<br /> 29068-TN[AYttlfTINFCO.iRANDIfLIND,N[BR. � � 30142- �� �. .
<br /> ss.
<br /> Truman Barrowa Ha11 Cou�t,,,
<br /> Bes�ie Bc�,Z''Y'pyaTS I hereby certify that this instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and
<br /> f iled f or record this 23, day o� Au�g t; ig s^E, '
<br /> TO at $;3� o'clock A. M. ��� /� /J
<br /> (/da¢'i,rti
<br /> Re ister o Deeds.
<br /> s f
<br /> Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Ina
<br /> A Kansas Corporation �eputy.
<br /> �ees. $ ��7�
<br /> That the Grantors,
<br /> Truman Barrows and Bessie Barrows, his wife
<br /> of the County of Adams and State of Nebraska {or and
<br /> in consic�eration of tlie sum of twenty-fivr� (Zg) cents per�inear rod, receipt of Five Dollars of w�iich consic�eration is hereby acknowledged, tl�e �ialance to
<br /> be paid witliin sixty �Iays after the completion of any pdpe line constructed l�ereunder, do hereby GRANT, CONVEY and CONFIRM unto Kansas-Nebraska
<br /> Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation,.its successors and assigns (hereinaf ter collectively called "Grantee"), the RIGHT-OF-WAY and
<br /> EASBMENT to construct, install, maintain, renew; replace ancj operate pipe lines ancl appurtettances thereto, for the transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum products and other f luids, or any tTiereo f, in, under, upon and througl�the f ollowing clescribed Iands situated in the County o f
<br /> �a,].�. antl Jrtate of Nebraska to w=t:
<br /> �"he Sou�hwest Quarter of See��.on 33 �n Township 9 Nor'�h, Range 9 West
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-cuay and easement unto said Kansas-Nebraska Natural CJas C'ompany, Inc., its successors anc� assigns, so long
<br /> as such pipe lines, and appurtenances tliereto, sTiall be maintained; together with the right of ingress to and egress from said premises for the purpose of
<br /> constructzng, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing antl replacing the property of �'irantee locatecl thereon, or the removal t�ereof, in iuhole or in part
<br /> at will of Cirantee. Grantors retain the right to use ancl enjoy said premises, subject only to t�ie rig�it of Grantee to use t�ie same for tlie purposes
<br /> herein expressed.
<br /> (i) Grantee ngrees to Iay aIl pipe hereunder at such depth as not to interfere with the cultivation of the soil; to pay Grantors any damages to
<br /> growing crops, .fences or other improvements whic�i may arise from f�e operutions of Cirantee; any suc�i c�amages, if not mutually agreec� upon, to be
<br /> ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons,� one of whom shall be appointed by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, and the third
<br /> chosen by the two so appointed. The written award of a majority of such three persons shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto.
<br /> (2) Grantee shall �ave the right, from time to time, after completing the installation of an initial pipe line hereunder, to construct and install one
<br /> or more additional pipe Iines 1�ereunder upon payment to Grantors, their lieirs or assigns, of an ac�ditional sum of Twenty-ffve cents per Iinear rod for each
<br /> such ndditional line.
<br /> (g� �'irantee agrees, as furt�er consideration for this grant, to pay �'irantors an additional Twenty-five (2g� cents per linear roc� for any pipe line,
<br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside rliameter of eight incTi�s or over.
<br /> (q) f�s further consic�eration for this grant, �'irantee agrees to install a tap on any gas pipe line oonstructed by Grantee upon Grantors' said
<br /> premises for the purpose of supplying gas, so long as suc� pipe line shall be maintainec� by Grantee, for use upon said premises for domestic purposes only
<br /> nnd not for resale. Gas supplied under tlie terms of this clause shall be measured and d�liverecl at tlie line of Grantee at the same price and under the
<br /> snme rules and regulations, as f ar as applicab�e, as in ef f ect f rom time to time f or similar service to domestic customers in the nearest city or town in
<br /> the State of N@bz',�.Ska, in w�ich Grantee retails natural gas. AII connections and equipment from the outlet of the meter
<br /> shall be furnished and paid for by Grantors under rules and regulations of Grantee. Tlie meter anc� regulator setting will be inetalled by Grantee which
<br /> will retain ownership thereof. Th�s provision shall be given effect upon u�ritten notice from Grantors.
<br /> (g) It is agreed by Grantors that any payment of consideration clue under the terms hereof may be made lointly to Grantors and any mortgagees
<br /> o f record at the time such payment becomes due.
<br /> I1V WITN�SS wHEREOF, the saic� Grantors have hereunto set their �ancTs this 1.7 c�ay of Mareh . 19,�}2 •
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> Chas E. Deets Truman Barrows
<br /> -- ----------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------�---
<br /> �------------------------------------------------------Bessie Barrows
<br /> �--------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------�-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----�------�----------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------�---------- �----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..
<br /> -------------------J ohn W. A shburn
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------- �--------------------�------------------�---�------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----
<br /> Kig�t-o f-way l�gent.
<br /> S'r�'rE oF Nebraska
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF Add7t18 _
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this �.'f t'i�l day of Ma.rch .A.D. 1952 before me,a notary
<br /> public in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared the above named
<br /> Truman Barrows and Be s sie Baxroias, hi s wif e
<br /> who A�''E+' personally Iznown to me ancl Iznown to me to be tlte same perso�w�ia executed the foregoing instrument ancT sucli persort�t�uly acknowleclgec�
<br /> fhe exeeution of the same ant�aelznowlec�gecI saict instrument to be their voluntary aet ancl cleerl.
<br />' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my jeancl and af f ixed my notarial seal the clay ancl year Iast above written.
<br /> I, My commission expires �Ujgr. ],C�, 195t�, (SEAL) C�1a.S F.+, Deet� �,
<br /> ..---�------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------•------------------------------Nota Public
<br /> STATE OF
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> B$ 1T REMEMB�R$D that on this day of ,A.D. before me,a notary
<br /> public in and f or t1�e county and state af oresaid, personally appeared the above named
<br /> who personally Tznown to me and-known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and suc�.person duly acknowl-
<br /> edged the execution o}� t�ie same and acknowledged said instrument to be voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I liave I�ereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> My commission expires -----••---•---•---------•---•-•-••-•-----------•--------------------------•-•----------•°-----......-----..__1Votary Public
<br />