d 1
<br /> ���
<br /> �� 5����.C� 1'�I JC�� �.J � ��� ��� V
<br />� 21917—The Augustine Co., County Bupplies, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> 18. Where was disease contracted if not at place of death?
<br /> Did an operation precede death? Date of
<br /> Was there an autopsy?
<br /> What test confirmed diagno�le ?
<br /> (Slgned� D.S.Pithler
<br /> July 2, 1926 (Addreas) Beloi� Kaneaa.
<br /> State the Disease Causing Death, or in deaths from Violent Causes, state (1) Meana
<br /> and Nature of �n�ury and (2) whether Aacident, 3uioide, or Homioide. (Bee reveree side
<br /> for additional apacej .
<br /> DA�E OF BiJ�tIAL July �, 1926.
<br /> 20. UNDERTAKER Q.W.MaDonaldgon.
<br /> ADDRE�S Beloit,Kas.
<br /> To eka gar�8as Oat. 0 1 �6
<br />� p , 3
<br /> 9
<br /> I hereby certify that the above ia a true and exact photo�raphie reproduetion of the
<br /> ori�inal certifica.te on fi3e with the Divialon of Vital Statiaties oP the Kansas State
<br /> Board of Health.
<br /> D. E. Wa,ggoner
<br /> (SEAL) 3tate Registrar.
<br /> Filed for record thia 8 day of November, 1946, at 10:30 o�c2oak A.M. _ �J✓ ,�r�
<br /> ��.�-Ld ��-
<br /> egister of IIeeds
<br /> � 0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-d-0-
<br /> �i ERAI;' AFFTDAVIT
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA }�g. In re: L 6, Block 60, Wheeler & Bennett�s Addition to City
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) of Qrand Island, Nebr.
<br /> Lu.dwig A. Sond�rmann, of the city oP Grand Ieland, County of Hall, and State of Nebraska,
<br /> being duly sworn, doth depoee and gay that Ludwig A. Sondermann of the Sondermann-Livingaton
<br /> Funeral Home hereby depose and say that Ernest Leland Kitch died I�,y 19, 19�6,leaving his
<br /> widow, Marie C. Kiteh.
<br /> And further this d eponent days not.
<br /> LudwS�; A. 3ondermann
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me thie 10 day of June, A.D. 19�6.
<br /> Louis A. Holmes
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publ�c
<br /> Comml.ssion expires Sept. 2�, 1951
<br /> Fi�.ed for reaord this 9th day of Nogember, 194b, at 2:00 o�cloek P.M. • Q ,,,.
<br /> Regiater of Deeda�
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-0-�-0-�-0-0-C-C-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0
<br /> KA10W ALL MEN BY TH�:SE PRESENTS, That, WHEREAS, J. F. Abrahamaon, operat�ng�� as the
<br /> Abrahamson Bu_�_lding & Supply Company, party of the first part, is the owner of Qertain
<br /> larr3s hereinafter described; and
<br /> TI�iEREAS, the Chicago, Hurling�on & Quincy Railroad Company, a corporation created and
<br /> existing under the laws of the State of Illinoia, party of the seaond part, desires a n
<br /> easement in perpetuity conveying the right and privilege to enter upon, conatruct a re,�3.-
<br /> road track and thereafter maintain same, on property hereinafter deseribed.
<br /> NOVd, THERE�'ORE{ eald party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> One Dollar (�1.001 to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and ack-
<br /> nowledged, has glven, granted and conveyed and by these presen�s does �ive, grant and con-
<br /> vey unto said party of the seeond part, its suceessors and assigns, forever, the ri�ht,
<br /> lieense and privilege to enter upon, construct, maintaln and operate a railroad industrial
<br /> track of standard gauge upon the Pollowing described etrip or parcel of land, to wit:
<br /> A strip or parcel of land in Lota Six (6) , Seven (7) and Eight (8) , Block Four (�) ,
<br /> 3outh Park Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, State of Nebraska, being Seventeen
<br /> (17j �'eet in width, Eight and One-half ($-1/2) Feet on either side of a line shown
<br /> da,shed red on blueprint of dxawing No, 1331-99-76, identif ied by the aignature of
<br /> C.C. Robnett, Assistant Chief Engineer of the Chicago,Burlington & Quincy Railroad
<br /> Company, attaehed hereto and made a part hereof.
<br /> � And for such purpose to take, occupy, use and er�oy said strip or parael of land.
<br />' T� HAVE AND TO HOLD gaid right, license and privilege unto said party of the aeaond
<br /> part, its succeasors and assigns, forever.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, �aid party of the Pirst part has aff ixed his hand and seal this
<br /> lOth day of Oetober, 1946.
<br /> J. F. Abrahamson SEAL)
<br /> p�erating as Abrahamaon Huilding &
<br /> Supply Company.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA )�S� On this 14th day of October, 19�6, before me, a Notary Public
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) in and for �aid County, personally came the above na.med J. F.
<br /> Abrahamson, Operatin� aa Abrahamson Building & 3upply Company, who ls personally kno�rn
<br /> to me to be the identical person whoge name is affi�ed to the above instrument as grantor,
<br /> and he acknowledged said instrument �o be his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITNESS �y hand and Notarial 8eal the date last .aforesaid.
<br /> (sEAL� Albert B_._L_o_g_a�n
<br /> My commisslon expires on the lst day of Ju y, 195o ry uP bl �✓
<br /> Filed for reeord this 13 day of November, 1946, at 8:30 o�clock A.M. -����( ��"�.
<br /> egi.gter o eeda
<br />