<br /> 29086-TN[AU00lTINECO.CRIIqDIfLANO.N!lI1. ` 3Q�42- �
<br /> ss.
<br /> Antonette 4�Iin�olph 8c husband Hall County, � �
<br /> I h.ereby certify that t�is instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and
<br />, f iled f or recorcl this 11 day o f Jul y 19 't�.
<br /> at �j:�j0 o'c[oclz p. M. • �
<br /> TO
<br /> Register of Dee s.
<br /> Kansas-Nebraska NaturaI Gas Company, Inc.
<br /> f� Kansas Corporation Deputy.
<br /> Fees, �].• 5Q �
<br /> Tha the Grant rs
<br /> Antonette ?��indolph a.nd Cha.rles A.�indolph, w�.fe anc� husband
<br /> oj the County of xF��.l. and State af Nebraska for and
<br /> in consideration of the sum of twenty-five (�g) cents per linear rod, receipt of Five Dollars of whi�h consideration is Iiereby acknowledged, the balance to
<br /> be pazd within sixty days after the completion of any pipe line constructed hereunc�er, do hereby GRANT, CONVEY ancl CONFIRM unto Kansas-Nebrdska
<br /> Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively called "Grantee"), the RIGHT-OF-WAY and
<br /> EAS$M$NT to construct, install, maintain, renew; replace and operate pipe lines and appurtenances thereto, for the transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum products ancl other fluids, or any tliereof, in, under, upon and tl�rough the following described Iands situated in tFte County of
<br /> H�11 and State of Nebraska to w�t:
<br /> Bouth West Quarter (1/4) of the North East Quarter (I��-) of section Fourteen (14)
<br /> Township Eleven (11) North,Ran�e Nine (9) E�es'G.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD saicl right-of-way and easement unto said K�nsas-NebrasTza Natural Gas Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, so Iong
<br /> as such pipe lines, and appurtenances thereto, s�all be mainfainecl; together wit� the rig�it of ingress to ancl egress from saicl premises for t�e purpose of
<br /> constructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing and replacing the property of �'irantee located thereon, or t�ie removal thereof, in w�ole or in part
<br /> at will of Grantee. Grantors retain the rigFit to use and enjoy said premises, subject only to the right of Grantee to use the same for the purposes
<br /> herein expressed.
<br /> (i) Grantee agrees to lay aII pipe hereunc�er at suc�i depth as not to interfere witli the cultivation of the soil; to pay Grantors any clamages to
<br /> growing crops, fences or other improvements which may arise from the operations of �irantee; any such c�amages, if not mutually agreec� upon, fo be
<br /> ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointed by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, and tlie tliird
<br /> chosen by the two so appointed. The written award of a majority of such tliree persons shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto.
<br /> (a�) Grantea shall have the right, from time to time, after comp�eting t1�e instaZlation of an initial pipe line hereunder, to construct and install one
<br /> or more adclitional pipe lines l�ereunder upon payrnent to Grantors, their heirs or assigns, of an additional sum of Twe�ty-five cents per linear rod for eacl�
<br /> such adclitional line.
<br /> (3� �'irantee agrees, as further consic�eration for this grant, to pay �'irantors att aclditional 7'wenty-five (2g� cents per �inear rod for any pipe line,
<br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside diameter of eight inches or over.
<br /> (q) f�s further consideration for this grant, .�irantee agrees to install a tap on any�gas pipe line constructecl by Grantee upon Grantors' saic�
<br /> premises for the purpose of supplying gas, so long as suc� pipe line shaTl be maintained by Granfee, for use upon saicl premises for domestic purposes only
<br /> anc� not for resale. Gas suppliecl under the terms of tliis clause shall be measured and delivered at the line of Grantee at the same price and under the
<br /> same rules and regulations, as far as applicable, as in effect from time to time for similar service to domestic customers in the nearest ciry or town in
<br /> the State of Nebraska in which Grantee retails natural gas. All connections and equipment from the outlet of the meter
<br /> s1iall be furnished and paid for by Grantors under ru,Ies and regulations of Grantee. Tl�e meter and regulator setting will be insta�ed by Grantee which
<br /> will retain ownership thereo`. This provision sTiall be given effect upon written notice from Grantors.
<br /> (g) It is agreed by Grantors that any payment of consideration due under the terms hereof may be made jointly to Grantors and any mortgagees
<br /> of recort�at the time suc� payment becomes clue.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have �ereunto set their hands this �5�",�1. day of June , iq � .
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> --------------------------------------------=------------------=--------�----------------------------------------------- �-----------------------------------�tor�ette---jaindol�h-----------�--------------------
<br /> �-----------------------------------------------�---
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- �---�------------------�------�------G'har.l.e.s_._.�l...Win�.alp�i--------------------------------
<br /> �--------------------------------=--------------------------------�-=-----------�------------------------------------------ �-------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------...------------------------------------.
<br /> ._E.H._Vi�r-�'�---------------�------------�-----------�------------------------------------------------- -------�--------------------------------------------------------------�---------�---------------------------=-
<br /> ------------------
<br /> Rtght-of-Way f�gent.
<br /> STA'rE oF Nebraska
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF H�.11
<br /> B$ IT REMEMB$RED that on this r 2 cj t�l day o f Jun e .A.D. 19�-� be f ore me,a notary
<br /> publie in ancl �or the eounty ancl state aforesaic�, personally a�pearecl the above namec� Antonette Windolph and Charles A•
<br /> �inclolph, �rife and husband,
<br /> w�o �� personally Iznown to me anc� known to me to be tlte same person w�io exeeutecl the foregoing instrument nncl sue�i personBcluly aclznowleclgecI
<br /> the execution of tlie same anc�aclznowleclgecl saic�instrument to be their voluntary act anol cleed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I Ttave hereunto set my Itan�l and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> i, My commission expires June �� 19�-$ ---------------------------------------------Ado1�h--Bs�ek�-----------�-----------..__Nota►� Public
<br /> STATE OF
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> B$ IT REMEMBERED that on this day of ,A.D. before me,a notary
<br /> public in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared the above named
<br /> who pe,rsonally known to me anal Iznown to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing instru.ment anc�suc�i person cluly acknowj-
<br /> edged the execution of the same and aclznowledged said instrument to be voluntary act and deed.
<br /> IN WI'1'NESS WHER$OF I kave l�ereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> My commission expires -•-•----------•-----•--...------•-•--------•-------•------------------------------•---...-------.....------...._Notary Publi�, �,. '
<br /> �,b`� # .tP
<br /> eF` `k'
<br /> �� I
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