<br /> l�JLJI ���JI.S�� 1V �� �.J � ��� �J10�� �.J Y
<br /> 21917—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. �
<br /> ���y� -
<br /> In consideration of the Nebrask�, Lo�,n & Trust Company, Grand Island, NebraskA, making a
<br /> loan to me/us, �he undersigned, in the sum of �1,000.J0, which ia to be secured by a Firs�
<br /> Mortgage on the f`ollowing described real es�Gate:
<br /> The 'n�est H�,1P of Lot One tl) , in Block Seventeen (17) , in College Addition 'Go West Lawn
<br /> an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. �
<br /> and Por the purpose of Yurther seeuring said loan �e hereby sell, assign and transfer unto
<br /> the Nebraska Loan � '�rust Company a11 rents or rsntals and income to be due or received
<br /> Prom said property and hereby agree- that in case oP default of the payment of any taxea
<br /> when the same ahall become delinquent, or in the case o� default oP the payment oP any
<br /> � interest on said mortga�e, or in the default in the payment o� any in,uranee when due, or
<br /> � upon the payment of the principal of said mortgage when the s�me shall become due, �hen
<br /> � and in �ny of the said events, the Nebraska Loan � Trust Company is hereby a.uthorized and
<br /> ernpoTaered to collect all rents Prom said property �,nd to apply the sa�ne to the payment of �
<br /> the taxes, the interest, inguranee or prineipal which m�.y be in dePaul.t and this assignment �>
<br /> shall constitute auPPicient authority for said N�braska Loan & Trust Company to colleet and
<br /> � apply said rents �.s �.bove set forth and the undersigned further eonsen'ts, ln case of default,
<br /> to the immediate appointment of a receiver upon application to the court having ,jurisdietion
<br /> c� for the purpose of colleetion of s�.id rentals as above set forth.
<br /> �
<br /> This assignment ahall be irrevocable until said mortga�e and a11 delinquent taxes,
<br /> interest and in5urance premiums have been paid in acaordance with the terrr�s of the Mortgage
<br /> to bs executed b9 us on the above property.
<br /> Dated this 22 day oP October, 19�+6.
<br /> � Witness: W. L. Coonts
<br /> H. J. Kniekrehm Florenc� V. Coont$
<br /> �tate of Nebraska, )
<br /> : sa. On this 22 day of �ctober, 1946, before me, a Notary Public
<br /> County oP Ha11 ) in and Por said County came William L. Coonts and Florence V.
<br /> Coonta, each in his or h�r own right and as husba�d and wife,
<br /> to me known to be the identical personswhose names are aPPixed to the above instrument and
<br /> i they acknowled;ed the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes
<br /> herein set forth. �
<br /> IN TESTIMONY tirJHEREOF, I have hereunto eet my �ia.me and aPfixed my seal the day and year
<br /> last above writ�en:
<br /> H. J. Kniekrehm
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Commission e�ire� : Mareh 16, 1952.
<br /> P'iled Por record thie 22 day oP October 19�6 at 2:15 o 'clock P.M. ��� � �
<br /> eg ster o�Tfeeds
<br /> -0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-U-0-�-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0..0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0..0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> HALL COUNTY �g�' Mre. Edna Bernard, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and
<br /> says that she is well and personally acquainted with the f ollowing named persons and knows
<br /> that on September 22nd, Z9�c6, HELEN YOUNGS, was the wife of ROY ALLEN YOUNGS; that MYRTLE
<br /> ANN YOUNGS was married and was a resident of the Sta'Ge of Wyoming and tha.t her huaband was
<br /> a resident of the State of Wyoming and not a resident of the State of Nebraska; tha�
<br /> MARJORIE YOUNGS, was the wife of WILLIAM ANDREW YOUNGS; that E�NA MAY YOUNGS is the same
<br /> person as EDNA MAY YOUNGS BERNARD, that her husband ��,a on September 22nd, 19�F6, and has ' �:
<br /> been ever since said date a resident of the Sta�e of Louisiana and has not been in �he State
<br /> of Nebraska during that time; that KATHERYN YOUNGS is the wife of W.ALTER HOWARD YOUNGS; that
<br /> IVA VIOLA YOUNGS ia a single woman• and that ELLA YOUNG3 is a single woman.
<br /> Da�ed this 22nd day of October, 191+6.
<br /> Mrs. Edna Bernard
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to bePore me this 22nd day of October, 19�6.
<br /> James B. Bel�zer
<br /> (SEAL) otary Public
<br /> My commission expires Ma.rch 23, 1952• -
<br /> Filed for rQCOrd thia 22 day of Oetober, 194�6, at �200 0� clock P.M.����� nj
<br /> Vp
<br /> Register of Deeda
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-
<br /> AFFIDAVIT ._
<br /> ,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, R. Al'�er, f irat being duly sworn on h1s oath deposes and says
<br /> HALL COUNTY )ss' that I am a resident of Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, that I have person-
<br /> ally been acquainted wlth Joseph M. Blenkiron, the husband of Eva L. Blenkiron, for more
<br /> than 25 years last pas�, that I have had a continuo��'bus�.n�s:� contact with the said Joseph
<br /> M. Blenkiron; that in the negotiations for the transfer of the title to �he following dea-
<br /> eribed real propert;�r, to-tri� : Southerly Twenty-two (22) feet of Lot One (1) , in Block
<br /> Fifty-f3.ve (.55� , 3.n the Origina.l Town, now City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br /> I corresponded with the said Joseph M. Blenkiron and Eva L. B�:gnkiron, and know that the
<br /> J,M.Blenkiron, ��rho signed a deed to said premises as grantor and husband of Eva L. Blenk��ron
<br /> to Joseph Abood, as grantee, and Joseph M. Blenkiron, is one and the same person.
<br /> Dated tYiis 16th. day of October, 19�6. I. R. Alter
<br /> Subscribed an.d aworn to before me this 16th day of October, 19�6.
<br /> � F. J. Cleary
<br /> My commission expires Oct. 22, 1951 (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC
<br /> Filed for record this 23 day of October, 19�6, at 10:�5 o�clock A.M.
<br /> � � �
<br /> egister of eed
<br />