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<br />. 21817—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. �
<br /> open,notorious,eontinuoug and adverse poasesaion of sald premises aince March 23rd,190�,
<br /> and the intereste� acquired by the person� mentioned ir� thia para.�raph as grantors,by
<br /> virtue of their covenante oP warranty and delivery of posseseion of said premises to eaah
<br /> eubaequent grantee,run xith the land and taak on to the intereete of the plaintiPf s herein,
<br /> and 8uah open,notorious,vantinuous,exclusive and adverse pos�eseion of said Lota Four and
<br /> the Eaet One-half of Lo� Five,in Bloak Nine,in the Origina]. Toam of Wood Aiver,Nebraska,
<br /> aete and operates agai.nst �Che interests ot all persons whomsoeer.
<br /> The Court further findg tha.t all pereone whoae names appear of record in eonneation t�ith
<br /> Lote Four and the Eaet One-ha1P of Lot Fi�e,i� Blocsk Nine,in the Original Town of Wooci
<br /> River,Nebra�ka,and who have or appear to elaim some interest there�n,have been made pa.rties
<br /> defendant in thia eause,exaept the Bank of Wood River,xhich appears ta have a lien on eaid
<br /> ' premieee by virtue oF a mortgage,that each oP said defenda,nte olaim or appear to ha,ve dome
<br /> interest in,right or title �Co,or lien upon� eald Lots �'our and the Ea.st one-half or Lot
<br /> P'1ve,in Bloak Nine,in the ari�inal Town of Wood River,and that the plaintiffs after diligent
<br /> investi�ation and inquirq are unable to aseertain and do not know the whereabnuta,if in
<br /> this atate,or the residence of any oP sald dePendante;that there are pergons who alaim or
<br /> appear to have some interest in,right or title to,or lien upon sueh property,and that the
<br /> oxnership oP,intereat in right or title to,or lien upon eueh property of suah pereona doss not
<br /> appear or reaord in or by their reapective names in the County ot' Hall and the Sta,te of
<br /> Nebraeka,whereir� sueh propertq is aituated and that the plaintifPe,after diligent investigation
<br /> and inquiry,are unable to asaertain and do nvt kno�r the names or whereaboute,if in thia
<br /> state,or the reaidenae oP suah peraons,and have designated as defenda.nts in this aetion,
<br /> "all persons having or alaiming any intereat in Lote Four and the East One-Half oP I�ot Five,
<br /> in Block IJine,in the Ori�inal Town of �ood River,Nebraaka,real namea unkno�n";tha.t the
<br /> elaims of all oF euch defer�danta,Whether named in the caption of thia Decree or unknown,
<br /> are inePfeetive again$t the paramount ti�le of the plaintiffa and are barred by the Statute
<br /> of Lim��Gations ae set forth in the Revised 3tatutes of the 3tate ot' Nebra,eka Por the year
<br /> 194�3 and aets amendatory thereto,and title to Lots Four ax�d the East One-half oP Lot Five,
<br /> in Block Nine,in �he Original Toxn of Wood River,Nebra,ska,ahould be quieted in the plaintiffs,-
<br /> Marion L.Dean and Naomi Dean,ss �oint tenants and not as tenanta in aommon,with right of
<br /> aurvivorahip in the surviving grantee.
<br /> The Court further Pinds tha.t the plaintiffs have executed a mortgage to the Bank oP Wood
<br /> River,Nebraska and that the said mortgage is recorded 1n the oPPice oP the Register of Deeda
<br /> of Hali County,Nebraska,in Book 85 of Mortgagee at page 482,the� sai�. Ba,nk has not been made a
<br /> party defendant herein arrd thia action i� maintained sub�ect to said .1�x+n. ,�
<br /> iT IS THEREFOAE ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE C4URT that title to Lote Four and the
<br /> East One-half oF Lot Five,in Hloak Nine, in the Ori�inal Town ot' Wood River,Nebraaka,be
<br /> ��i��ed �3n 'tYie �lai�itiPfs Marion L.Dean a�d Naomi Dean as �oint tenants and not as tenants
<br /> in common,xith right oP survivorship in the surviving grantee,eub�eot �o the mort�a,ge lien
<br /> of the Bank of Wood River,Nebraska;that aoets of �his a.ation be taxed to the plaintiff s.
<br /> Fee oP Donald H.Weaver fixed at �10.00. �
<br /> � - William F.9t�ikes
<br /> Diatriot Judge.
<br /> as I, D.O.Beckmann Clerk oY the Diatriat Court,within and for
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL � said County and State,8o hereby Qertifq that I have oompared
<br /> the Poregoing copy of �he Decree in the Qase of Marion L.Dean
<br /> et a]. vs.George M.Engleman,et ale filed by said Court of the �th day of Oatober A.D.1946,with
<br /> the orlginal filed in my ofPiQe and that the same is a aorrect transcript thereof,and of the
<br /> whole oP said original.
<br /> INTESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto aet my ha.nd and cauaed to be affixed the ofYicial
<br /> seal. of eaid Court,at the Citq of arand I$land,this 4�th day of Oetober A.�. ,1946
<br /> � D.O.Beckmann
<br /> - (SEAL) Clerk of the Dietrict Court
<br /> By Margaret Kozal Deputy
<br /> Filed for record this 4 day of October,19�6,at 4:30 o�alock P.M. �
<br /> . ' '�'�'
<br /> Regieter oP Deeda 1/
<br /> �O�Q�O.�O�O�.Q�O.rO..�Q..�Q.�O.�Q�O�.O�O.�O�Q�Q.►QyQ�O�Q�O�O.�Q�O"�O�O'�D�O��D�V-0�0'���D�D���I-�0�•OO.-��Q�
<br /> THIS AaREEMENT, Made and entered into �hia 22 nd day of August, A. D. 1946, by and b8twean
<br /> Elmer Runge, Agent Por Mary Runge, party of the flrst part, and Merle Johnaon and Robert
<br /> Johnson, par�y of the eeQOnd part, WITNE3SETx, That the said party of the Pirst part haa
<br /> this day leaeed unto the party of the second part, the Pollowing deearibed property eituated
<br /> in the County of Hall And State of Nebraeka, to-wit:
<br /> The SE�NE� quarter ot' seation 17, in Township 12, Range 11, West of the 3iath P.M.
<br /> together with the buildings and improvemente thereon and thereto appertainin� from the lst
<br /> day of Maroh, 1947, to the lst day of March, 19�8, and the �aid seaond party, in Qonaidera-
<br /> tion of the leaeing of the abov� premi�es, hereby eovenants and agreea with the eaid partq
<br /> of the f irst part to pay the said party of the first par� a� rent Por the aame as Pollows,
<br /> to-wit: _
<br /> 0ne third of a1.1 arops grrnan upon the premisea delivered to market as deeignated by the
<br /> said Pirst party.
<br /> AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AQREED between the parties hereto that the ��id party of the
<br /> first part shoul.d he deem it neaeeaary may at the aost and expenae of the party of the
<br /> eecond part, employ men and teama to go upon said premises and cultivate the arops and
<br /> harneat them or to do anything that ia neceasary to promote thei.r growth or save them at
<br /> _ any time bePore they are in the �ranaries,the whole expense of the same to be a lien upon
<br /> said second party� e share oP said crops.
<br /> �p IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED by the party of the seaond part that they will earefully
<br />