�� .
<br /> 29056-TNEAIlGUSTINECO.GRAN015LAN0,NEBR. � . . 30142-
<br /> R. N. Kuester, et a1, Trustees Hall ss�
<br /> �,'ounty,
<br /> I Tiereby certify that this instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and
<br /> filed for recorcl t�tis �.� day of December tq�6 ,
<br /> � at 9:o0 o°�io�k A. �r���_.c
<br /> TO
<br /> Register of Deecls.
<br /> Kansas-Nel�raska Natural Gas Company, Inc.
<br /> f3 Kansas Corporation Deputy.
<br /> F�es, $ ]_�,J� �
<br /> R . uea�e§ a�d �r�nci�$ Q.
<br /> �ues�er h�}s�i�nd ar� w�fe and R �S Kuesterhaar�� ��"er�'irs� at on an o ra 91and,
<br /> rus ee� o e R. . ue�ter Esta �
<br /> of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska for and
<br /> in consideration of the sum of twenty-five (2g) cents per linear rod, receipt of Five Dollars of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the balance to
<br /> be pnic�within sixty days after the completion of any pipe line constructed liereunder, c�o hereby GRANT, CONV$Y antl CONFIRM unto Kan�as-Nebraslza
<br /> Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas CorporaEion, ifs successors and assigns (hereinaf ter collectively called "Grantee"), the RIGHT-OF-WAY anal
<br /> EASEMENT to construct, install, maintain, renew, replace and operate pipe Iines and appurtenances thereto, for the transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum products and otl�er f Iuicls, or any thereo f, in, under, upon and througli the f ollowtng described Tands situated in tlie County o f H��-
<br /> and State of Nebraska to wit:
<br /> The Eas� Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirteen (13) , Township Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Nine (g) West
<br /> I
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD saicl riglLt-of-way and easement unto said Kansas-NeTiraslza Natural Gas Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, so long
<br /> as sucli pipe lines, and appurtenances thereto, shall be maintained; together wit1� the right of ingress to and egress from said premises for t�e purpose of
<br /> Iconstructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing ancl replacing tlie property of Grantee Iocated thereon, or tlie removal thereof, in whole or in part
<br /> at will o Grantee. Grantors retain the ri ht to use and en'o said premises, subject onl to the ri ht o Grantee to use tl�e same or tlie ur oses
<br /> f 9 7 Y Y 9 f I P P
<br /> herein expressed.
<br /> (t) Grantee agrees to Iay aIl pipe hereunder at such depth as not to interfere witli tlie cultivation of tTie soil; to pay Grantors any damac�es to
<br /> growing crops, fences or other improvements whicli may arise from the operations of Grantee; any such damages, if not mutually agreed upon, to be •
<br /> ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointec� by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, and the third
<br /> chosen by the two so appointed. The written award o( a ma}ority of suc� three persons shall be final and conclusive upon th.e parties hereto.
<br /> (2} �'irnntee shall have the right, from time to Eime, affer completing the installation of an initial pipe �ine hereunc�er, to construct ancl install one
<br /> or more additional pipe lines hereunder upon payment to Grantors, tlieir heirs or assigns, o f an ac�c�itional sum o f Twenty-f ive cents per Iinear rod f or each
<br /> suc� aclditional line.
<br /> �3� �irantee agrees, as further eonsicleration for fhis grant, to pay �'irantors an additional Twenty-five {�,g� eents per linear rocl for any pipe line,
<br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside diameter of eight inches or over.
<br /> (4) As furt�er consideration for t�iis grant, Grantee agrees to install a tap on any gos pipe Iine constructed by Grantee upon Grantors' said
<br /> premises f or the purpose o f supplying gas, so long as such pipe'line s1iall be maintained bp �'irantee, f or use upon saicl premises f or domestic purposes only
<br /> and' not J'or resale. Gas suppTied under tTie terms of t�is clause shall be measured and delivered at the line of Grantee at th.e same price and under the
<br /> same rules and regulations, as far as applicable, as in ef fect from time to time for similar service to domestie customers in the nearest city or town in
<br /> the State of Nebraska in whicli Grantee retails natural gas. AII connections and equipment from the outlet of the meter
<br /> shall be furnished and paid for by Grantors under rules and regulations of GranEee. The meter and regulator setting wi�l be instatled by Grantee whfcTi
<br /> will retain ownership thereo f. This provision shall be given e f f ect upon written notice f rom Grantors.
<br /> (g) It is agreed by Grantors that any payment of consideration due under tlie terms hereof may be made jointly to Grantors and any mortgagees
<br /> of recorcl at the time such payment becomes due.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors Fiave hereunto set their l�ancls this 1.1 day o{ July , i9�6 ,
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> �..................................Rudolph__�•_.._Kue a t er.
<br /> ---------------------�-�-----------------------...---------....-----....--------....--------------------�---------...--�----.... _. ..._......------�--------......----�---
<br /> Rudolph N. Kuester
<br /> �----------------------�--�-------------------�----------�------�-----�------......----------�------------...---------�-------- ........------------------------�---Mra.----Rudolph--N-�---guest�r
<br /> ---------------------------------�-
<br /> E.---H-'----viereg�----------------------------�---------------------------._.....------------._...----------- The.--First...National._.Bank.--°�-..Grand. Island�
<br /> ----------------�---------------------
<br /> RLght-of-way A9ena. By F.J.Cleary, Vice Pres.
<br /> Trustees of R. M. Kuester Estate.
<br /> STATE OF l�ebraska
<br /> ss.
<br /> BE IT REM$MBERED that on this 1.�, day of eTU1.� ,A.D. 19�6 be�'ore me,a notary
<br /> public in ancl f or the county and state af oresaid, personally appeared the above named �• �• Kue s t e r and Franc i s V� Kue a t e r,
<br /> h�zsband and wife, and R. N. Kuester and F.J.Cleary, Vice President, TruateEe
<br /> who are persona�Iy known to me and known to me to be the same perso�who ezecutec�tTie f oregoing instrument and such perso�duly aclznowledged
<br /> the execution of the same and aciznowledged said instrument to be trlej.Y' voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WITNLSS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af fixecl my notarial seal the clay and year Iast above written.
<br /> My commission ex ires 2�6 �'8 �sT''-+� Ma.rtha F. 5'C�10�.2
<br /> p � � ---------------��----------------------�------��---...---------�---�-------�--�-�------------�-�------........._Nota�y Publ��
<br /> STATE OF
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on tFtis clay of ,A.D. b6f ore me,a notary
<br /> public in ancl f or tlie county and state af oresaid, personally appeared the above named
<br /> who personally lznown to me ancl known to me'to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and such person du[y acknowl-
<br /> edged the execution of the same and aaknowledged said instrument to be voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WITNBSS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hancl and af fixec�I my notariaZ sea�the day and year Iast above written.
<br /> My commission expires ..°-•---------------------------•°°-°•---•••........•••-.......---°--.................-•-•-•••-•••°----°
<br /> Notary Public
<br />