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<br /> , NON•UNIFORAI COVEMANTS. Borrow�r,l�nd�r ConYr�ctor IurtMr cownqnt eixl�pa�ne followo: ��� �,���Q�� �
<br /> 17 AQC11At�t1011! R�111tf�lt �7(C�pi fA pfmUld�d�O�Wf�f�11 1!)INIK77 4{+wt wnT'v�:Gi'6 o:GCo��vi«n�L:"..5�.::•.•C.:r.°•••••�w� �i..
<br /> Ekmo�M In 1M1�DMd oi Tnest��rt�cludtn0 Po�ror+�'�f�ea pay.Cy tia c::J c4 2�e:�:'.'�.�' d:.�o sft_�ti:_;,i s,�C__.�:y c_-a t--•�rci b/th�
<br /> [W�d�►1 Tnest,ls�wMr p�ia to�cc�Mr�tkR sAo�yM� ratle�ro�onowK M provid�d F�papr�ph:2 Mrw4�eltyino:(t)t!N 4ra�ok:1�1 tM
<br /> ��.yion rpuk�d to eun wci� bn�eA�I3)�daN, nat Mtt dan YQ d�y�irom tM d�b tM notln M rnalMd N�arowK.by urMch weh l�oA
<br /> rnwt b�cw�d:�rnt(4) tMt i�Wxe to cw+ weh bnach fw notic��hM furtMr In�faart+�dorrowa o1 tM rbht t�rMnKat��ft�rr�ee�iMr��nd
<br /> �ocurnd by tfiir W�d of Trus!md�+i�01 tM h�rt7•
<br /> ttw dpht tn brN�p�eowt�ct�on to asat H��nawxi�t�ne�of�drhult a�ny oth�s d�tonNe of dortow�r M�eeNK�don eMd s�, tf th�barM
<br /> i�iw�curd o�w w.iw.C��:.c :;Y!!!�d �t++ths notic��L.�nM�.at l.on�'�optb�,tn�y d�elar��iA o4 tM wm�sa�x�d by ti�b DNd of Truet
<br /> tn b�Irm�dl�t�W du�a�d W1�witl�out tirthK danwnd�nd►tMy Invok�tM�ow�of��nd�ny otM�r«�ufn pKrtN�ntl aY M�+�
<br /> �t�v. L.�ndN th�N b��ntlll�tl ro co1�t NI nlson�bN rnsiu�nd�x{�t►sN[nturrad kf putsWttp ihs tsrr.+dMs{xovldeJ !n tltb FareQr�ph 17. -
<br /> tmth�dirq,but not Rrnk�d to, r++w�rll��tt�Ys'f�+�.
<br /> N tM pow�r of NM M irwok�rd,Trwtw�11 neoM�notla of d�fwit Se weh cowety(n whkh t1w Prop�rty w somr pwrt fhwwf a
<br /> I+;;�ud�nd �h�M rtw�cop{�s of wef+ notic�N t!�mrw�qn�adb�d by�ppNe�EM Inw to SonowK�nd to t!�oth�r pweam prNC�d pY
<br /> ��Ne�6M I�w. A1b+lM Npa of weh drt�a rrwy r�qutnd by�PP�+�Mw.Tru�b�oh�M Oiw puhNc notle�o!aaM to 1M p�xwn��nd in tM
<br /> mt�pnactlb�d 6�pplcal�N low. :natN�wilhout dKn�+d on Bartow�r.�hW MM ttN Prop+ity�t pcibMc wetbn to tM hlph�n bkdK�t tM
<br /> N'n��nd pl�a�nd wxNr tA�arrt►�d�sipyt�d Ms 1M�wtle�01 wN W�on�a nx�PreoM�nd in wch ord�r a�TnatN m�Y d�rtmnim. TnntN
<br /> m+,y pwlpo�w�aM ot MI a�Pa�nl of th�hopaq►bY P��E�C�wu^c�^M^��t fM Urr�s wwl pf�a of my Pr�vlowh aMduMd wM. LMW�a
<br /> Sr.eid!!r'e do•k��Y���P�av�Y n�nY saM.
<br /> Upen��,yipt o1 p�ymM�t of eM PNa bid�TrwtN�dNlw�to tM purch�s�r YrwbN'�awd rnnwy.iy GFw F+��t{r,.��. Tha
<br /> � ta�eW in Tn�'s dwd�AM b�0���widmrw of 1M trutl�of tM�am�na rt�ad�tlNnin. TrwtN ah��ppt�r 1M proeMds of tM�aN
<br /> 1�1!N ioiotiriiq ordsr: td t�i N r�uonabM catE md�xpMS�s of tM�aM,tnelu�y,but not Rrnlo�d to.Tnab�'�t��cri�alh Me�sd of eot
<br />- mvre ttun_,�%ol tRs�prou saN�xieo,r+�son�bN�ttortMri'iNS�nd aosb of tMk�vid�ner, lbl to�M s�rra sa�cuMd by tBM WM o1
<br /> Yru�t:and (C1 th��xc�it,if yny.to tA�PK�^a PK�au Mp�MY�nWMd tl��lo.
<br /> f8, gortpW�iy RiyAt ��o F��insm�. Notv�ithstandirp lerMero accokratan of the suma aecured by this Desd ot Trwt, dua to
<br /> E1c,rrow�r'� breach,Oor�awsc sha71 ha�uA ths ripht to have e�iy proc�sdk+ps b�pun by lend�r to enforce thie Desd of Trust diucontinwd�t�ny
<br /> ti'ne prior to the aeriier to occur o'f Iq tM fiith day baforo the esle of the Property pursuant to tM powar of sals contatned in tAit DNd of Trutt.
<br /> or•l��i entry o}n judg�srvnm s�facinp thit Dsod of Trust tf: (�)�rrow�r payi Lendsr eU aums which would b�ttwfl dw urxHr tNt Da�d ot 7rutt
<br /> ' ee�d th�Note had no a�ciNratbn occurred; tb1�rrowsr cur�s eil bn+�cha9 of any other covenanU or ayrNm�nts ot Borrower corrtak�pd tn thlt
<br /> [Fned of Trv�t; (c) 6orrowsr p�ya dl reasombte exp�nr�� ►ncurnd by Lendar and Trwtea In sMprcirp ttw cownant� ar�d�g�Mrt►�+tt ot
<br /> Eldrrow�r cont�inad tn thU De�d of Trutt�nd fn entarofnp l.�rxkr'��nd TrustM'e�remadi�a�s provided fn puapraph 1'7 twreot,Includinp,but
<br /> r►a2 Nmit�d to,rea�onable�ttan�ri'tea'e; �nd ldl Borrower takea auch sction as L��r may reaeonAbty requfro to a�sure M�t the fl�n of 1hi�
<br /> :,.,; s,;,T:zx:, lx.s.�s.',;r'a ht�s•�*_ fo*_►wi?rnperty and Borrower'e obUp�tbn to pay the sums axured by this Deed of Tru�t sh�N cunttnus
<br /> �w��rnpnired. Upon x4�:7�AalCment nnd curs by Borrowu,this Qssd ot T�wt and the obiip�ttona ascund henCy�heN r�main in Te�n tora and
<br /> � otiict ai If no�cco4nrtrtion had xeurred.
<br /> 1 S. A�tipiim�t of Rmtr,Appointnw+t ot R�alwr:L�nrNr h Pou�s�am, As additional aecwtty hereund�r.Borrow�r hsnby aasipm
<br /> tn Larxl�r the rents of the Propeny, provid�d tCh�t F3arrower shall, prior tu acoa}eration undsr perapreph 17 herept or nbandonm�M of th�
<br /> FropsrRy,haw ttq riyht to colNct ar�i ret�in ex!�rmts es thsy become dus end payabte.
<br /> � �Upon eccebratlon undsr Pa�a9raph 17 hereof or ebarKbnment ut tha Property,lender,in porson,by ayent or by judklolly�p�wk�ted
<br /> ' roc�lwr�hall be�ntitlM!to anbr upon,nks posse�sion oi�nd manape the Prop�rty and to colNet tM rena of th�Property IncNidiny�hoa�pwn
<br /> c1:►l. A9 rents colkrolaH by Lender or t!x ruc�hnr ahall b�applied first to paym�nt at it►e eonU of mansq�ment of the Prop�rty n6 eoMeotbn ot
<br /> rnnte, ineludirq,but r�at Ymiud to,ncelver's fas,pramlum�on recelver'a bonds end reafonabte attorneys'teer,and Ehsn to tM sumu sacuraA
<br /> by this DMd of Trust. lmda�u�d ths ncsiva chall be Ilable to eccount only for ihose rente actually�ecoived.
<br /> ` Zp. R�conwy�w. Upon paymentof all�um��ecured by th(s Deed of Trust,l.ander shall req�ket Tntstee to re_ornay Lha Pro.:,.My �
<br /> sarJ Rtull surnndM thl�D�ed of Trwt and aIl notn evldnncl�p Indebtedr�ea�securod by thlt Deed af T�ust to Truet�e. Truatee eMN taconwy
<br /> � tlr�Prop�rty wkho�.�t vyarc�nty�nd wtttaut �h�rpa ta tl»psrwn qr perwnt kpdfy�ntitlsd tMroto. Such peroon or p�rsona shUl poy all costs
<br /> . n1 reca��tian,If any, ,
<br /> 21.6ub�fllut�t�a�. Lend�r, at LencNr'�optbn, may from ilma to;'.tltne remove Trwtss�nd appotnt�tucc�saa truetse to any
<br /> 7iwts��ppolnted h�reunder�y an Inttrument recorded In the aounty In whlch thls Oeud of Trost b rxorded. wthout conveyance of th�
<br /> Prop�rty,the�ucss�eor Vu�ia4 eRm1l a"VCC�ed t�all tha tftie,power�nd dutles confarrad upon Ltw T�wte�tanln end by sppliasbM I�w.
<br /> 72. N�qw�t�la Nak�i. dasowx i�qwst�that copfn of th�not'k�,oi d�fauk�nd lYotico of s�W M s�nt to Bom+wrMe's Mddras
<br /> wlach a th�PropwtY A•ddns�. � , .
<br /> ,
<br /> � A�SAMBGY•97-OS8�2 -
<br />_ �ni2ifl�s;,F_ Initfals- Initials:��� Initiels:���
<br />= �UJEBRASKA- 5econd Monqage- 1180-FNMAlPHLMC UI�IFORM INSYRUMENT-Form 38Z8 lPape 4 oi 5)
<br />_ � -- -- T:�4/L�� 'rl a, N�IC ffCLll /��.....LV/�l�Q� _.
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