<br /> �� ������ 1'�1 �� �./ � ��� ��� �J
<br /> 21917—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplies, Grand Island, Nebr. �
<br /> protect aIl buildin�e, fences and improvementa of every kind that are now on �aid premises,
<br /> or that may be ereated thereon during the eontiauance of this lease; that they will pr�mgtxy
<br /> at the expiration of the term herein granted yield up pasaeesion of said premises, without �
<br /> notice, upon the partg af the first part, in a�� good repair as they now are or may be at
<br /> any time during the aontinuanes of this lease, ordinary wear and los�s bv �'�.xe excepted.
<br /> Sai.d second party ala� expresely a�reea to haul �rd �oa��r �x�d;#L S,�td lans�..r:�gularly� in..
<br /> the monthe oP ---------and -----------all manure aQCUmulated thereon and they will keep
<br /> the cultivated landa of said premises Pree from weeds and destroy all weeds along the
<br /> Peneea and about all the buildinge, including all coaklebura on the highwaye ad�oin3ng
<br /> the land and alon� the borders of the fielda bePore they ripen their seeds; tha� ----
<br /> will keep the well, pump and windmill on said premises in �ood repair, exceptional loas
<br /> by heavy wind or fire exeepted.
<br /> AND IT IS FURTHER A(�REED by the party of the �eaond p�.rt �hat they will not sub-let nor in
<br /> any manner release any part of the deacribed premises without the oonsent of party of the
<br /> Pirst part.
<br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that the party of the firat part and his agenta may go upon �aid
<br /> premisea at any time to inapect the sa:me or to make improvements thereon and to plow for
<br /> future crope and to sow small grain in corn and stubble �;round in the fa11 before the
<br /> expiration oP this lease.
<br /> The eovenanta herein ahall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executora and ad-
<br /> ministrators of the parties to this lease.
<br /> AND IT I� FURTHER EXPRESSLY AaREED that the aeeond party ahall aeaure the performance oP
<br /> the terma and conditlon$ of this leaee on --------- part by giving to the first party
<br /> on demand a chattel mortgage upon all or any part of the vrope growing or gathered on
<br /> said premises during eaid term. And if the said second party shall neglect or ret'use to
<br /> give sueh chattel mortgage upon demand or iP ---- shall at any time give or a'Gtemp� to
<br /> give to any per�on or persons a lien upon said orops or any part thereof, or violate any
<br /> of the conditions in this contracst, then this leae� ehall thereby terminate and: in order
<br /> to enforce a forPeiture for non-payment of rent it �hall not be neceesary to make a demand
<br /> on the same day the ren� shal.l become due, and the said first par�y may at onee reeover
<br /> poasesaion of said premi�es and all aropa thereon and the said second party aha11 in thar
<br /> event be held and considered to have planted and cultivated said crop for �he benef3t oP '
<br /> said first party and shall be paid for eueh aervioe aa foll.owe. Said fira� party may aell
<br /> said crop and the unexpired term Por aash at private sale, may at ---- option, proaure
<br /> aaid crops to be further cultivated or �athered and sold in such market as --- may aee fit,
<br /> and in either event the proceeds thereof shall be applied: Firat, to the payment of expenaes
<br /> ineurred by the said party in the premises inoluding the time spent by ---- in conneQtion
<br /> therewith; �leeond, in payment of eaid rent; �'hird, the remainder, if any, sha11 be paid
<br /> to the aeoond party for services in planting and t�nding said arops, and aeed furnished by
<br /> ----------.
<br /> Tt is further agreed that the covenants and agreemerits on the reverse side of this inatrua�ent
<br /> are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this lease.
<br /> Si�ned this 22nd day of August, A.D. 1946.
<br /> Signed and delivered in the presence of
<br /> W. E. Sorensen Elmer Run�e 3EAL -
<br /> Robert Johnson SEAL;
<br /> Merle Johnson (3EAL)
<br /> Filed for reeord this 5 day of �atober, 19�6, a� 9:30 o�clock A.M. .
<br /> ������
<br /> Register of De
<br /> 0-0-4-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> j��TnAVIT
<br /> BUBJECT: Property
<br /> Lot 2, Block 31, Russel Wheeler� s Add�n.
<br /> to (�rand Island, Nebr.
<br />, W. =iG. Gedde�, being first duly aworn upon oa�h, deposea and ata'�es:
<br /> Tha� he has been a resident of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraaka for over 26 ye$rs,
<br /> and is well and peraonally aaquainted with many of the reeidents, thereof;
<br /> Tha.t in his capaoity as Puneral direc�or, he aonduated the funeral and burial of Euniae '
<br /> Aenworthy, the wlPe oP Jot ICenworthy, who resi.ded at �19 East llth 9treet, Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska;
<br /> That the records in his ot'fice reveal that the sai.d Et�ni.ce Kenworthy departed thie
<br /> life- on the 22nd day of Beptember, 1946, and was buried in the arand Island Cer�etery
<br /> September, 25, 1946.
<br /> Further aFfiant sai�h not.
<br /> W. a. Qeddes
<br /> Subscribed and aworn to bePore me this Sth day oP �etober, A. D. 1946.
<br /> (3EAL} C. E. arundy
<br /> Notary Publie
<br /> My commission expires June 19, 1950
<br /> Filed for re cord this � day of October, 19�6, at 1.1:30 0'cl.ock A.M. �J
<br /> -�c�-r�-r� �
<br /> � Regis�er of Deed�
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
<br />