<br /> I�IISC�I�I�AN�OUS �.�CORD V
<br /> � 29058�THt AU6UfTINE CO.CR11ND ISUND,MLBII. 30142-
<br /> ss.
<br /> Helen Sahuater Ha12 Count,,. .
<br /> P&t,�1. SC�tUBj'+l,'P 1 I�ereby certify that this instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and
<br /> Nettie Stulken
<br /> f iled f or record this �]. day of AU�'U S t i 9 52 •
<br /> at $;3 0 o'clock A. M. ��J� Q
<br /> TO e-Iv�-�/
<br /> Register of Deeds.
<br /> Kansas-Nebraska NaturaI Gas Company, Ina
<br /> f� Kansas Corporation t Deputy.
<br /> �
<br /> ��R� Fees. $ �.9�
<br /> That the Grantors, Helen Schuster & Paul Schuater,
<br /> hsr husband Nettie Stulken, a widow .
<br /> o( tl�e County o}' HBID�.�-�'+Ofl and State of Nebraska for and
<br /> in consic{eration of the sum of twenty-five (�g) cents per �inear rod, receipt of Five Dollars of whieh consfd�ration is hereby acknowledged, the balance to
<br /> � be paid within sixty days a(ter tlte compTetion of any pipe line eonstructed hereunder, do hereby GRANT. CONVEY and CONFIRM unto Kansas-Nebraska
<br /> Natural Gas Compnny, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors anc� assigns (�iereinafter collectively called "Grantee"), the RIGHT-OF-WAY and
<br /> �f�S�M�N7' to construct, install, maintain, renew, replace and operafe pipe lines and appurfenances t�erefo, for the transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum products and otT�er fluids, or any t�ereof, in, under, upon and through the following described Iands situated in tTie County of
<br /> Hg].1 and State of NebZ'F3.8ka. to wit:
<br /> The Eaat Half of the Sou�hwest Quar�er of 5ection 1 in Townsh3.p 9 North,
<br /> Ran�e 9 West
<br /> • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD saicl rigltit-of-way and easement unto said Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, so Iong
<br /> as such pipe lines, and appurtenances thereto, shall be maintained; toget/�er with the right of ingress to ancl egress from said premises for tl�e purpose of
<br /> constructing, inspeoting, repairing, maintaining, renewing and replacing the property of Grantee located thereon, or tlie removal thereof, in wTiole or in part
<br /> at will of Grantee. Grantors retain the right to use ancl enjoy said premises; subject only to t�e right of Grantee to use the same for the purposes
<br /> herein expressed.
<br /> (t) Grantee agrees to lay all pipe hereunder at such deptl� as not to interfere with the cultivation of the soil; to pay Grantors any damages to
<br /> growin� crops, fences or other improvements which may arise fmm the operations of Grantee; ¢ny sucli clamages, if not mutually agreecl upon, to be
<br /> ascertainec� and determined by tliree disinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointed by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, and the tAircl
<br /> cliosen by the two so appointed. The written azuard of a majority of such three persons shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto.
<br /> (2) Grnntee shall have tlie right, from time to time, after compTeting tTie installation of an initial pipe Iine hereunder, to construct and install one
<br /> or more additional pipe lines hereunder upon payment to Grantors, their lieirs or assigns, of an aclditional sum of Twenty-five cents per linear rocl for edch
<br /> sucli additional line.
<br /> (3� �'irantee agrees, as further consideration for t�is grant, to pay �'irantors an aciclitional Twenty-five �2g� cents per �inear rod for any pipe line,
<br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside c�iameter of eiglit inches or over.
<br /> (4) As furtlier consideration for tl�is grant, Grantee agrees to install a tap on any gas pipe line constructed by Grantee upon Grantors' snid
<br /> premises for the purpose of supplying gas, so long as suc�. pipe line shall be maintained by �'irantee, for use upon said premises for domestic purposes only
<br /> aMd not for resale: Gas supplied under tlie terms of this clause shall be'measured and delivered at tl�e line of Grantee at the same price and under the
<br /> cnme rules and regulations, as f ar as applicable, as in e f f ect f rom time to time f or similar service to domestic customers in the nearest city or town in
<br /> the State of NeUI',a,Sl�a; in wl�ich Grantee retails natural gas. ALI connections and equipment from the outlet of th.e meter
<br /> s1�all be furnisliec�anc�paid for by Grantors under rules and regulations af Grantee. The meter anc� regulator setting will be installed by Grantee w�,ieh
<br /> will retain ownership tTiereof. ThLS provision sliall be given ef fect upon written notice from Grantors.
<br /> (g� It is agreecl by �irantors t�iat any payment of eonsicleration clue uncler the terms hereof may be macje jointly to �'irantors antl any mortgagees
<br /> of record at the time such payment becomes due.
<br /> IN WITN�SS WHERF,OF, the saicl Grantors Tiave hereunto set their hands th�s 8 day of tTU�.�T , 1952 ,
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> Helen 5ehuster
<br /> - ---------------------------------�--------------=------------�----------------------�------------------------------------- -----------------------------�----------------------------------------------...----------------------------------------------
<br /> Paul Schueter
<br /> Net�ie Stulken
<br /> �------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ....-------------------�----------------------�------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------
<br /> --------------John W. Ashburn
<br /> ---�-------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------
<br /> Right-o f-VVay Agent.
<br /> s"rA'rE oF Nebrask.a.
<br /> ss.
<br /> couN� oF Hamilton
<br /> BE IT REMEMB$RED that on thas r 8 day of July ,A.D. i952 before me,a notary
<br /> public in and f or the county and state af oresaid, personally appeared tlie above named
<br /> Helen Schuster & Paul Schuster, her husband
<br /> � n o ex ed the ore oin instrumen nnd su h er
<br /> who i�.Pt,' personally knou n to me and known to me to Iie the same perso �uh ecut f g g t c p son�uly acknowledged
<br /> the execution of the same nnd acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WITNF.SS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand anc� af f txec�my notarial seal the day and year Iast above written.
<br /> My commission expires Jan 22, 195� �SEAL) ---------------------------------------------------�-.---D._...Chapman---------,-----..Nofa►� Publ��
<br /> STATE OF California
<br /> ss. �
<br /> COUNTY OF San Joaquin
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 18th day of July ,A.D. 19�� before me,a notary
<br /> public in nnd for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared the above named NEttj.e S�U�..kG'i1� $ W'�.C�.OW
<br /> who �.S personally known to me and known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and such peraon duly acknowl-
<br /> eclged the execution of the same and acknowledged said instrument to be her volune��e and deed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 Fiave hereunto set my Itand ancl af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year Iast above written.
<br /> 1�'ly commission expires 12/8/,54 (SEAL} _____________________________________�amuel...H.___.HunZiker _____.Nota►y Publi�
<br /> - ------------------------
<br />