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<br /> �Y �� �J�JLe� l�! �� �.J � ��� �Jl'�� �J
<br />, k 21917—The Augustine Co., County Suppliea, Grand Island, Nebn
<br /> C NO TRACT
<br /> (#rand Ieland, Nebr. , Feb. �'�h, 19�4.
<br /> WHEREAB �mma J. Stewart has given me a mortgage dated November �th 19�3, ln the sum
<br /> � of �900.00, on the following described propertq: All oP Lot Eight (��, in Block Three (3),
<br /> Bonnie Hrae Addition to �he City oP Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> I, Sadie Cohen, hereby promise and agree that in the event that the proceeds of the sale
<br /> of said property a,fter the death of said Emma J. �tewart is insufficient to pay aaid
<br /> mortgage in Pul.l and the underta�ing and funeral e�penses of said F�nma J. 8tewart, then the
<br /> mortga�e may be reduced in an amount euff icient to pay the undertskin� and f�eral expenses
<br /> in full, my intention being to allow the undertaking and Puneral expenses to be paid in
<br /> Pull and the ba,lance oY the proceeds to be applied on the mortgage.
<br /> WITNESS:
<br /> Haxry C. Hee 3adie E. Cohen
<br /> 3ubseribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this gth day of February 19�44.
<br /> Harr C. Hee
<br /> (SEAL) �TTo�ary Publi e
<br /> M9 com e�ires Jan. 17, 194�.
<br /> Filed f or record this 3 da.y of December 19�+6 at 2t 15 0 �clock P. M. . �
<br /> N
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<br /> k� DECREE
<br /> Ma.bel Searson et al. , ) CASE N0. 10752
<br /> Plaintiffs, )
<br /> QS• � DECREE
<br /> �. J. Smi th et al. ,
<br /> D�fendants. )
<br /> This cause aame on for hearing this 5th day of December, 1g46, and the court being
<br /> fully advised in the premises, finds that due and legal service has been had upon eaah
<br /> and all of the defendants hereln, and that this court haa ,�urisdiction of each and all of
<br /> th� dePendante, that an anawer ha� been filed on behalf of each of the defendants who
<br /> may be in the "military service" and that each and all oP the other dePendants herein
<br /> have failed to appear, plead, demur or answer and axe in default, and default ia hereby
<br /> duly entered against them and each of them.
<br /> This cause was thereupon submitted to the court upon the petition, the pleadings, the
<br /> eeidenee �.nd the reeord, and upon due aonsideration whEreof the court Pinds generally
<br /> For the plaintiffs and a�ainst the defendan�s end eac3h of them and Purther finds that
<br /> each and all of th� allegations of the plaintifr•�s petition a,re true and correc�.
<br /> The court further finds that the plaintiPfs are now in possession of and the owners o�
<br /> Lot 7 in Block 11 in H. G. Clark�s addition to the city of ararid Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, that plaintiffa and their prede�essore in title have been in actual, open,
<br /> notorious, oontinuous, excluslve and adverae possession of said real estate and the
<br /> holders thereof under claim of ownership and title for over ten (10) yeaxa last past, and
<br /> have exercised all rights oP ownership there�o.
<br /> The court further Yinds that none of the dePendants have any interest in, right or
<br /> title to, or lien upon the aforesaid real estate or any part thereof and title thereto
<br /> should be Porever quieted and cont'irmed in plaintifYs as prayed in their petition.
<br /> IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that the plaintiffs are the
<br /> owners of and have fee simple title to, and are in actual possesslon of the above entitled
<br /> real estate, and the title to the above real estate is forever quieted and confirmed in
<br /> plaintiffs as against a11� of the defendants and that said defendants and each of them are
<br /> hereby ad�udged and decreed to have no interest in, right vr t1t1 e to, or lien upon the
<br /> aforesaid d�scribed real estate or any part thereof arid each and all vf the dePendants,
<br /> both known and unknown, and all persons claiming by, through or under them are hereby
<br /> foreverr�arred and enJoined from e�cercising any right or title to, lien upon, or any
<br /> claim or other interest in, or to such real estate or any portion thereaf.
<br /> IT IS FURTH fft ORDERED that there be inalude8 and taxed as a aost of this proeeeding in
<br /> �avor o� T. W. Lanigan, also known as Thomas W. Lanigan, the attorney appointed by the
<br /> court for all dePendants in this action who may be in the pmilitary service", a Pee oP
<br /> Ten dollars,
<br /> _ By The Court,
<br /> (S) E. Q. Kro�e�r
<br /> s�ri c'G Judge.
<br /> ) ss. . I, D. 0. Beckmann Clerk of the Distriet Court, within and Por
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) said County and State, do hereby eertify tha,t I have evmpared
<br /> the foregoing copy of the Decree in the case oP Mabel Searson
<br /> et al vs. 0. J. Smlth et al filed by said Cour'G of the 5th day of Dec. A. D. , 19�6, with
<br /> the original filed in my office and t}�at the same ia a correct transcript thereoP, and
<br /> of the whole oP said ori�inal.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed �he ofPicial
<br /> seal of said Court, at the City of arand Island, this 5th day of Deo. A. D. , 1946.
<br /> D. 0. Beckmann
<br /> (SEAL) er o the Dietrict Court
<br /> By Mar aret KoZal
<br /> epu�—
<br /> Filed Por record this 5 day ot' Deaember 19�+6 at 3:30 0 'cloek P.I��I. ����� �
<br /> Reglster o'�f eec/��s��/� ���
<br /> +O'�0"'O'���'O..'J�O"�iJ'�O�O�O�O�V�O��.,.0'�O�O"`O'�lJ���'"�0`�O'�0�0'�`J..O..O�I/��'�0"�O�'�O'�O'�J'�Q„tl"�O�O�V�V'�O�
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