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<br /> 6
<br /> 21817—The Auguatine Co., County 8uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA ) Herman F. Buckow being firs'� duly sworn upon his oath deposes
<br /> HALL COUNTY )ss' and says that he ia a resident of arand Island, Hail County,
<br /> Nebraska, a.nd has been such resident for more than �5 yeara last psst; tha� he is well
<br /> and per�onally acquainted t�ith Elizabeth Weichman� the �rantee in -a certaln Warranty Deed
<br /> conveying the above described premises, which c�eed bears da,te of Beptember 22, 1922, -and
<br /> is recorded in Book 62 at Page 78 of the Deed Recorda �of Hall County, Nebraaka; and with
<br /> Elizabeth WieeYunan, one of the grantors in a eertain fi�arra nty Deed conveying the above
<br /> deseribed premisea, whieh deed is recorded in Book 63 at Page 273 of th� Deed Records of
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, and affiant positiv�ly knows, of his own personal knowledge, that
<br /> Elizabeth Welchman and Elizabeth Wiechman ia one and the same identiQal person, notwith-
<br /> standing the discrepancy in namee.
<br /> Further affiant saith not.
<br /> Herman F. Buckow
<br /> �ubs�ribed and sworn to b�for� me this 12th day of November, A.D. , 1946.
<br /> ' C. E, Grut�dy
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie
<br /> My commission expirea June 19, 1950.
<br /> Fiied for record thie 13 day of ATovember, 194�6, at �2fl0 o� cloek P.M. �
<br /> �,��� ��
<br /> � Regiater of Deeds
<br /> Q-Q-0-0-0-�-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-�-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-
<br /> . DEC�EE �
<br /> Viola V. Vansyckle, }
<br /> ) �
<br /> Plaintiff, )
<br /> � —
<br /> Perry E. Vansyckle, ) No. 103��
<br /> )
<br /> Def end�nt. ) •
<br /> BE I'� REMEiY�'3�ED that on this lst day of February, A. D. , 19�+6, it being one of the
<br /> days of the regula.r September 1945 term of the District Court held within and for Hall
<br /> Caunty, Nebraska, this cause came on for hearing, tlze plaintiff being personally present
<br /> and representea by her counsel and the defendant having fa.iled to appear, plead or answer,
<br /> and being in default, his def�.ult taas duly taken and entered, tr�,al was had, the evidence
<br /> taken, the cause su'flmitted and the caurt being fully advised in the premises finds generally
<br /> in favor of �he plaintiff �,nd against the defendant. •
<br /> The Court especially finds that the defendant has entered his voluntary appearance
<br /> herein and that s��id dPfendant is no� now and has not been for more than one yP�r last
<br /> past in the service of any branch of the Armed Forces of tr.e United States and its Allies:
<br />' tha.t plaintiff a.nd defendant were married in �1ood River, Nebra�k�, on April 10, 1943, �nd
<br /> the plaintiff has continuously resided in Hall County, Nebraska, c�ur3ng said marriage
<br /> � rel�,tionship and for several yea.rs prior thereto, and is now a bona fide resident of s�.id
<br /> county: that no children were born or conceived to the parties as a result of said marriage:
<br /> th.at plaintiff has conducted herself toT,Jard the defendant as a true, faithful and dutiful wif e
<br /> and the defend�.nt h�,s been guilty of extreme cruelty as a,lleged in plaintiff� s petition:
<br /> that the legitima_te bonds of matrimony existin� between the parties hereto have been
<br /> destroyed, and pla_intiff is entitled to a decree of divorce and to be restored to her
<br /> former n�,me of Viola V. Oswa.ld; that the property settlement agreed upon between the
<br /> parties hereto and filed herein is fair and reasonable and should be approved.
<br /> IT IS TriEREFOP.E CC7��ISI�ERED, �RDERED, ADJU�GED A�vrD DECREED by the Court that the mar-
<br /> riage relationship existing bett,aeen the pl�intiff, Viola V. Vansyckle, and the def endant,
<br /> Perry E. Vansyckle, be and the same is wholly dissolved, annulled and set aside and both
<br /> parties are hereby released from the obligations of the same; that plaintifP be and 'nere-
<br /> by is restored to her f'ormer name of Viola V. Os�rald; that the property settlement of the
<br /> parties as shown by their taritten agreement Piled herein, be and the same is hereb� ap-
<br /> proved; that the costs of' this actior�, including `y75.00 for plaintiPf� s attorneys be taxed
<br /> one-hali to t��e plain�iff and one-half to the defer.dant.
<br /> P�'0'�TIDED HOT�VER, tha't this decree is not to become final or operative until six month$
<br /> after this date except for the purpose of review, and provided further that if said decree
<br /> is not vacated or modified during said period,- a.nd unless proceedings are then pendin� with
<br /> th�t end in view, t�ie same shall a.t the expiration of said six months after this date, be-
<br />' come final T��thout further order of trie Court.
<br /> (s) ;�lilliam F. Spikes
<br /> Distri c� Jud�e
<br /> ) ss. I, D. 0. Beckmann Clerk of the District Court, Vrithin and for
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) said County and State, do hereby certiPy tha.t I have compared
<br /> the foregoing copy of the DECREE in the case of Viola V. �
<br /> Vansyekle vs. Perry E. Vansyckle filed by said Court of the lst day of February, A. D. ,
<br /> 1g46, ?aith the origin�,l filed in my office and that the same is a correct transcrlpt there-
<br /> of, and oi the wkole of sa.id original.
<br /> IN TESTIr,ZOTtiTY ��1'r:ERE�F, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be aPfixed the official �
<br /> seal of said Court, a,t the City of Grand Island, this lst day of February, A. D. , 1946. � : ^
<br /> D. 0. Beckmann, Clerk of the District Court /�
<br /> (SEAL) By Doroth Storm Deputy a�P„��,o��.
<br /> Filed for record this 16 day of Novembe� 1946 at g:00 o c oc . .. p1�.�.�,�,���
<br />