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<br /> A�I� �C���L��T���J� ��C ��� �J �
<br /> 21917—The Auguatine Co., County 8upplies, Grand Island, Nebr. ,
<br /> ARTICLES OF AG�EEMETIT: Made this 22nd day oP May, 1g45, between Ernest t�.Rroger, of the
<br /> first part and Eunice w.Raymond of the second paxt. '
<br /> WITNESS�TH, that the -said paxty of the f3.rst part, has this day ba�gained and sold to
<br /> the said party of the second part the following described real estate, situated in the
<br /> County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> The East H�.lf (E�) of Lot Fourteen (14) in Home Subdivision of that part of the North-
<br /> west Quarter (NW�) of Sect�.on Nine (9) , Township Eleven (11) ,NQrth,Range Nine (9) ,West
<br /> of the 6th P.M. which lies t�lest of Wheeler Avenue, in the City of Grand Island, Ne-
<br /> � braska, : according to the recorded plat thereof
<br /> for the sum of Twenty One Hunclred (�2i00.00) DOLLARS, Six Hundred (�600.00) Dollars of
<br /> which has been paid in hand, the r eceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. The remaining
<br /> principal �aith accrued interPst at tne rate oP 5 per cent per annum, shall be paid to the
<br /> party of the first part at the office of First National Bank, Grand Is].and, Nebraska, or
<br /> at of�'ice of first party, tne times and in the manner followin�, that is to say:
<br /> Twenty f�20.00) Dollars on the first day of July, 1945, and a like sum on the first day
<br /> of each month thereafter until the entire balance of principal and interest and money p�id
<br /> out by first p�rty on taxes Por the year 1945 and following years is paid. Second part�
<br /> to h�.ve the ri�ht to pay a larger anount on balance at any time.
<br /> It is understood and agreed that out of the monthly payments made by second party, f�.rst
<br /> party is to p�y the annual taxes for the year 1945, and following'years, which sum so
<br /> paid ancl interest �.t 5� on the balance of the principal remaining unpaid, shall be deducted
<br /> from such monthly payments, an� the balance credited on t�ie principal, such credits to be
<br /> made monthly.
<br /> Second party shall caxry �1000.00 of insurance for fire and windstorm, with loss paya.ble
<br /> cla.use in favor of first party
<br /> No�a, if the said party of the second part shall pay the sum as above set forth, time
<br /> being the essence of this contra.ct, �nd shall p�y al]. taxes and assessments whether mort-
<br /> gage note, special or general, which may become due on said real estate for the year 1945,
<br /> and thereafter until the above payments are all made, then said p�.rty of the first part,
<br /> shall at his o?�rn cost, execute and deliver to the said p&.rty of the second part, or his
<br /> assigns upon surrender of thiG contract, a wa�ranty �.eed to the above described premises. .
<br />�' AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED that in case any payment, either of principal or interest,
<br /> rem�,inin� unp�id for a space of thirty days after the sa,�e sh�.11 become due, or a failure
<br /> to pay any taxes or assessments; at the time the s�.me becotne due, then in that case, the
<br /> i •
<br /> whole amount unpwid. on this contract sha.11 becoMe due and payable without further not ce,
<br /> and such delinquency in payment, or the failure in other respects by the party of the
<br /> second part to perform the stipulations of this contract, or- any part of them, shall en-
<br /> title the party of the first part to immediate posse$sion of the premises described herein,
<br /> and the p�.,.rty of the second part shall forfeit a11 payments made under this cvntr�,ct.
<br /> Deed to be placed in Escrow with Herbert F.Mayer.
<br /> This eontract snall be in duplicate, one eopy of which shall remain with each party
<br /> to tnis contr�ct. �h.en any pa�ment is made i�n this contract, the person paying the same
<br /> take a duplicate receipt therefor �rom the party hereto or his assigns. � �
<br /> I�; WITNESS WHEREOF the paxties h�,ve hereunto set their hana the day and year first above
<br /> written.
<br /> In Presence of Ernest a.Kro�er
<br /> B.M.Hanson Eunice W.Raympnd
<br /> Purchasers when makin� payment will for�aard this contract to the office of ------------
<br /> contra.ct will be retur�ed properly endorsed.
<br /> Filec� for record this lst day of June, 1g45, at 3:�0 0 � clock P.M. �J�
<br /> `( �.���.�C
<br /> �eg�s er o ee s
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<br /> LEASE
<br /> �A�TING�0�1 Facility V.x,F.Ra.dio Ra,nge,Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Airway Denver-Chicago Site No. 75X.
<br /> L E A � E -
<br /> -be:Gween �
<br /> aeorge and Everett Burton
<br /> and
<br /> 1. T'iIS LEASE, made and entered into this 15th day of January, in the year one thousand
<br /> nine hundred and Forty-five by and between George and Everett Burton whose address ia
<br /> R. F.D. No. l, ara.nd Island, Nebraska, for them, their heirs, executors, administrators, suc-
<br /> cessora, and assigns, hereina�ter called the lessor, and th e UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, here-
<br /> inafter called the Government:
<br /> WITNESSETH: The parties hereto for the considerat�on hereinafter mentioned covenant and
<br /> agree as follows:
<br /> 2. The lessor hereby leases to the aovernment the following described premises, viz:
<br /> A tract of land in the �outheast Quarter of Section l, T-11-N, R-10-W, of the 6th P.M. ,
<br /> in H�11 County, Nebraska, and more speeifically described as �ollowa; From the Southeast
<br /> corner of said Section l, praceed North along the East line o�f tY�e Section 1131,0 feet;
<br /> thence West 33.0 feet to an iron pipe which is the point of beginning; thence West 1010.(7
<br /> f eet to an iron pipe; thence North 250.� feet to an iron pipe; thence East 250.0 feet to
<br /> an iron pipe; thence Sorath 220.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence East 760.0 feet to an iron
<br /> pipe; thence South 30.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.96 acres more or less.
<br /> a in a tr e a su n t th Eas in of 8 0 1 is tru l�brth and Sout
<br /> ������-��1�'E���w�����r��'n����s�a�����'��s���o��n���r�r����-��e�t���sa��-���i��&�=���,� �-.tl�a�ee�;
<br /> rights-of-way for establishing and maintaining a pole line or pole lines for extend3ng
<br /> electric power, telephone, and telephone typewriter facilities to the nre�ises; and
<br /> rights-o�-way for sub�urfac� pokr�r,' caramuni�ati�n anc� �aa'�Pr �.inee 'to t�.e pr�rn�sea,.� ��l
<br /> rights-of-way to be over the saic� lands and ad,�oining landa of the lessor and, unleas
<br /> hereinbefore described by metes and bounds, to be by the most convenient routes;
<br /> And the right to establish and maintain beacon lights and other. ligh�ting equip ment
<br /> radio, and ot�ier facilitl.es for communication and signalin� purposes, and o�her gacili�ies
<br /> ....__ '
<br />