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<br /> a
<br /> 21817—The Auguatine Co., County Supplies, (�rand Island, Nebr.
<br /> SUHJECT: Property
<br /> Lots One (1) & Two (2) , Bloek Nine (9) , in Boggs and Hil1� s
<br /> Addition, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> If H. H. Riley, of Central City, Merrick County, Nebraska, being first duly sworn upon
<br /> oath, depose and state;
<br /> That I have been a resident of Merriek County, Nebragka for l5 years and am well and
<br /> personally acquainted with the residents thereof;
<br /> That I was we11 and per�onally acquainted with Frank Gross and his wife, Ne'ttie M. Groas,
<br /> and to my knowledge the $aid Frank Gross departed this 13fe on the 28th day of June, 19�1,
<br /> and as of May 1, Zg1�5, the said Nettie M. Groes was still his unmarried widow.
<br /> H. H, Riley
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me at Central City, Nebra.ska this 16 d�.y of October,
<br /> A.D. 1946. P. S. Heaton
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commisaion expires March 8, 19�7 �
<br /> Filed for record this 17th day of Oc�ober, 19�b, at 11:50 0� clock A.�l����� �
<br /> Register of Dee/�
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-S�
<br /> That we, the undersigned, bein� the �wr�rs of all of the property in Bloek G, Lots 8-9-10
<br /> Village Qf' 'NTood River, Nebraska, do hereby grant, unto the Village of Wood River, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, an �asement for a right-of-way for a sewer line, said sewer line to be located �:.._
<br /> along a line running East and West through the Eenter of s�id Block; the easement to cover
<br /> so much ground on either side of the center line of said f�lock running East and West as
<br /> shall be reasonably necessary for the construction, main�ena�ne�e, repair and replacement of
<br /> said sewer.
<br /> This easement shall be binding upon our heirs, executors, administrators and ass�gns, and
<br /> shall continue so long as the Village of."Wood River, or its suecessora, shall maintain a
<br /> sewer along said line.
<br /> Dated this 20 day of July, 19�6.
<br /> Elsie Schultz
<br /> State of Nebraska � as. On this 7 day of August, 194b, befdre me, the undersigned a
<br /> County of HaII � Notary Public, duly commisaioned and qualfified for and reaiding
<br /> in said County, personally came E3.sie Schul�z (widow) to me known to be the identier�.l persons
<br /> who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof' to be their
<br /> voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of each of them.
<br /> ��TITNESS my hand and I�o�arial Sea.l the day and year last above written.
<br /> E. C. Huxtable
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> Gommission expires 6-30-1951.
<br /> Filed for record this 18 day of Oc�o�er 19�6 at 2:�,� o� clock P.M. . �
<br /> �
<br /> Register of Deed��
<br /> -Q-�-Q-4-0-�-�-O-C�-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-�-Q--Q-0-0-Q-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-�-0-Q-0-0-0-C►-0-Q-Q
<br /> EAS�
<br /> That we, the undersigned, being the owners of the property in�Block H. Vtllage of Wood
<br /> River, Nebraska.
<br /> do hereby grant unto the Village of Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska, an easement for a
<br /> right-of-way for a sewer line, said sewer line to be located along a line running East
<br /> and West through the center of said Bloak; the easement to cover so much ground on elther
<br /> �ide of the center line of said Bloek running Eaet and West as sha.11 be reasonably necessary
<br /> for the construction, maintenance, repair and replacement of said sewer.
<br /> This easement shall be binding upon our heire, executors, adminis�Grator� and asaigns,
<br /> and shall continue so long as �he Village of Wood River, or its successors, shall mainta3.n
<br /> a seVler along saicl line.
<br /> �ated tnis 17 day of July, 19�b.
<br /> Ellen Farrell
<br /> Eli H. Schroeder
<br /> " P�.u11ne L. Schroeder
<br /> State of Nebrask.a On this 7 day of Augus�, 194�6, before me, the undersigned, a
<br /> County of xa3.1 � �s'
<br /> Notary Pui�Iic, duly commissioned and qualif3ed for and residin�
<br /> in said Coun�y, peraonally ca.me Ellen Farrell, Eli H. Schroeder & Pauline L. Schroeder to
<br /> me known to be the identical persons who execut�d the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br />