<br /> l�'JL� ����1����� �.J � ��� ��� �,J
<br /> 21817—The Augustine Co., County Buppliea, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> AGRTEPJiEII�,T�
<br /> .�____.�_._
<br /> ARTICLES OF A�REF,���1T; MAde tlzis 30th day of O�tober,1��,between .�nmett B.Lockett and
<br /> Lucy M.Lockett,husband and wife, oP th� first part,and Mary A.RiverA,of the #eeond par°t.
<br /> WITN��3FTH,�hAt �h� said ps�r�Cies vf the f ir8t part,have '��is d.s�y bargs�ined and sold '�o
<br /> th� said p�rty oP �k�.e second pAr'� th.e tol�ow3ng de$cribed rea�7. estat�, situAted in the
<br /> County of Hall a.nd State of Nebra$ka to-wit: �
<br /> Lot �ight (�) ,Block 3even (7) ,Evans Addition to the C3ty o� Grand Island,Nebraaka,s�s the
<br /> ss�me is surveyed,platted And recorded;. �.ccording to the recorded plat thereof' f'or tti� suul
<br /> oP Four Hundred Ninety-�ivc and l�0/100 D�LLARS,�ne Hundred Eigtlty a.nd No/100 Dollars of whicah
<br /> has been paid in hand, the receipt w.hereof is lier�by Acknowledged.Tiie reas�ining principAl �vith
<br /> accrued interest at the rate of Six (6) per cent per s�nnum,shs�ll be paid to the parties
<br /> of the f ir�t pa,rt at �the o�'Pice of the times And in the manner �ollowing,
<br /> that is to say;
<br /> �315•00 be be payable in monthly in�stallments o�' �25.00 each which is �to ineluds both prin-
<br /> cipa�l a,nd interest At the rate above apeci�'ied.First payment '�o be due �nd paya,ble December
<br /> I I,I��+� and �25.00 to b� due And payr�b�� Qn t.he first day o� each And every mon�h thereAi'�er
<br /> until the full r�si�ual b�lAnce of �315.00 and the interest 't�lereon be paid in Pull.Option
<br /> . �rAnt�d second ps�r�y '�o pay s�dc�it�.onAl s�;una on princlple s�t any time in Addition to required
<br /> monthly payments.Possession �o be �iven upon the signing o� tkzis instrument.
<br /> Now, if 'Ghe �stid pArty of th� secpnd part ehall pay �the sum As above �et Porth, time being
<br /> essence of thia contruct,and shall pay all t�.xes and Assessments whether mortgaa;e note,
<br /> epecial or generAl,which may becorne due on said real eats�te tor tht yeAr 194�+,a,nd there-
<br /> A�ter until the above pAyraents are A�I. made, ttzen s�id parties oY tt�e �irst part eh�1.1 a'�
<br /> his own cos'�, execu�e and deliver to th� said party of the second part,or her asal�ns �tp�n
<br /> surrender o� this aontract,s� ws�rrsinty deed to the above described premiaes. . .
<br /> AND IT IS -FURTHER AGREED that in case uny paym�nt, either oP pr.in�ipal or interest,remRin-
<br /> � ing unpaid for a space o�' t�.3rty days s�fter the .sa�ne 8ha11 become due,or a fs�ilure t4 pay
<br /> a,ny tAxes or asaesaments,s�t the time the ss�me become due, t�en in that es�se, the whole
<br /> a�mount unpaid on this contract shall become due and payable without Purther notice,and .suQh
<br /> delinquency in ps�yment, or the failure in other respects 3�y the party of the eecond ps�rt to
<br /> p�rPorm the stipulat3ons pf thie contr�ct, or s�ny part o�' them,shAll entitle the ps�rti�s.
<br /> oP the Pirst part to immediate possession oP the premises described herein,And the party
<br /> o�' t.he second p�rt shall Porf eit s�ll payraents made under this eontract.
<br /> This eontract ahall be in duplicate,one copy of which ehall remuin with es�ch party to thi�
<br /> contract.When any paynent is made on t.his contract, the person pstying the same tAke r� dup-
<br /> licate receipt there�or t'rom �he partiee hereto or their assigns.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHE�FOF the partiee has hereunto set �heir hAnde 'the day s�nd year Pirst above
<br /> written. .
<br /> _Emmett B,,�,ockett
<br /> In Presence of
<br /> Nis�r,�„ A.R iv erA
<br /> C.3�.Grundy
<br /> In consid�ration oY the pAyment of �1.00 r�nd other valuable considerations I hereby sell,
<br /> assign a,nd transPer all oP my ri$ht, interest s�nd title in and to the above deecribed prop-
<br /> erty s�nd purchase contra.ct to my mot,her,ReP��io Ald.ana.
<br /> I�stry A.R3vera
<br /> Subs�rib�d and sworn to be�'ore me thi� 6th dAy of December,lq�4.
<br /> ( SEAL) _ C.E.GruncZv
<br /> Cornmission expires June 19,1950. �Zota�y Pu�11a .
<br />�'I Fil�d f'or Pecord this 29 day o� �s�y,lg�+5,at 2:45 o'cloek P.�S.� ( �-c��.�
<br /> `��
<br /> . Re�ister o� Deed
<br /> -a-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-Q��-O-O-�O-�-O-O-O-0-�-0-0-O-O-Q-O-�-0-0-0-0-O-O-fl-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> POWER OF ATTORNEY � � �
<br /> after called the "Assaciation", a corporation established and organized purauant to the
<br /> provisions of Title III of the Nati�nal Housing Act, as amended, hersby and by theee
<br /> presents doea ma'�e, constitu'te and appolnt ALFRED J.EC�GERB, OMAHA, DOUGLAS COUNTY,NE�RASKA,
<br /> its true and la��ful agent and attorney for i� and in its' name and stead:
<br /> 1. To purchase or contract to purehase mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Adminis-
<br /> ` trator under the proviaions of Section 203 of Title II oP the National xousing Aet, as
<br /> amended, or to modify and/or coneent to the mqdification of anq such contra.ct;
<br /> 2. To endorse without recourse, or assign without representation, r�eourse or warranty,
<br /> any note, bond, check or other evidence of indebtedness now or hereafter held by the Asso-
<br /> ciatian;
<br /> 3. To satisfy, diacharg� or release in any legal manner, any chattel mortgage, real
<br /> estate mortgage, deed oP 'trust, security deed, or collateral of whatsoever kind or nature,
<br /> seeuring any note, bond or other evidenee of indebtedness now or hereai'ter held by the
<br /> Association; .
<br /> �-. To assign w3.thout representation recourae or warrant�r, any chattel mortgage, real
<br /> estate mortgage, deed of trust, secur3�y deed, or collateral of whataoever kind or nature,
<br /> securing any note, bond or other evidence of indebtedness now or lier�after held by the Asso-
<br /> ciation;
<br /> 5. To assign, surrender, relea,se, modify and/or consent to the assignment, eurrender,
<br /> release and/or modification oP any policy af insurarice and/or any rights arising out of
<br /> any policy oP insurance .of which the Asso eiation now is or herea�ter shall become the
<br /> �ssignee, benefieiary or the inaured, or in which the Association now has or hereafter
<br /> shall have any interest of any kind or nature; and to execute proof of loss, proof of
<br /> death, statement of claimant and/or anq other instrument in connection with any sueh
<br /> �olicy of insuranee and/or any ri�hts ar3sing therefrom;
<br /> 6. To execute, aeknowledge and deliver sueh instruments and perPorm such other acts as
<br />