<br /> ss.
<br /> �a�-1 County,
<br /> Herman �BSS 8e Wf I hereby certify that this instrument was entered in Numerical Index, and
<br /> f iled f or record this � day of J�ZY i9 1�.�'j ,
<br /> at �. �Or;< , . o'cloclz ��
<br /> TO '
<br /> �� ��- Register of Deeds.
<br /> Kansas-Nebraska NaturaI Gas Company, Inc.
<br /> F� Kansas Corporation Deputy.
<br /> Fees. $ '�.�.�:�� ,,�
<br /> T�iat the Granfors, H@T�A .g��9 aga Li�zi� A, $8.88�
<br /> husband and �►iYe
<br /> of the County of H8],], and Stnte of �tebraska for and
<br /> in consideraEion o�' the sum of twenty-five (2g) cents per linear rod, receipt of Five Dollars of whicl� consideration is Ixer�eby acknowledged, tAe balance to
<br /> be paid within sixty days after t�ie completion of any pipe line constructed hereunder, do l�ereby GRANT, CONVEY and CONFIRM unto Kansas-Nebraska
<br /> Natura�` Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, its successors and assigns (ltereinaf ter collectively called "C'rrantee"), tTie RIGHT-OF-WAY ancl
<br /> EASEMENT to construct> install, maintain, renew, replace and operate pipe lines and appurtenances thereto, for the transportation of gas, gasoline, oil,
<br /> petroleum products and other f Iuids, or any thereo f, in, under, upon ancl through the f ollowing described Iands situated in the County o f
<br /> Agl], and State oJ NQ�bTe68ka to wit:
<br /> S outheast Quarter of �he Northeast Quarter a3�d �hat part of the North�as� Q�e,r�er of
<br /> the Southeast Quer�er Iyin�; AToxth of �ood River all in 3actior� 1�,Township ll,�iorth,
<br /> Rar�ge 9 �test.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said rigTit-o f-way and easement unto said Kansas-NebrasTza Natural Gas Company, Inc., ifs successors ancl assigns, so long
<br /> as such pipe lines, and appurtenances thereto, sl►all be maintained; together with the right of ingress to and egress from said premises for the purpose of
<br /> constructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, renewfng anc� replacing the property of Cirantee located thereon, or t�ie removal thereof, in whole or in part
<br /> at will of Grantee. Grantors retain the right to use and enjoy said premises, subject only to the right of Grantee to use tlte same for tTie purposes
<br /> lierein expressed.
<br /> (i� �'irantee agrees fo lay all pipe hereuncler at such clepth as not to interfere wit� the cultivation of the soil; to pay �'irantors any clamages to
<br /> growing crops, fences or otl�er improvements whiclt may arise from tlte operations of Grantee; any suclx clamages, if not mutually a�reed upon, to be
<br /> ascertained and determined by tliree clisinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointed by Grantors, or their assigns, one by Grantee, and the tliird
<br /> cl�osen by the two so appointecl. The written award of a majority of such three persons shall be final anc�conclusive upon the parties hereto.
<br /> (2) Grantee shall leave ihe right, from time fo time, after completing tlie instalTation of an initial pipe line hereunder, to construct and install one
<br /> or more additional pipe lines hereunder upon payment to Grantors, their heirs or assigns, of an aclditional sum of Twenty-five cents per Iinear rod for each
<br /> such additional Iine.
<br />� (g� �'irantee ngrees, as further consi�eration for thfs grant, to psy �'irantors an additional Twenty-five (25� cents per linear rod for any pipe line,
<br /> or section tliereof, constructed hereunder hauing an outside diameter of eight inches or over.
<br /> (q) As further consideration for tliis grant, Grantee agrees to install a tap on anq gas pipe line constructed by Grantee upon Grantors' said
<br />, premises for the purpose of supplying gas, so long as suc�i pipe line shall be maintained by Grantee, for use upon sait�premises for domestic purposes only
<br /> an� not for resale. Gas suppTied under the terms of this clause shall be measured and delivered at the line of Grantee at t�e same price and under the
<br /> same rules and regulations, as far as applicable, as in ef fect from time to time for similar service to domestic customers in t�e nearest cit or town in
<br /> Y
<br />, the State o f �E�r'9 5/�Gr in w�ich Grantee retails natural gas: AII connections and equipment�fsam�the outlet of the meter
<br /> shal� be f urnisl�ed and paid f or by Grantors uncler rules a�d regulations o f Grantee. T�e meter and regulator setting will be insta�ed by Grantee which
<br />' will retain ownership thereof. This provision shall be given ef fect upon written notice from Grantors.
<br /> i (g) It is ngreed by Grantors that any payment of consideration due under the terms hereof may be made jointly to Grantors and any mortgagees
<br />� of record at the time such payment becomes due.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors liave liereunto set their hands this 1 day o{ April 19 �6
<br />, In presence of:
<br /> .
<br /> �-------------�----------�-----�---------------------------------�-
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- ��-------------�---------------�------------...Herm�.n_..S�as..---.........-�-------------------........._.
<br /> i �--------------�------�--�------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------. ..--------._..._..._.....__.................._....y�.����---A-.-Sas�---.......---------------......------
<br /> �-------------------------------------------�------.....-�-----....-------------._._.....---.......----------...---------....--- �-------------._..__.......................-------------------�--.....------------..__..........---�----........-�--------------
<br /> L.A.Robbi�s
<br />� �----------------�--...-----------�------------�-------...---------...---...-------.....------------......--------....-�-------- ---------------.................------------.......-------�------�-----..........-�-------------._.....-----------.....-�-------
<br /> Right-of-Way Agent.
<br /> STATE OF NCbTS8k8
<br /> ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF H81I '
<br /> BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 1 day o f A'���'1 ,A.D. 19�be f ore me,a notary
<br /> public in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared the above named
<br /> Hcrman and Lizzie A.S�.ss,hutsband ar�d �►ife
<br /> who 8Tl� personally known to me and known to me to be the same personSwho executed the foregoing instrument nnd such personSduly aclznowledged
<br /> the execution o f tl�e same and acknowledged said instrument to be t he i r voluntary act and deed.
<br />' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year last above written. _
<br /> My commission expires 4—l�'].9�� (SLAL� ..........................................................HEtr�A...F...HtiCk4�_._.Notary Publzo
<br />''i .
<br /> STATE OF
<br /> I ss. ,
<br /> COUNTY OF
<br /> BE IT REM$MBBRED that on this day of ,A.D. before me,a notary
<br />, public in and f or tl�e county and state af oresaid, personally appeared the above namecI
<br /> wT►o personally Iznown to me and Iznown to me to be the same person who executecl the foregoing instrument and suelt person duly acknowl-
<br /> edged the execution of the same and aclznowledged said instrument to be voluntary act and cleecl.
<br /> I!I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed my notarial seal the day and year Iast above wrttten.
<br />� My commission expires _..._Notary Public
<br /> .............................................••-•-...._...------•--........_.......__....._.....••-•--...--
<br />�
<br />