli three persons shall be f inal anc�conclusive upon the parties Tiereto.
<br /> (2) Grantee shall haVe the riglit, from time to time, after completing the installation of an initial pipe line hereuncler, to construct ancl install one
<br /> or more ac�c�itianal pipe lines hereunc�er upon payment to �irantors, t�ieir heirs or assigns, of an aciclitional sum of 7'wenty-five cents per Iinear rocl for eae�i
<br /> sucli additional line.
<br /> {g� Grantee agrees, as further consicleration for this grant, to pay �'irantors an ac�ditional Twenty-five (2g� cents per linear rocj for any pipe line,
<br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside diameter of eight inches or over.
<br /> (4) As further consideration for this grant. Grantee agrees to install a tap on any gas pipe line constructed by Grantee upon Grantors' said
<br /> premises for the purpose of supplying gas, so long as such pipe line sliall be maintainec�by �'irantee, for use upon said premises for c�omestic purposes only
<br /> and not for resale. . Gas supplied under the terms of this clause s�all be measured and delivered at the line of Grantee at tT�e same price and under the
<br /> same rules nnd re�ulations, ns far as applicable, as in effect from time to time for similar service to domestic customers in the nearest city or town in
<br /> th.e State of Nebraska �n which Grantee retails natural gas. E1lI connections and equipment from the outlet of tTie meter
<br /> shal� be furnished and paid for by Grantors under rules and regutations of Grantee. Tlie meter and regulator setting will be installed by Grantee which
<br /> will retain ownership thereof. This pror�ision shall be given effect upon written notice from Grantors.
<br /> (5) It is agreecl bp Grantors fliat any payment of consic�eration due unc�er t�e terms hereof may be mac�e jointly to Grantors ancl any mortgagees
<br /> of recorcl at t1�e time such payment becomes clue.
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHERF�F, the saic� Grantors liave �ereunto set their Tiancls this `2 c�ay o; April , tq 52 ,
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> � -- -----� �--�-----------------------------------�-------------------------------...-------------- �-----------------------------�------------Henr�y---F.._..Mar_guardt._---------------------�
<br /> ------------------------
<br /> �--------------------------------------------Clara--E.----Max quardt-------------------------
<br /> --�-�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �------------�------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �----..Jah.n---W,....A�hb�n------------------------------------�----------------------------------- �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------
<br /> Right-of-Way Agent.
<br /> STATE OF Nebraska
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF �a11
<br /> B$ IT REM�MB$R$D that on tltiis� `� clay of April ,A.D. �j2 before me,a notary
<br /> public in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared the above named
<br /> Heriry F. Marquardt and Clara E. Marquardt, his wife,
<br /> w{to c'�7'e personally known to me and known to me to be the same perso n who executed the f oregoing instrument nnd such person duly acltnowlec�ged
<br /> the execution of the same and acknocvledged said instrument to be the ir voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I haue hereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal tl�e day and year Iast above written.
<br /> My commission expires AU�LiS� 2�� 1953 (SEAL) ____________________________.._..___________Walter Au�ustin Nota►� Publ��
<br /> STATE OF
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this clay of ,A.D. before me,a notary
<br /> public in and jor tlie county and state af oresaid, personally appearecl tlie above named
<br /> w�o personally Iznown to me ancl known to me to be the same person who executecl t�e foregoing instrument and such person duly acknowl-
<br /> edged the execution of the same and acTznowledged said instrument to be voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year Iast above written.
<br /> My commission expires ••-----------•--------------------------•----------•-•-----•--------------------•-•-•------------••••---------..Notary Public
<br /> I
<br /> � �
<br />