<br /> � � �
<br /> Y 7 JL� ��.����I. �II���� '�/ V�./ ��� ��� `�/ ..
<br /> 21917—The�ugustlne Co., County Bupplies, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> C0IJTRAC� FOR R�:^{.L :�S`SATE
<br /> AR.TICLES OF AGRE�i�2EPJT: Made this 7th d�.y of September, 194�, bettaeen Marian Healy, a
<br /> .°lidot� of the fir.�rt part, and ti�lalter A. A:�.thony and Ellen Anthony, husband and tirife, of the
<br /> second �art.
<br /> tiz7IT�1�SSET�i, that �he said ?�arties of the first part, have this day bargained and soid
<br /> to the �aid �arties of the second part the follo;:Tin�; described real estate, situated in
<br /> th� County of Hall and State of Nebraska to-t,rit :
<br /> The Northerly Fortytfour (��) , Feet of Lot Five (S) , in B�.ock TUro �2 ) , in
<br /> Na,gy� s Addition to the City of Grandlsl��.nd, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted,
<br /> and recoraed; _
<br /> according to �he r�corded �alat thereo�' for the sum of One Thousand and No/100 - DOLLARS,
<br /> Five Hundred and i�do/100 - - Dollars of ��:hich has been p�.id in hand, the recei�r�t ?�rh�reof
<br /> is hereby ac'�no.��rled�;ed. The remaining �rincipal ti•�itn �.ecrued interest at the rate of Six
<br /> (6J) per cent per anizum, sha11 be pai.d to the party of the first part at the office of
<br /> Party of First pa�t at her residence in Grand Isl�.nd, Nebraska, the times and in the
<br /> manner follot�in�;, th��.t is to say:
<br /> (Interest to a.ccrue from date at oiJ per annum and to be deducted monthly. ) �500.00
<br /> aalance togetl�er Udith interest as a.bove �r�ecified to b� paid in Monthly paym�nts of �25.00
<br /> the first �ayment to 'pe due October l, 19��, and .,��.25 .00 on �he First day of each and
<br /> every month thereafter until full princina.l. balance together with interest has been paid,
<br /> Possessian to be given with payment of initial ��0�.00. Party of First part to �a,� 19�3
<br /> and A�rior taxes or assessments t-+rhich may now be a lien.
<br /> No��, if the said parties of the second �art shall pay the sum as above set f orth, time
<br /> being t:ne essence of this contract, �.nd shall pay a.l� t�,xes and ass�ssment�s whetner
<br /> mor���.;e no�e, spec�_�.l or `rener��l, Vrh�_ch ma.y become due on s�id rea3 estate for the year
<br /> 194�, �,_nd thereafter until �he above ��.�rIiIP,21i.S are all raade, tilen said party af �he first
<br /> part shal� �.t his o?�,Tn cost, ex_ec�zte and deliver to the said p�,rties of the second part, or
<br /> their a.ssiY�ns ux�on �urrender of this contract, a warranty deed to the above described
<br /> premises. `
<br /> AND IT IS FURT�iER AGREED that in case any payment, either of Y�rincipal o .r interest,
<br /> remai.�ing unp��.id. for a spece of thir�y days after the same sh�.11 bec��me due, or a failure
<br /> �o pay a.ny taxes or assessments, at the time the s��rne become due, then in that case, the
<br /> ti;rhole �.mount ur�paid on t'r_is contr��.ct shall 'r�ecorne due and nayable t.�Tithout f'urther notice;
<br /> and such delinGUene�r in n�.yment, or i;he fai�ure ii1 0�her respects by th� parties of the
<br /> sec�nd rart to perform the stipulations of thi s contract, or any part of ther�, shall
<br /> entit�e the �arty of the fir�t part to in�rnedia.te posses,ion of the ?�remises decribed
<br /> herein, and the part of the Gecond �art shall forfeit all payments made under this contract.
<br /> This coni,ract s'a�ll be in du�?licate, oile copy of which shall remain ti�.rith each party
<br /> to �'�aic contract. 4Jhen any payment is made on this contraet, the ;?erson r�aying the same
<br /> ta�;e �, d,.zriicate receipt therefor from �he ?�arty hereto or the�r assigns.
<br /> IN '�:'ITTdESS :�dHERIi�OF the pa.rties h�.ve hereunto set their hand the day and year first
<br /> above ti��rit�en.
<br /> In Presence :of Marian Healy
<br /> C. E. Grunds�_ talalter A. Anthony
<br /> _ Ell.en Anthon�,V
<br /> Filed for recora this 16 da�r of J�.nuary 191�7 at 2:C0 0� clock P.��.�"� , p ��
<br /> v� ,c�,.�•
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds
<br /> k 0-0-C-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-Q-Q-0-Q-0-C-Q--O-�-Q-�-0-4
<br /> I, Herbert F. Mayer, bein� first duly sworn, on my oat:l depose and say that I a,m a
<br /> resident of Grand Island in Hall County, Nebraska, and h�,ve been such resident Por more
<br /> th�.n 43 yea.rs last pa.st; that I am well and personally a.equainted with the Southeast �,uarter
<br /> o� Section Four in Township Twelve �Iorth, Ra.nge Eleven, West of the 6th Principal Meridian
<br /> in Ha11 County, Nebraska, and ha.ve so person�lly well kno�an 8aid land for fifteen years last
<br /> p�.st; th�.t I nersonally well know Fredrick F. Hetrick and Y-�ave personally well known him
<br /> Por eighteen yea.rs last �ast; that he is the same and identical x�erson t�aho acquired said
<br /> land hereinbefore described by ?�aarranty deed recorded in Book 3�-+ at page 25� in the offlee of
<br /> the Register of ''eeds of Ha.11 County, Nebr�ska, �.nd th�,t he T�as the owner of said l�nd on
<br /> the 15th d�,y of 2•Za.y, 1934, �,t the time the Petition in Case No. 7�33 in the District Court
<br /> of Ha11 County, Nebraska, wa.s filed in $aid Court; tha,t on s�id 15th day of Nay, 193�-, and '_
<br /> �t all times since said date, this affiant positively knows of his o��n person�,l knowledge
<br /> that said Fredrick F. Hetrick T�r�s a.nd continues to be, a widower and that E11� H��rick nam�d
<br /> as one of the defend�nts in said Court �roceedin�s, ?aas a. daughter-in-law of said Frederick
<br /> F. Hetrick.
<br /> Further affi�nt saith not.
<br /> Herbert F. Ma er
<br /> Subscribed in my presence and s�aorn to before me this 16th da,y of anuary, _ �F'f.
<br /> . Gladys L. Simr�son
<br /> ( SEAL) ��fotary Public
<br /> My cornmission ex��ires July 15, 1950.
<br /> Filed for record this 16 day of January 19�7 at �F:45 o � clock P.P�i. ����� `JJ-G-c-c-►� N
<br /> eg s er oP�See�s
<br />