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��� <br /> i�JL� �� ���� 1�! �� �1.J � ��� ��� 'V <br /> 21917—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. I <br /> pub�.ic use or for in,�ury to any thereof, and the proceeds of a11 such awards, a.fter pay- <br /> ment therefr�m of all reasonable expenses incurred, including fees for attorneys representing <br /> Seller in any proceedings in which any such a?aard is made, shall be paid to Seller, and <br /> seller is hereby authorized in the name of Buyer to execute and deliver valid acquittanees <br /> thereof and to appea. l from any or all of such awards. If any of the property or any right <br /> or interest therPin or thereto be condemned for pu�lic use, then Seller shall be under no <br /> I obli�;ation hereunder to sell or convey the property, right or interest so conc�emned. <br /> �. All moneys received hereunder by Sel�er under any policy or policies of �:nsurance or <br /> any condemnation award or other award m�.y, at the option of Seller, without notice and with- <br /> out �aaiving or impairing any equity or right accruing to Seller -b� virtue of this agreement, <br /> be used for the purpose of reconstructing, repairing, replacing, improving or adding to the <br /> buildings or im�?rovements now or hereafter situate in or upon the property or for any other <br /> purpose which Seller shall elect, or, at the option of �eller and without notice, such moneys <br /> so received by Seller may be credited and applied to such portion or portions of the indebted- <br /> ness owing to Seller hereunder as Seller may eleet and in such order and manner as Seller may <br /> determine. <br /> 6. Huyer sha.11 not commit, permit or suffer any waste oP the property and shall keep and <br /> maintain trie same in good condition and repair and shall promptly effect or cause to be effected <br /> at his own expense, such repairs and improvements of the property as Seller may from time to <br /> time require. Seller being hereb�T made the sole �udge of the necessity of the repair� and <br />� improvements so required. Buyer shall not permit any claims of lien to be filed against the <br /> tt h th reto b reason of an re airs or im rovements. <br /> ro ert or an liens to a ac e y y p p <br /> p p 7.y Upon full payment by Buyer of the purchase price provided herein and on Pull per- <br /> formance r�y Buyer of each and all of Buyer�s oblig�,tions hereunder, the Seller shall deliver <br /> to Buyer a good and sufficient ?�rarranty deed convey�:ng said real p�operty �Go the party or <br /> parties hereinaYter naxned, free from all encumbrances, except covenants, conditions, restric- <br /> tions, reservations, easements, rights and rights of way of record, and except liens, charges <br /> and encumbrances made, created or suffered by Buyer or to be paid, discharged vr assumed by <br /> Buyer hereunc�er. <br /> The, marital status and addr ess of each person to whom the property shall by said <br /> deed b� conveyed and the tenancy, if any, to be specified in said deed, shall be as Pollowa: <br /> B. B.Hurt and Mabel Hurt, �,s ,joint tenants and not �,s tenants in common, or to their <br /> survivor. � <br /> �. It is further �greed by �.nd between the parties hereto that if the Buyer fails, re- <br /> fuses or neglects to pay said purchase money and interest thereon for a period of thirty (30) <br /> days or fails to keep and perform a.ny of the other terms and conditions of the agreemen'� on <br /> his part to be kept and performed, as herein provided, for, then the seller at its option, may <br /> at once and without notice, declare the whole amount of the purehase price remaining unpaid <br /> at once due and collectible. � <br /> 9. It is further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that iP the � <br /> Buyer fails to pay any of said monthly installments, or any p�a,rt thereof, for a period of <br /> Thirty (30) days or fails to keep �.nd perform any of the other terms and conditions of this <br /> agreement on his paxt to be kept �,nd performed, as herein provided for, time being �f the <br /> essence of this contract, then and in such case the seller, at ita option, m�y cancel this <br /> contract, and without notice, and in the event of the exercise of such option by the first <br /> party, any payments made in aecordance with this contrt�,et shall be considered as re�t for <br /> the use of sald premises �.nd shall be so applied by Seller. <br /> 10. It is further agreed that failu�e to exercise option, or any of them, by <br /> seller at an� time sh�.11 not constitute a waiver with respect thereto, or with reap�ec� ta <br /> any subsequent breach of the terms of this contract by said Huyer. <br /> 10-A. It is further unaerstood and agreed l�y and between the parties hereto that °eller <br /> will mak e the f ollowing repairs to the property which is the sub,ject of this eontract, as <br /> follows: Install � new 12" well. , 50 feet deep ti�aith � foot s�nd point, 4 foot pit, 16 feet <br /> deep with metal cover; pump (elec'trie) 350-�1{?0 gallons ner hour�, with l� gallon pressure <br /> tank a.nd automatic control of 20-�0 lbs. , aizd connect with p�umbing in house using all <br /> necessary fitting so tnat all plumbing to the house is in good workable order; and furnish <br /> new light fixtures for the house not to exceed �25.00. <br /> 11. Buyer slzall be entitled to the possession of said premises so long as he shall � <br /> comply with �.11 the terms of, this agreement, bu'G upon the failure to comply with the same, <br /> the ri�ht of the Buyer to possession is to immediately terminate and Buyer shal-1 without <br /> demand surrender �ossession of said premises to the �eller. <br /> 12. The pa.rtiPs hereunto respectively bind themselves, their heirs, assi�ns, successors <br /> and legal represen��.tives to the f aithPul performance of the terms of this agreement. This <br /> contract shall not be assigned by 'Ghe second party unless the consent thereto of the first <br /> p�ty in �rriting shall have been first obtained. <br /> . 13. �f more than one ,�oin in the execution hereof as second party or any be of the <br /> femine sex, the pronoune and relative words herein used shall be read �,s if w�itten in <br /> plura� or feminine respectively. <br /> TN WITNESS ?�THEREOF, Home Owners ' Loan Corporation has caused this contract to be <br /> executed by its proper officer and its corporate seal attached and the second party has <br /> hereunto set his hand the day and year first above written. <br /> Executed in Duplicate <br /> - in presence of t (CORP) HOME O�JNERS' L�AN CORPOP�ATION <br /> � Vera Kouba ( SEAL) By 8�.,�I+orm� " . � <br /> , . . Regional�reasurer, m a egional ffice <br /> Title <br /> R. S.�Tenger B.B.Hurt <br /> Cora Hanover a el urt <br /> uyer <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) S�. On this 21st day of Mareh, 19�4-0, before me, a Notary Public in <br /> DOUGLAS COUNTY ) and fo�' said county, personally appeared Bernard Morman, the <br /> Regional Treasurer of Home Owners� Lo�.n Cor?�or�,tion, personally known to me to be the <br /> Regional Treasurer of said Corporation, �nd the identical person whose name is affixed to <br /> the above instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof' to be his voluntary act and <br /> deed, �.nd the voluntary act and deed of said Home Owners � Loan Corporation. <br /> Witness my hand and Notaxial Seal the date aforesa�d. <br /> � (SEAL) V�ra I�ouba <br /> My commission expires: 5-11-44 Notary Public <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this 21st day of' PMarch, 19�0, before me, a Notary Publie in and � <br /> HALL COUNTY ) �s for said county, personally appeaxed H. B.Hurt and Mabel Hurt, husband <br /> and taife, to me kno?an to be the person or persons described in and wno executed tne above <br /> instrument, and acknot�aledged the execution thereo� to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand a d Not ria Seal the date aforesaid( SEAL�'� R. S.Wenger,Notar Public <br /> My commission expires �une 2�, 1��-1 � <br /> Filed for record this 22 day of �ctober, 19�-5, at 2� 30 0 �clock P.M. �JJ <br /> eg ster of eed <br />