. ��P�
<br /> � 1�� SC�L��1�T���J� �]EC ��D LJ �
<br />� 21917—The Augustine Co., County Bupplies, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> ��275.00) Dollars per montYi in accordance with the sa.me terms, condltions and covenants as
<br /> are provided for in the original lease hereinbefore described.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF the par�Gies have hereunto set their hands and aeals the day and year
<br /> first above written.
<br /> Bird L._ Cummin�a
<br /> Witness
<br /> Claude A, Davis ( Walter M. Cwnmin�s
<br /> Parties of First Part
<br /> ( Glinton E. John
<br /> Party of Second Part.
<br /> STATE OF NEW M�XIGO ) On this �th day oP Dersember, 19�0, before me the undersigned
<br /> C4UNTY OF BERNALILLO ) S$� Notary Public in and for said county personally ca.me Bird
<br /> L. Cummings to me known to be the identical person whoge name is affixed to the fore�oing
<br /> Supplemental Agreement and acknowledged said instrument to be hie voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purposes therein contained.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> Harvev L. Ho�ref e
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commission sxpires: 11/1�/42 �
<br /> Filed for reeord�=•this 10 day of October 19�b at 11:55 0' elock A. M.
<br /> ,�.�-��i
<br /> Register of De� �
<br /> -0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-Q-0-Q-Q-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-Q-Q-O-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0
<br /> ss. Frank F. Nolan, being Pirst duly sworn on his oath deposes
<br /> IiALL C4UNTY ) and saya that I am �7 years of a�e; that I am a son of Joseph
<br /> . F, Nolan, deeeaae8, of Hall County, Nebraska; that I have
<br /> been in constant contact with my brothers and sistera the heirs oP Joseph F. Nolan; that
<br /> my sister May is sometimes known as Mary; that the said sieter May, married 0. W. �pregg;
<br /> that at the time of the death oP our father Joseph F. Nolan, she had re-married to one
<br /> . named ti�dalter Raineq, and that ahe was therePore rePer�+ed to in the proeeed�.ngs for probate
<br /> of the estate of Joseph �'. Nolan, as May Rainey; that thereaf ter the �:a�id alster May
<br /> Ra.iney, took on and used the name Ma,ry; �hat she later married Carl ..�. Van Nese; that the
<br /> namea appearing in the records oP the title to the Pollowing deseribed real ro erty, to-
<br /> wit: The west Half (W�) of the Southwest Quarter ( SW�) of Section Fourteen (14�, Township
<br /> Ten (10), North, Ran�e Twelve (i�), Hall County, Nebraska, as Mary A. Nolan Spregg, May
<br /> Raine�r, Mary Nolan Van Neas, are the namea of one and the same peraon, that person being
<br /> � my sis�er May Ra.iney.
<br /> " Further affiant saith not.
<br /> .r
<br /> Dated this lOth, dey oP October, 1946.
<br /> Frank F. Nolan
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to at Grand Island, Nebraaka, this �.Oth, day oP �etober, 19�+6,
<br /> b�r F'rank F. Nolan, before me the undersigned a Notary Publio in and Por Hall County,
<br /> Nebraaka.
<br /> 3. J. Shada
<br /> (3EAL) Notary Public
<br /> ' : , t3ommission expires Marah 2, 19�5.
<br /> Filed Por record this 1�+ day of October 19�6 at 10:30 c 'cloek A. M. ����� � ^�
<br /> � �
<br /> eg a er o ee s
<br /> • �"O�'O-O'-.J'�'�O-0'.�D+�rO"�O'�O'V-O-O"V'�O-O'�O-L"�V-O-'O-'O-�-O'�O�'O-O-O-O�'O-4'�O`�0-V`�O-aO1,/-aaO-.L/'�O-
<br /> � AFFIDAVIT
<br /> , I, C. E. Grundy, of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, being Pirst duly sworn upon
<br /> -. oath, c�pose and say that I was personally acquainted with G. Aliee Belville, to �►hom
<br /> • Martha E. Vandegrift Qonveged Lot 10, Bloek 3, in Park Place, an additfon to �he City
<br /> - of Grand Island, Hall Coun�y, Nebrasl�a, by warranty deed dated March 20, 1928, and
<br /> � recorded in Book 67, Page 312 of the Deed Records of Hall �ounty, Nebraeka• and also with
<br /> Alice Belville who conveyed said premises by warranty deed dated July 20, 1929, which
<br /> is recorded in Book 69, Page 507 of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraskai and the
<br /> affiant poaitively knows that the said C. Alice Belville an�. Alice Belvllle were one
<br /> and the same person notwithstanding �he seeming discrepancy in name.
<br /> C. E. GrundY
<br /> 3ubscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of February, 1937•
<br /> (SEAL) Edna 8tates
<br /> My commission expirea Dee. 5, 19�2 o ary e
<br /> Fi1ed for record this 17th day of October, 1946, at 9:30 o�elock A.M , (J✓
<br /> �
<br /> Re�fater of De�� ,�/
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> ���_
<br />