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<br />.__._ - ����,_...,w.vawa:�wm�rv�s�ie�._._-�.-' '--.�r,..���y*n„�.•�.—. . _.._'_..�. �. ._..__
<br /> ,. �.
<br /> . I _
<br /> 9"?� �I.�1�►�t��i'� ��:�.�
<br /> (d) releaso or re-conuoy or cause to be re.leased �.�� �E° �:
<br /> s�_=
<br /> canveyed at eny time et 8eneficiary's option� any parcel� };��1'L'i.on `_,_
<br /> or all of the proporty; :-
<br /> ::°
<br /> (e) teko ar release any other or acidttional sec��c3.tp fos =-
<br /> eny oblig�tton hcrcin i�iai��iu�r;E oT �:;`=
<br /> (f) make cnmpositions ar oi:her errang�msnts ��ith rai�ht�ss -
<br /> in rolation thereto.
<br /> 18. Gover_ninn Law. This Deed of Trust shall be gaverned b±��• th� l.ams af thn� :'_
<br /> State af Nebra�ka and, in tho event any one or mare of the �toui�ir��,a �.���La�.��2� in
<br /> this Oeed of Trust, or the note or any ather sacurity instr.umpnt g;uven xn connectiare� _
<br /> with thi3 �ransac�ion shall be for any reason be held to be inua.l�u',, illegr�l or un�n�•
<br /> forceable in any respect, such inval.idity, i.11egality or unenforc�rnh�ility sholl not
<br /> effect any other prouisions o'F this Deed of Trust, but tha Deed ut' Tru�t sha11 t���
<br /> c�nstrued as if such invalid, i].legal ar enforc�able provisian hac� n�var been com•
<br /> tained herein or th�rein.
<br /> ig. Effact of Forb�arance� Any forebearance by Benoficxary or Tru�teo in Q�:ex•- ' f
<br /> ci�ing any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise affordpd by appl.#�r�h1a law, st1a11� ^
<br /> not be a waiver of or preGlUde the exercise of any such right or t.em�dy hr�reunr7s�i.
<br /> L3.keWise, the waiver by 8enefici.ary or Trustee of any defa�lt af �;4�r•r Tru�t.or �����p�'
<br /> this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waiver �f any other on similt�r defaulf
<br /> subsequently accurring.
<br /> zq. Re-conveyance by Tru�e• Upon written request of the Bene+°icia.ry statiri�� �
<br /> that all sums sdcured hereby have been paid, an� upon surrender af 1:hi� ���od oP Trun�
<br /> and the note to the T.rustee for cancellation and retention and upon payRrt2r�t by Trustnr.
<br /> of Trustee�s feesr Trustee shall re-convey Lo i ru5�ui, �i t!:e ��r�cr. �� ��„OTC(1(1Q in.. .
<br /> gally entitled thereto. without warranty� eny portion of the property th�n I��:ld h�xu�-
<br /> under. Recitals in such re-conveyanca of any matters or facts shall t�m COI�C�.tl5�1l�' ,
<br /> pr�of of �he truthfu�ness �hereof. Grantees in the re�con�eyance may� l�� descr.ihA�l
<br /> as "the person nr p�ssons l�gally entitled there�o."
<br /> Z1. Acceptance hy Trustee. Trustee accepts this trust when this Oi.��d af 1'rue�..
<br /> duly executed and a�knowledged, is made a public record as provided by la:u•a
<br /> � IN WITNE55 WHEREO�, Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust on the d�te i'i�::�t
<br /> r�oted above. ��__'')
<br /> � �,9�,�1�/�i:��4�� , .
<br /> fflflfYYll31 �a r. � --
<br /> S1'ATE QF NEBRASKA j �
<br /> C4lUNTY OF Ma�, �-�_)
<br /> - APRIL lg g7� befnre me� the w�dorsis��iierl,
<br /> On this 23RD day of .
<br /> n NQtary P�blic du�y commissianed and qualified for said Countyr perboi7�11y cr�me
<br /> C1�NNI5 AND 7A(yqnARA L. (ilALZ HUSDRND RND WIFE , tn me known t� be tl7e idE!»tical
<br /> person e whose �ame are subscr �bed ta the foregning instrument end acicr�ow�edg�d
<br /> tihe execu�ion ti7er�of to be Ol, voluntary act and deed.
<br /> - Witne�s my hand and Notarial 5e�1 at �;�,..d� �sf.....E' _ in saia Cou��Ly,
<br /> the clate aforesaid.
<br /> My Cortxnission expires:
<br /> r ..�..u...r..r.�.._..... Q. _ _ � /�_s""rrr'...----�
<br /> """"""'""""""'""'�" NotaTy Pilb13.0 '
<br /> = 1�.�..��'� �
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<br /> -5-
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