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<br /> C LIL�� �J �
<br /> 21917—The A�ustine Co., County 3uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> DECREE �
<br /> .�._.
<br /> Now on the 16th day of August, 19�+6, that being one of the days of the �.g46 February term,
<br /> proceedings were had in ��ords and figures as follows :
<br /> ROY HAT�ICHETT, Pl� ntiff )
<br /> �
<br /> vs. ) DECREE •
<br /> , �
<br /> Def endant, ) . �
<br /> The above matter came on for hearing on the petition of the plaintiff and the a.nswer
<br /> and crass petition of the defendant; the pla.intiff was present in Court and represented by
<br /> counsel, Harry Grimminger; �he Court having examined the filea and having found that he
<br /> ha.d ,�urisdiction of said matter; that the defe�idant ha� been notified of the time and place
<br /> of said hearing; proceeded to the taking of testimony. U�on the evidence presented the
<br /> Court finds: that the parties hereto were married at Clarks, Nebraska, on May 1�, 1919, '
<br /> and ha.ve resided in the State of Nebraska sinee that time; that the defendant has been �
<br /> guilty of gross and extreme cruelty practiced against the plaintiff in that she has intimately
<br /> associated with other men over a long period of time, said acts continuing into the year
<br /> 1946; that the plaintiff has forgiven the defendant on previous occasions but that the
<br /> defendai1t has continued such acts and as a result thereof the plaintiff has been emba.rrassed
<br /> in his work and has been rec�uired to surrender at least one rofita.ble os3.tion.
<br /> P
<br /> _ p
<br /> The Court further finds tha.t the acts of the dePendant constituted gross and extreme
<br /> cruelty practiced against the plaintiff and that by reason thereof' he is entitled to a
<br /> divorce �.s prayed for. -
<br /> The Court further finds that no ehildren have been born to this union; that the
<br /> pl�,intiff is the owner of two lots in the City of Grand Island on one of which is constructed
<br />' some b�aildings; tha.t the defendant has contributed to said construction the sum of Five
<br /> I Hundred (�500) Dollars out of her earnings at the Q. 0. Ordnance Plant; that the de�endant
<br /> is not, however, entitled to any interest in said property nor is she entitlted to support
<br /> money payments, a,limony, or other rernuner�tion of any kind.
<br /> The Court further finds that the property owned by the plaintiff is the Lollowing:
<br /> Lots Three ( 3) and Five (5) in Block Fourteen (l�) Scarff� s Addition to ?�Jest Lawn
<br /> an Addition to the City oP Grand Isl�.nd, Nebraska
<br /> th�,t the pla.intiff is entitled to ha.ve the title to said premises quieted �,n him.
<br /> Tne Court furtiler finds that �he defendant is not entitled to any relief requested in �°•� v;;;
<br /> her answer �nd cross petition and the prayer of said answer �nd cross petition is denied ' `�
<br /> in full.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDER�D, ADJUSTED AND DECREED by the Court that the pl�intlff have an
<br /> absolute decree of divorce from the c�efendant, effective six months from date hereoP, that
<br /> the title to the folloaaing described real property
<br />� Lo'ts Three (3) and Five {5) in Block Fourteen (14) Scarff's Addition to y�est Lawn
<br /> an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> I
<br /> I � is hereby auieted in the plaintiff; that the re�.ief reauested by the defendant is denied �
<br />� , in full; that the co sta of t�is action are taxed `� -th��pl�inti`Yf.
<br />,
<br /> E. G. Kroger
<br /> --------- - --=� '
<br /> ) as. I, D. 0. Beckmann Clerk of the District Court, within and for
<br />� COUNTY OF HALL ) said County �nd State, do hereby certify that I have compared
<br /> the foregoing copy of the Decree in the case of Roy H�,nchett
<br /> vs. Verna Hanchett filed by said Court of the 27th day of August A. D. , 1g46, with the
<br /> original filed in my office and that the same is a correct transcript thereof, �.nd oP the
<br /> ?�ahole of said original.
<br /> SN TE�TIP��ONY ?��HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the official
<br /> a�.al of said Court, at the City o�' Grand Island, �his 27th day of August A. D. , 1946.
<br /> D. 0. Beckrnann
<br /> lerk o t e istict Court
<br /> ( SEAL)
<br /> By Mar aret Kozal
<br /> epu y .
<br /> Filed for record this 1� day of February 1947 at �+:30 0 ' cloek P.rv1. �����- � �
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