<br /> 29056-TNil1UCUtiiNECO.C9ANDI4MND,11lBR. . �� .� 30742- . .. � .
<br /> ss.
<br /> Det lef Stelk 8� �f �a,],1, L'ounty,
<br /> 1 hereby certify that this instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and
<br /> f iled f or record this $� day o f �t11.� i q�6 ,
<br /> at �; 30 °�ro�k A.
<br /> To -
<br /> Register o f Deeds.
<br /> Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc.
<br /> 1� Kansas Corporation Deputy.
<br /> Fees, $ ]j*,6�
<br /> �
<br /> That the Grantors, Detlef Stelk and Silda $t�lk�
<br /> hu$band ` &.'. �ife
<br /> o� the County Q{ Ha�ll and Sfnte of l�ebraska for and
<br /> in consideration of the sum of twenty-five (2g) cents per linear rod; receipt of F�ive Dollars of which consicleration is hereby acknowledged, t�ie balance to
<br /> be paid within sixty days after tlie completion of any pipe line constructed hereunc�er,•do Iiereby GRANT, CONVEY ant�CONFIRM unto Kansas-NeTiraslzd
<br /> _. Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors and assigns (hereinaf ter collectively called "Grantee°�, the RIGHT-OF-WAY and
<br /> Ef�S�M�NT to construct, install, mainfain, renew, replace anc� operafe pipe lines and appurtenances thereto, for t�e transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum products and other fluids, or any thereof, in, under, upon and through the following describec�lands situated in the County of
<br /> $�,].], and State o/ Nebraska to wit:
<br /> Northwest Quarter of the T�orthwest Quartcr of 3�e�ion 23 ar�d the 3outhrrest Qugrter of
<br /> th� Sou�hW�st Quarter of Section l�F all iA To�vnship 11 North,Ran�e 9 YPest.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way and easement unto said Knnsas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc.: its successors and assigns, so long
<br /> as such pipe Lines, and appurtenances tl�ereto, aha{I be maintained; together with t�e right of ingress to and egress frorri said premises for the purpose of
<br /> eonstructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewing anc� replacing the property of �'irantee locatec� thereon, or t�e removal thereof, in whole or in part
<br /> at will of Grantee. Grantors retain the right to use and enjoy said premises, subject only to the right of Grantee to use the same for the purpbses
<br /> {ierein expressed.
<br /> (i) Grantee a,qrees to lay aII pipe Itereunder at sucll cleptjt as not'to interfere with the cu�tivatio�i of the soil; to pay �'irantors any damages to
<br /> growing crops, f ences or other improvements whic� may arise f rom the operations o f �'irantee; nny such damages, iF not mutually agreed upon, to be
<br /> ascertained and determined by three disinterested persons, one of wliom shall be appointecl by Grantors, or their assigns, one bq Grantee, and the third
<br /> chosen by the two so appointed. T�ie written award of a majority of sucFi three persons shall be final and conclusive upon tTie parties Tiereto.
<br /> (2� �'irantee shall have the right, frorri tim'e to time; after coinpleting the fnstallation of an initial pipe'�ine �iereunc�er, to construct and install one
<br /> or more additional pipe lines hereunder upon paymerit Yo Grantors, tlieir I�eirs or assigns, of an additional sum of Twenty-five cents per linear rod for each
<br /> such additional line.
<br /> (3� �irantee agrees, as furt�er considerdtion for this grant, to pay �'irantors an additionnl 7'wenty-five (2g� cents per linear 'rod for any pipe line,
<br /> or section thereof, constructed hereunder having an outside diameter of eig�it i�c�hes or over.
<br /> (�) As further consideration for this grant; Grantee agrees tb'install�tap. o��ny gas pipe line coristructed by Graritee upon Grantors' said
<br /> premises for the purpose oF supplying gns, so long as suc� pipe �ine shall be maintained by Grantee, �or use upon saicj premises for clomestic purposes'only
<br /> ancl not for resale. Gas supplied unc�er the terms of this clause shall be measurecl and delivered 'at the line of Grantee at the same price and under thc
<br /> same rules nnc� regulations, as far as applicable, as in ef fect from time to time for similar service to c�omestic customers in the nearest city or town in
<br /> . tlie State of /�/�,/�--Q 5/S'� in whic�i Grante'e retails natural gas. AIl connections and equipment from the outlet of the meter
<br /> sliall be furnished and paicl for by Grantors under rules and regulations of Grantee. The meter anc� regulator setting will be insta�ed by Grdntee which
<br /> will retnin ownership thereof. This provision shnll be given ef fect upon written notice from Grantors.
<br /> (g) It is agreed by Grantors tliat any payment of consideration due under the terms hereof may be made jointly to Grantors and any mortgagees
<br /> oF record nt the time such payment becomes due.
<br /> IN WITNESS WH�REOF, tF�e said Grantors Tiave �ereunto set their hands this 2� day of Februarq , tg �6 ,
<br /> In presence of: _
<br /> ------•-----------------------•---------------------------------------- �-------------------------._.----------�---,�C-t'r-1l3�---�-�!!-�.�L--•-----------------------------------•-------
<br /> -------�------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------------�-------. ..-------------------------------------�----Si.lda---S_�.elk.------------------�---------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �--------------------------------------�--------�----------------------�------�----------------�----------------------------....
<br /> �---�-------�..l�_.I3�b.hins---------------------------------------�----------------------�----------------- �-------------�------------------------�--�---------------------------------��-�------------------------------------------------
<br /> Kig�t-of-Way f�gent.
<br /> STATE OF Nebra.ska
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF HS 11
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED t�iat on this+ 2�i c�ay o) February ,A.D. 19�6�before me,a notary
<br /> public in and f or the county and state af oresaid, personally a{�pearecl the above namecl
<br /> D��lef Stelk ar�d 311da 3te1k,husbar�d &. .�i�l� ;:
<br /> cvho �•TC personally krioevn to me ancl Tznown to me ta be tTie same personsw�io executed t�ie f oregoing instrument nncl such personSCluly acknowlerIged
<br /> the execution of tlie same �ncl acknowleclged said instrument to be t he i r voluntary act and deed.
<br /> - IN WITNESS WHEREOF I {iave hereunto set iny hand and af fixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br />, My commission expires �—�.7—�.9�0 ( BEAL) -----------------------------------------------.-------Iie.r.�n__E..Bt1QkD11!-------Notary Publ��
<br /> STATE OF
<br />'� � sg. �
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of ,A.D. � before me,a notary
<br /> publia in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared tTie above named
<br /> who personally known to me ancl known to me to be the same person ' wha executed the f oregoing instrument and such person duly aclznowl-
<br /> ed9ed the execution of the same and acknourledged said instr►ement to be Uoiuntary act and deed.
<br /> 1N WIT'NESS WHEREOF I �.ave hereunto 'set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> My commission expires Nofary Public
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