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��� <br /> �� �� Jl.��Jl.�� 1�! �� �.J � Jl�l 1Ld� ��� �.J <br /> • � <br /> 21917—The Augustine Co., County 8upplies, Grand Island, Nebr. . <br /> oP Directors of said Association at a meeting thereof regularly called and duly held and at <br /> which a quorum was present and is as the saxne appea,rs in the record.s of said Association, <br /> and that said resolution has not been amended or r escinded to date, and �urther, that the <br /> corporate seal hereto afflxed 15 the true and only corporate seal of said Association and <br /> waa by me affixed as said Secretary. � <br /> IN WITNESS '�1HEREOF, �, said A.T.HOB30N, have hereunto set my hand and hereto affixed <br /> the corporate sea.l of said Association at my office and at the afflce of said Association <br /> 3.n Washington, District of Columbia, on this 22nd day of June, 193�. <br /> WITNESSES t (C�RP) _ A. T.Hobson,8ecretary <br /> Bernadine A.Schenck (SE�) <br /> Roberta S.Lanzie - <br /> DISTRICT OF COLUMB'IA, as. - - <br /> I, Nancy H.Koundouriotis, a Notary Public 1n and for the District of Columbia. aforesaid, <br /> do hereby certify that oP my own knowledge said A. T.HOBSON is the Secretary of '�he FEDERAL <br /> NATIONAL MORTGAGE AS�OCIATI0�1, that he is personally known to me to be the same person whase <br /> name is subscribed to and who executed the certificate, that he ap?aeared before <br /> me this day in person and acknowledged that he s�.gned, sealed and delivered the said certifi- <br /> cate as his free and voluntary act and deed as 3ecretary of sai� Association. <br /> Given under my hand and official seal this 22nd day of June, 193�� <br /> Nancy H.Koundouriotis <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Ccmmission expires February 1�+, 1943 . ��.atrict oP Columbia <br /> Filed for record this 29 day of May, 1945, at 3:00 0 ' cioek P.M. t,. _ � <br /> _t <br /> el�gf�er—'a�� �ee�.s <br /> o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-c-�-c-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o- <br /> �ow� o� ���o�v� <br /> _ � . . <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY 2HESE PRESENTS: <br /> � That I, q�lade L.Linderman, ASN 0-2790�2, Captain, Infantry, Reserve, of �03 W.Division <br /> Street, Gr�.nd Island, Nebraska, hereby appoint my wiPe, Mary 83dlea Linderman, and my mother, <br /> Edna Linderma.n, both of �03 W. Division Street, C�rand Ialand, Nebraska, and each of them, <br /> to be my attorneys in my name, and on my behalf to manage and cultivate, or let upon lease <br /> for such period and upon such terms as they ar either of them aha.11 think f1t, and to re- <br /> �eeive the rents of any or all of my lands, houses, and other buildings, or any part thereoP; <br /> to cut timber Por sale or repairs, and to erect, pu31 down and repair buildings on any part <br /> of my real estate; to insure any such buildings aga,inst loss or damage by fire, and to make <br /> arran�ements with te nants, and to accept surrenders of leases, and generally to deal with <br /> t th reof as eff ectuall as I m self could do• and also to tage <br /> m real estate or an ar e Y Y , <br /> 3� , Y P � <br /> r t rwis or r ov r t <br /> w f a tion o o he e f ec e of ren in arrear or <br /> wfu ro din �s b a o c <br /> all la 1 ce . ., Y <br /> P � � Y- Y � , <br /> _ Por evietion of tenants; to commence and carry on, or to dst'end at 1aw or in equity, all <br /> actions, suits, and other proeeedings touching with my real estate or an�r part thereof, or <br /> . touching anything in which I or my real or personal estate may be in a,ny wise coneerned; <br /> and also to demand, sue Por, enYorce payment of, and receive and give discharges �'o�r all � <br /> moneys, securities for money, debts, chatt�ls and other personal estate whatsoever now <br /> belonging or hereafter to belong to me; to s.ettle and to compromise, and submit to axbi- <br /> tration, a11 a,ccounts, claims and disputea between me and any other person; and for all or ' <br /> any of the purposes aforesaid to execute all such instruments and do all sueh things ae <br /> they or either oP them sha11 think fit; and, upon receipt of any moneys under these presents, <br /> to deposit the same in the bank, in my name; and to withdraw the same, and to invest the same, <br /> or any part thereof, in my name or otherwise, in or upon any sueh inves�itenta or seauriti�s, <br /> and in such manner, as my said attorneys shall think fit; and also out of auch moneys tv <br /> pay any premiuma upon policies of insurance, expenses of repairs or improvements, and other <br />, ou�tgoinge in respect of any part of my real or personal estate, as my aaid attorneys or <br />� either o� them sha11 think fit; and to receive the dividends, interest and income arising <br />; from my personal estate or any pa.rt �hereof; and for the purposes aforesaid, or any of them, <br />' to sign my name to and execute on my behalf all checks, contracts, transfers, assignments <br />� and instruments whatever; and also to appoint and remove at their pleasure any substitute <br />� for, : or agent under them in respect of a11 or any of the matters aPoresaid, upon sueh terme <br /> ae my s aid attorneys shall think fit; and generally to act in relation to my estate ,and to <br /> the premises ,as fully and effeetually in all respeets as m�rself could do; I hereby under� <br />� taking to ratify- everything which my said attorneys or either of them, or any substltute ' <br /> or agent appointed by them under the power in that heY�t�.1f' lhereinbefare eontained, shall do, <br /> or purport to do, in virtue of these presents. <br /> Thia Power of Attorney shall remain in full Poree and effect until written notice of <br /> ita revocation, si�ned by me, sha.11 have been received by my said attorneya. <br /> E It,;is my intention that any official or unofficial report or listing o�' me as "missing <br />� in�action" as that phrase is used in Military parlance, shall neither conetrue, nor be <br /> construed, as constituting notice af my death, nor operate to revoke this instrument. <br />� In witne�s whereof I have hereunto set my harx�. and seal at Camp Shelby, Miesissippi, <br />� this 24th d�y of May, 1g45. alade L.Linderman (Seal) <br />� ATTEST: �aptain Inf.Res. <br /> Robert G.Polack �-2790�2 <br /> Q�.p��,in JAGD <br /> t�-9169�-9 <br />� ACKN4WLEDGMENT <br /> STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ) On this 24th day of Ma.y, A.D. 1945, before me, Robert G.Polack, <br /> COUNTY OF FORREST ) ss• Captain, Judge Advocate aenerals Department,Army o#' the �United <br /> States, persona].ly came tY��r above named Glade L,Linderman, ASN 0-2790$2, Captain, Infantry, <br />- Reserve, who is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to <br /> the above instrument as grantor, and who acknowledged said instrument to be hia voluntary <br /> act and deed. <br /> Witness my hax�d and Beal the date last aforesaid. Robert G.Polack <br /> . Captaln JA(�D <br /> o-916g49 <br /> Filed for record this 31st day of May, 19�5, at 9:�5 0� clock A.M.� � <br /> e� s er o ee <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-00-0-0- <br />` <br />