<br /> �
<br /> l�JL� ����Jl.�� l�l �� �J � ��� ��� �.J
<br /> 21917—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebn
<br /> In case said premises ahall be rendered untenantab�e by fire or oth�r casualty, �he
<br /> lessors may, at their option, terminate the lease, or rebuild and repair the premise� wi.th-
<br /> in 3 months from da�e of such destruct3.on. But in the event �he leasors rebuild said
<br /> premisea then lessee shall have the option to cont�nue in poaseseion of the ba�ement and
<br /> f irst and second stor of any building which may be erected thereon, thQ rental 02' said
<br /> premises '�o then be d�ermined ae follows: That for rental purposes the land shall be ap-
<br /> praised at �16,000.00 and the building shall be appraised at the costs thereof, then these
<br /> f igures are to be added together and the lessee shall pay a rental of 1,� per mont� and bg-
<br /> fore a buildin� is erected said lessee shall have the option oP agrEe with said lessors as
<br /> to the kind and type of building that is to be ereeted, and ahall approve said blue prints
<br /> and plAns; however, in the event that said lessee does not okay or submit to lesaors a plan
<br /> of building with 30 days after the destruation of the buildin$ �aid lesaors are then at
<br /> liberty to erect a building and lease the same to other parties; i� being the intention af
<br /> the par�ies hereto that the 2essee shall be given the privilege oP leasing any any new
<br /> bullding which is erected on the premises and in the event he fails to exerciee thi� right
<br /> within the time hereinbefore speeified, then and in that event all of his rights in and to
<br /> � this lease sha11 terminate. In the event a two or more story .building is ereeted and the
<br /> lessee does not care to occupy any portion thereof himself he is given the privilege of
<br /> sub-leas�.ng that portion therof to someone else..
<br /> It �.� fur�Gher agreed that in the event �hat the lessee and lessors cannot agree on the
<br /> size of thP building that the lesaors may erect a higher building than what lessee agrees
<br /> to lease, in which event the cost of the building which is ereeted higher thafl that which
<br /> will be used by said ].easee shall in no wise or manner affect the rental to be made on that
<br /> port3.on of the building which shai2 be occup3ed by said lessee.
<br /> It is further agreed that in the event said premises are rendered wholly untenantable by
<br /> reason of fire or other casualty then the lessee shall not be required to pay rent durin�
<br /> the period the premises cannot be oecupied; in the event eaid premises are partially
<br /> destroyed, if the leasee can occupy part of the premises the lessee shall pay rent in pro-
<br /> portion to the uae made of said premisea while in partial tenantable condition.
<br /> It is further agreed that the covenants and agreements herein contained shall be binding
<br /> upon, apply a.nd inure to their respective heirs, exeeutors, administrators, suceessors and
<br /> assigns of both the leesors and lesaee. �
<br /> IN WZTNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year
<br /> first above written. �
<br /> Witness t W. M. Cummin�i,.�
<br /> Wm. P. Mulien Cwnmin�s
<br /> A. N. Reed �!��'��• �
<br /> LESSORS
<br /> Wm. P. Mu11en Clinton E. Joh�
<br /> LESSEE
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) $s, On this 3rd day of April, 1939, before,���:me a Notary Public,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL, ) duly commissioned, qualif ied for and residing in said county, �
<br /> personally came Walter M. Cummings and Clinton E. John, one of lessore and lessee, res-
<br /> pectively, and acknowl.edged the execution of �he foregoing lease as their voluntary act
<br /> and deed, for the purposes therein cont�,lned.
<br /> WI�NEDD my hand and Notarial �eal the day and year last above written.
<br /> Wm. P. Mullen
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie �
<br /> My eommiaslon expires May 4, 191�3. t
<br /> s �'�ATE OF N�.^T A2E.xIC�, j �s, pn �his 5th day of Apri1, 1939, before me, a Notary Publiet
<br /> COUNTY OF BERNALILLO, dulg commissioned, qualified for and residing in said
<br /> o nt ersonall came Bird L. Cwnmin s one of the lessors, and acknowled ed the execu- '
<br /> c u g , g
<br /> Y, P Y
<br /> et and deed for the ur ose$ there n contained
<br /> n ease as his
<br /> voluntar a l .
<br /> tion of the foregoi g 1 � P P �
<br /> WITNESS my hand and No�arial �eal the day and year last above written.
<br /> Harvey L. Ho�refe
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publ�e .
<br /> My commission expires 11/19/�2.
<br /> Filed for reeord �his 10 day of October 19�6 a� 11:55 o'elock A. M. ���/
<br /> vL�„�� � .
<br /> Register oP Deeds
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-4-fl-0-4-0-�J-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-4-0-43-4-4-4-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0�0
<br /> THIS SUPPLEMENT AGRE�I�NT entered into this 4th day af Dee. , 1940 by and betwe.en Walter
<br /> M. Cummings and Bird L. Ciunmings hereinafter referred to as parties of the f irs� part and
<br /> Clinton E. John,hereinafter referred to as party of the second part, is hereby made an ad-
<br /> dition and part of an agxeement �eretofore entered into by and between the same partles
<br /> on the 3rd day of A rll, 1g39 whereby said first parties leased to said second party �he
<br /> North Sixty-six (66� feet of Lots Five (j) and Six (6) and the North Fifty-ei�h'� (58� fee�
<br /> of Lot �even ('�) a11 in Bloek Seventy-nine (79� of t�� Ori�in�.I Town, nQw Cit,� o�: Gr,�n� _ .,
<br /> Is3and, Hall County, Nebraska, which . �" � `
<br /> lease was filed for record in the office of 'the Regis�er o�'�1�eeds of Hall County, ivebraska
<br /> on the 2bth day of April, 1939 and recorded in Book S at page �8� thereoP; that said
<br /> original lease hereinbefore referred to leased the premises hereinbefore described �o said
<br />� 8eeond party for a period of f ive (5) years, viz. , from Apri1 26, 1939 �o April 26, 19��
<br /> an� �'urther ave to said lessee an option of renewing said lease for an additional five (5)
<br /> w
<br /> g
<br /> year period, from April 26, 194� to April 26, 1.949 at a rent�,1. of Two Hundred Sixty-five
<br /> (�265.00) Dollars per month.
<br /> NOW in consideration of the sum of One (�1.00) Dollar and other valuable consideration
<br />• eaid first parties, viz. , Walter M. Cummingg and Bird L. Cummings, hereby $rant �o the
<br /> said Clinton E. John a right to extend said lease for an additional five (�) year period,
<br /> vls. , f'rom April 26, 1949 to April 26, 1954 at a rental of Two Hundred Seventy-five
<br />