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. '1 <br /> �� � <br /> I�IISCELLANEOUS RECORD V <br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT <br /> KANSAS-NEBRASKA NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC., A KANSAS CORPORATION <br /> 29058-THEAUGUSTINECO,GRIINDISLAN�,NEBR. 30142- <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> C#eorge Sas s �.nd ��ri f e S3' <br /> Hg?,lZ C'ounty, <br /> I hereby certify tliat this instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and <br /> f ilec� f or recorcj this 1,]. daY o f Jul y 19 't� . <br /> at 3: 3o a��io�� P.M. �.��.� � <br /> TO <br /> Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc. Register of Dee s. <br /> f� Kansas Corporation Deputy. <br /> Fees, $Z.5�� <br /> _ ' — <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT�: ' - � <br /> That tFie Grantors, George Sass and Olga Dorothea <br /> Sass, husbanc� �n�. t��if e, — <br /> of the County of H�.11, and State of Nebraska for and <br />, in consideration of the sum of twenty-five (2g) cents per linear rocl, receipt of Five Dollars of which consic�eration is hereby aclznowledged, t�e balance to <br /> be paid within sixty days after the completion of any pipe line constructed hereunder, do hereby GRANT, CONVEY and CONFIRM unto Kansas-Nebraska <br /> Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors and assigns (hereinaf ter collectively called "Grantee"), the RIGHT-OF-WAY and <br /> EASEMBNT to construct, install, maintain, renew, replace and operate pipe lines and appurtenances thereto, for the fransportation of gas, gasoline, oil, <br /> petroleum products antl other fluids, or any thereof, in, under, upon and through the foTlowing described lands situated in the County of <br /> x��-,l�- and State of Nebraska to w�t: <br /> I Lots 3 and �- Island in Sectlon 13 (Thirteen �, Township 11 North, Range, 9 �est. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way and easement unto sazd Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, so long <br /> as such pipe lines, and appurtenances thereto, shall be maintained; toget�er witTi t�e riglit of ingress to ancl egress from said premises for tlie purpose of <br /> constructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing ancl replacing the property of �irantee located thereon, or the removal t�ereof, in w�ole or in part <br /> at will of Grantee. Grantors retain the right to use and enjoy said premises, subject only to fhe right of Granfee to use the same for the purposes <br /> l�erein expressed. <br /> (t) Grantee agrees to lay alI pipe hereunder at sucTi depth as not to interfere witli tlie cultivation of tlie soil; to pay Grantors any damages to <br /> growing crops, fences or otker improvements which may arise from fhe operations of �'irantee; any such damages, if not mutually agreerl upon, fo be <br /> ascertainecl and determined by three disinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointed by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, and the thircl <br /> cl�osen by the two so appointecl. The written award of a majority of such three persons shall be final and conclusiUe upon the parties hereto. <br /> (2) Grantee shall have t�ie right, from time to time, after completing t�ie installation of an initial pipe line �iereunc�er, to construct ancl install one <br /> or more additional pipe lines hereunder upon payment to Grantors, their heirs or assigns, of an additional sum of Twenty-five cents per Iinear rod for each <br /> such additional Iine. <br /> (J� �irantee ngrees, as further consicleration for this grant, to pay Cirantors an additional Twenty-five (2g� cents per linear rocl for any pipe line, <br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside diameter of eight inches or over: <br /> (q) As f urtTier consideration f or this grant, Grantee ngrees to install a tap on any gas pipe tine constrncted by Grantee upon Grantors' sai� <br /> premises for the purpose of supplying gas, so long as such pipe'line shal� be maintained by Grantee, for use upon said prem4ses for clomestic purposes only <br /> and not for resale. Gas suppliecl unc�er the terms of tliis clause shaLl be measurecl and deliverecl at the line of Grantee at the same price and under the <br /> same rules anc� regulations, as f ar as applicable, as in ef f ect f rom time to time f or similar service to domestic customers in the nearest city or town in <br /> the State of Nebraska in which Grantee retails natural gas. AIl'connections and equipment from the outlet of the meter <br /> shall be f urnished and paid f or by Grantors uncIer rules and regulations o f Grantee. The meter and regulator setting will be installed by Grantee wl�icli <br /> will retain ownership thereof. This provision shall be given effect upon written notice from Grantors. <br /> (g) It is agreed by Grantors that any payment of consideration due under the terms hereof may be made jointly to Grantors and any mortgagees <br /> of record at the time such payment becomes due. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto set their hands this 21.Sj"i day o{ May . �9 46 . <br /> In presence of: <br /> �-----------------------------------�--•- <br /> --------�--------------------�--------------------�--------......------�--------------- �---.......-----�------------------------------------(�Er�r.�;�e...,�.aas.-------------...........-�------------- <br /> �------------------�---------------...------...----------�------------------....------�-----------------...-----------�-�------- <br /> .......--�---------------------------------------�l�-a---Do�r.a��..�a---s�.$.s-------------.....-- <br /> �-------�----------�-�---------�----------------------------�--------------�--._....------------------------...-----.._..------- �---------------...............-------------------------------.........-------.............------........-------------...------- <br /> .�...�_,�I��g�.----------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------�----�--- �---.........---�-------------._.._.._.........................-----._.._.........-------------------�--�-----------....-------- <br /> Kig�it-o f-Way l�gent. <br /> STA'rE o� Nebraska <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF H�ll <br /> BE IT REMEMBERED t�at on this 21 st day of juj�,Y ,A.D. ��2.�.�j before me,a notary <br /> public in and f or the county and state af oresaid, personally appeared the above namecl George �&S S ancl Olga Doro th ea ►�a,$S� <br /> husband and wiYe, <br /> s <br /> who a,Y'8 personally lznown to me and known to me to be the same person who executed the f oregoing instrument nnd such persort$duly aclznowledged <br /> the execution of the same and acknowledged said instrument to be their voTuntary act and deed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year Iast a6ove written. <br /> My commission expires June g��.9��i �SEAL� -------------------------------------------�---..A4�,Q�.p�,l.._.F�Ot.'�._._....-------------...Notary Public <br /> STATE OF <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF <br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of ,A.D. before me,a notary <br /> public in and for the county and state aforesaid, personaldy appeared the above namect' <br /> who personaTly Iznown to me ancl'lznown to me to be t�ie same person tuho exeeuted t�e foregoing instrament anc�such peraon cluly aclznowl- <br /> edged the execution of t�e same and acknowledged said instrument to be voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I Tiave l�ereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notaria[seal the day and year last above written. <br /> My commission expires ..................................................................•-•-••---------•-•----......._..._...._.......Notary Public <br />