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�. <br /> I�IISCEI�I�AN�OUS R�CORD V <br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY G�ANT <br /> KANSAS-NEBRASKA NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC., A KANSAS CORPORATION <br /> 29038-THl11000fTINECO.�R�ND!lL11tlD,X[BR. � � 30142- .. .. . - . <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> Hor�e Ovrners ' Loan Corporation e� a1 SS. <br /> Hall County, <br /> 1 hereby certify tTiat this instrument was entered in Numerical Inclex, and <br /> filed for record t�is $° day of July '9 �� • <br />, at �•�Q � oc� ���''�'�y � <br /> TO • Register of Desds. <br /> Kansas-Nebraska lVatural �'ias Company, Inc. / <br /> 1� Kansas Corporation Deputy. <br /> �ees, $],.6Fj <br /> _ — – – �-- <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> That the Granfo;-, HQF71'�`,>+�ers' Loan Corporation, o� <br /> wasbira�ton, D. C. and Elmer L. Gustin and Bonnie l�. Gustin, husba,nd -8�-. �ri�e <br /> of t�e County of x&�.�. and stnte of Nebras�.a for anc� <br /> in consideration of the sum of twenty-five (2g) cents per Iinear rod, receipt of Ffve Dollars of'which consideration is Itereby acTznowledged, t�ie balance to <br /> be paid within srxty days af ter the completion of any pipe line constructed liereundefi, da hereby GRANT, CONVEY ancl CONFIRM unto Kansa§-Nebraslza <br /> NaturaT Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors and assigns (hereinaf ter collectively called "Grantee"), thc RIGHT-OF-WAY and <br /> EASEMENT to construct, instaTl, maintain, renew, replace and operate pipe Iines and appurtenances tl�ereto, f or the transportation o f gas, gasoline, oil, <br /> petroleum procluets and other fluids, or any tFtereof, in, under, upon ancl tltrougli the fdllowing cl�seribec�Iancls situatecl in t�ie Co�inty of HcZ1.]. <br /> and State of Nebraska fo w�t: <br /> Lat B o�' Garden Sub-d3.v�sion in Section 13, Toy�nship 11 P1or��, Range �j �Pest. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD saic� right-of-way and easement unto said Kr.nsas-Nebrdslza Natural Gos Company, Inc., its successors and assigns, so Iong <br /> as suc� pipe lines, and appurtenances t/�ereto, shall be maintain�d; together witli the rrght of ingress fo and egress from said premises for the purpose of <br /> constructing,,inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing ancl replacing t�ie property of �irantee locatecl theredn, or the removal thereb'f, in whole or in part <br /> at will of Grantee: Grantors retain the right to use and enjoy said premises, subject only to the right of Granfee to use the same for the purposes <br /> �erein expressecl. <br /> (t) Grantee agrees to Iay all pipe hereunder at such depth as not to interf ere cuith tT�e cultivation of the soil; to pay Grantors any damages to <br /> growing crops, fences or other improvements w�ich may arise from t�e operations of �irantee; any suc� damdges, if not mutunlly agreed upon, to be <br /> ascertained nnd determined by three disinterested persons, one of iuhom shall be appointec{ by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, an�I the third <br /> chosen by the two so appointed. 7'he written awarcl of a majority of such three persons sha�I be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto. <br /> (2) Grantee shall �uve the right, from�time to time, after completing the installation of an initial pipe line hereunder, to constru.ct and install one <br /> or more adclitional pipe lines hereunder upon payment to Grnntors, tT�eir Tieirs or assigns, of an additional sum of Twenty-five cents per linear rod for each <br /> such additional Iine. <br /> �g� Cirantee agrees, as furt�ter eonsic�erution for t�tis grant, to pay �'irantors an ac�clitional Twenty-ffve �2g� cents per linear rod for any pipe line, <br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside diameter of eigl�t inches br ouer. <br /> (4) As further consideration for tl�is grant, Grantee agrees to install a tap on any gas pipe line constructed by Grantee upon Grantors' said <br /> premises �or the purpose o f srapplying gas, so long as such pipe line shall be maintainecl by �'irantee; f or use upon said premises f or dorrtestic purposes only <br /> ancl not for resale. . Gas suppliecl under tlie terms of this clause shall be measurecl and delivered �t the �ine of Grantee at the same price and un�er the <br /> same rules and regu�ations, as far as applicable, as in ef ject from time to time for similar service to domestic customers in the nearest city or town in <br /> the State of N�bl'c���i.A in w�icl� Grantee reEatls natural gas. All connections and equipment from the outlet of the meter <br /> shall be furnished and paid for by Grantors underrules ancl regulations of Grantee. The meter and regulator setting will be insta�ed by Grantee which <br /> will retain ownersliip thereo f. This provision sllall be given e f f ect upon curitten notice f rom Cirantors. <br /> �g� It is agreec� by �irantots that any payment of consic�eration clue unc�er f�ie terms hereof may be macle jointly to .�irantors antt any mortgagees <br /> of record at the time such payment becomes due. <br /> IN WITNESS WH�REOF, the saic� Grantors have hereunto set their hands tFtis 1.8�'i day of �QAT'C;�l ' > i9 �6. <br /> In presence of: <br /> Elmer L. Gustin <br /> -�------------------------------------------------�-----------------------�-�-------._...----------------------------------- �------...------------------------��---------�---�----...-----------------�----------------------------------------�----------- <br /> Bonnie M. Gustin <br /> �-------------�-------------------------------------...----------------�--------------------------------------------------._.... .---....----------------------�---------------.._..----...----�-�------�---...----...-------------------------�----.._---------- <br /> --------------------------�---------------------------------------�-------------�--------------------------------�------�----- .........---------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------�----------------------- <br /> -------------------L,----A.---Rat�b.�.n�--------------------�---------------...----�------------------ �--------�----�--------------------------�---------------------�-------------�--------�--------------------------------------- <br /> Riyht-of-Way Agent. HO;�I�E OZ�NERS� LOA�T COt�PORt1TI0T1 <br /> ��0�� By F. � . Della <br /> STATE OF Nebras�ya (���,� �� ��ISTA�7T RE�IOPdAL TREASURFI� <br /> ss. <br /> Cour� oF Hall _ <br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 1.$.�3 day of �Iareh .A.D. 1g�.6 before me,a notary <br /> public in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared the above named Elmer L. Gustin and Bonnie �. Gus�in, <br /> husband & va1f.e <br /> wlto �'E.' personally Itnown to me and known to me to be tlie same personswlto executecl the foregoing instrument nncl such perso�duly acknowledgecl <br /> the ezecution o the same and acknowled ed said instrument to be �heir volunta act and deed. <br /> { 9 *Y <br /> IN WITN�SS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand� and af f ixed my notarial seal tTie day and year last above written. <br /> ( 5�� Herman F....Buc�.ow <br /> My commission expires 1}..,].7-`1950 ---�---��------------- �---------------------------------�-------------------------------Nota►y Public <br /> ----------- - <br /> STA'CE� OF PTEBR:�SKA BE IT R�+.i�uiTjER�:�, on this 2�Cl.ay of T�Zay A. D. 1��6 before <br />, t?ze undersi�ned, a Notary Public in and for the County o�' <br /> CovN't'Y oF ����,,5 Dou�las and �ize State o�' Nebraslca came F. E. Della Omak�. Assistant <br /> I' Re�ion�l.?T�aasu,�er o�'_ �he :.�ome O�ners � Loant.C,orporation, a Corporation �.uly or��,3.��d . s� <br /> ex�.,���.n� un�� and by virtue a� �"� Act o�', CoragrES� of t��e Un�ted States, wha ia personaily <br /> l�na�vn to me to be sueh o�'�'icer and who is pe1�sonally knoE��n to me to be the same person who <br /> executed �.s such o'�'icer t11e t�ri�hin ins�rument o� wr3.tin� on beha.l� o�' �aid Corporatlon, <br /> and suck� person dul�T ac�no�aled��d the execution of ta.e same to be his act and deed and the <br /> I fre;�, act a,nd d4��.,p�" ��a.a c���po�a'Gi�n. -, � : . . . _. , . , , <br /> . , ` -�-� <br /> _ j.«�,:�It�:, �,'E�T:T����O�I�.-�k���F:,_r,;�','�v�e l�ereun�o se;� m�r l�and and a£�ixed m� o�ficia.l f seal �tkkie <br /> I day �4� �ear; ,las:t�..abvve �uri��en. ,. _ , - . . ,. , _ ._.: .- .:. <br /> My commission ezpires NOV. 7, 1}51 �'��'I'� . ____. � <br /> ----•-----------------------E�...-E----Ricliardson..--�-------...----------....._.Nota� Pubti� <br /> Dou�las Coun�y, Nebraska <br />� . <br /> . <br />� ------ <br />