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<br /> 21817—The Augustine Co., County 8upplies, Grand Island, Nebn
<br /> 2�. Lo t 16 " � a n n u i, a n � a
<br /> Plaintiff,
<br /> By Louis A. Holme�
<br /> s prney.
<br /> C. E. Cronin
<br /> -Zar�r�,. �rd
<br /> Filed Por record thia 23 day of November �.946 at �;20 o' olock P. M. �:��. �
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<br /> k AFFIDAVIT
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) first duly sworn
<br /> ) ss. Carl E. WSllard, b.eing,�on his oatY�, deposes and s,�ys that he
<br /> COUNTY OF H.ALL ) was personally well aequainted with Delos E. Ryder during his
<br /> lif etime and was attorney for Frank D. Ryder, Administrator oP
<br /> the Estate of the said DeioB E. Ryder, in the conduct of the proba.te of the last will and
<br /> testament of' the said Deloa E. Ryder, and tha'� the true na,me of �he person who executed
<br /> his last will and testamen� as Del E. Ryder was, in Yaet, De3�pa E. Ryder, and that Delo$
<br /> E. I�yder and Del E. Ryder were one and the same person.
<br /> WITNESS the hand of th� a�.id affiant at (�rand I�1.and, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, on this
<br /> 12th day of November, 19�+6.
<br /> Carl E. W111ard
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to bef'ore me, a Notary Public, in and for said County on the day
<br /> and year last above written.
<br /> A. J. Luebs
<br /> (sEAI+) ~'��'�"a`r`y Public
<br /> My Commission expires on the 6�h da.y of July, 1951.
<br /> Filed tor record thia 27 day of November �946 at 4.30 o� elock P. M. � �
<br /> .
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<br /> THiS AGREMMENT entered into this 3rd da; of No�tember, 19�5,
<br /> WHEREIN L. W. Ban� and Clara Bank are the partiea of the first part and Harry Preisendorf
<br /> is the party of the second part and G. A. Mil.ler, Ralph E. Farral, T. A. Thomsen, and Avie
<br /> 0. Thomsen are the parties of the �hird part. -
<br /> WHFREIN the par�ies of the first part hereto enter-- into a contraet for the purehase
<br /> of real esta.te of whieh said contract is recorded in the Register of Deeds Office in Ha11
<br /> County, State of Nebras:�sa in Book "U" , Page Five hundred fifteen (,�15 ) , arxi was recorded
<br /> on the 3rd day of May, 194�5.
<br /> FOR THE valuable consideration of One dollar (�1.fl0) and other consideration the parties
<br /> of the first part do hereby assign, sell, and set over to Harry Preiaendorf, party of the
<br /> second part, all r3.ghts, title, and interest thereto in �he above referred contract.
<br /> AND THAT the said second party does hereby agree to assume all the conditions of' said
<br /> contract and does forever agree to hold said first party fre� Prom all the conditlons of
<br /> said contract; and that said second varty does assume and take over a3.1 the obligations
<br /> in th3.s contract from the date of its comr�eneement.
<br /> WITNESS L. W. Bank
<br /> J. H_, Nitzel
<br /> Clara Bank
<br /> Haxry PreisendorP
<br /> WITH Consent of �'rie asslgnment of the wi�hSn and that we do hereby release L. W. Bank
<br /> and Clara Bank from said referred-to contract and do accept Harry Preisendorf as the assign�r,
<br /> dated this 6 day of November, 19�5•
<br /> WITNESS G. A. Miller
<br /> J. �. Nitzel
<br /> Ral�h E. Farrall
<br /> T. A. Thomsen
<br /> Avis 0. Thomsen
<br /> Filed for record this 2 day of D�cember, 191�6, at 10.�5 o� elock A.M. . � � -
<br /> Register of Dee s
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
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