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��� <br /> �� ���9.��� 1'�1 �� �.J � ��� ��� �J <br />� 21917—The Auguatine Co., County SuppAes, Grand Island, Nebr. � <br /> IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERFD, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY TriE COURT that the title to the afore- <br /> deacribed real estate be and the same is hereby quieted in the plaintiff, in fee simple <br /> absolute, as against the defendants, and each and a11 of them, and each and a.11 of said <br /> defendants are hereby forever barred and en�o3.ned from asserting or claiming any interest <br /> in, right, or title to, or 13.en upon, said real estate or any part thereof. <br /> BY THE COURT: <br /> William F. Spikes <br /> DISTRICT JUDGE <br /> �TATE OF NEBRASKA }s�. I, D. 0. Beekmann, Clerk of the District Court, within and f or <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) said County and State, do her��by certify that I have compared <br /> ti-�e f oregoing copy of the DECREE in the case o,f Minnie Detlef sen vs. Mathilda Schroeder, et <br /> ��. filed by said Court of the 13th day of December, A,D. 19�6, with the original filed <br /> in my off ice and that the same is a correct �ranaeript thereof, and of the whole of said <br /> original. <br /> IN TESTIMON� WIiEREOF, I have hereunto set m�y hand a,nd caused to 'pe affixed the official <br /> seal of sa�d Court, at the City of Grand Island, t�iis 13th day of December, A.D. , 19�6. <br /> D. 0. Beckmann <br /> (SEAL) Clerk of the District Court <br /> By Mar�aret Kozal_ Deputy <br /> Filed for record this 16th day of December, 1q�6, at 2:00 o� clock P.M�,��d <br /> Register of Deeds .V <br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o- <br /> e �'FiDAVIT <br /> IN THE MATTER OF THE TITLE TO LOT ON� (I) IN BLOCK SIX (6) IN RUS3EL - <br /> WHEELER�S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAidD ISLAND, HALL COU NPY, NEBRASKA. <br /> AFFIDAVIT: <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> HALL COUNTY )ss' Ludwig A. Sondermann, being first duly sworn upon his oath, <br /> deposes and says that he is a practicing morti;cian and funeral director, and has practiced <br /> his prof�ession in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, for more than 20 years <br /> last past; that he was well and personally acquainted with Mary B. Rankin, for�rly Ma.ry <br /> B. Hainline, the grantor in a certain warrant deed conveying the above described premises, <br /> which deed bears date of Feb. 1£i, 1927 and is recorded in Book 67 at Page 170 of the deed <br /> records of Hall County, Nebraska, that he kno a of his own personal knowledge that the said <br /> Mary B. Rankin, f'ormerly Mary $. Hai�].ine, de arted this life on the 27th day of August, <br /> 1927, and that �he said Ma.ry B. Rankin, forme ly Mary B. Hainline was buried in the Grand <br /> Ssland Cemetery on August 30, 1927 and that t ie affiant officiated at said funeral. <br /> Further aff iant saith not. <br /> Ludwi� A. Sondermann <br /> Subseribed in my presence and sworn to bef re me this 14�th day of �etober, 19�6. <br /> (SEAL) Herman F. Buekow <br /> i�I� COM�IISSION EXPIRES APRIL 17, 1950 _ NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> Filed for record this 1'�th day of Deeember, 1 �6, at 9:30 o�clock A.N: � <br /> �.�.��.�d� <br /> Register of Deec�s <br /> k 0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-d-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-0 Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> AFFIDAVIT <br /> IN THE MATTER OF THE TITLE ) <br /> ) <br /> TO ) <br /> ) <br /> Lot Six (6) and Lot Seven (7} , ) A F F I D A V I T <br /> in Block Five (5) in the ) <br /> - - - - - - - - <br /> Ori�in�,l Toym, of Cairo, Ha,ll ) <br /> -Count y, Nebraska. ) <br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA ) <br /> ) sss GROVER C. F.AVEN, b ing first duly sworn on hia oath, deposes <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) and says th�.t he h s resided�.n Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> Yor 36 years last assed; that on or about the 19th day o� <br /> June, 1912, he assisted in preparing a contra t between Geor�e Flebbe, party of the flrst <br /> part, and C. Bradley, party of the second par , which contract wa.s recorded in Book "M'� <br /> at Page 513 of the Deed Records of Hall Count , Nebraska; that in said contract it was <br /> provided th�,t the above described lots were. t be conveyed to C. Bradley, together zaith <br /> the pool hall located thereon; that �,t said t me a saloon building was loc�ted on one of <br /> said lots. <br /> AfPiant further atates that so far as he as been able to ascertain that said contract <br /> was never car-ried out; tha� the land was late sold to William J. Rodocker, and a mortgage <br /> was executed by him to the Farmer� s State Ban a� Cairo, Nebraska on March, 1913; that <br /> said land has been transferred many times sin e said contract was drawu:. <br /> Affiant further states that the said Geor e Flebbe is deceased; that h+e i$ informed <br /> and believes that the said C;. Pradley who for erly lived near Wolbach, Nebraska, is also <br />�4 deeeased; that so Par a,s affiant has a,ny know edge, no claim has ever been made for <br />