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<br /> f 1. Paymen� nf Indebtedness. Ta p��y �,hen due, th� �rincipal 01', and the interest t_
<br /> ° `� on, the indebtedness eviden�ed by the note, chargos� fees and all other sum� as pro- __
<br /> • � vid�d in tha lnan ins�rum�nts. —
<br /> �
<br /> -���� � 2. Titla. Trus�or 3.s the owner of the property and has the right and au�horlty -
<br />�•- �-�;'.��'� to execute this Deed of Trust in TQSpBC� t0 the pro�erty.
<br /> ..rr� `_
<br /> _��� 3. Taxes and Assessments. To pay� when due, al.l taxes� speGial assessmonts
<br />__,.�� and all oi;her charges ayainst th�t psoperty� bef�re the same become delinquent� and,
<br /> ._ .,:�- in the event �en�ficiary shal� so require� to add ta the paymerits required undes _
<br /> ;I:.� the note �ecurod harpby, suc(� smount as m�y bb suP°iciert to enable �enefici.ary to `
<br /> �� , L pay such taxes� assessments or other charges as tl�oy become due. __
<br /> .R:;:i•.
<br />=''�:+f°'.�. 4. Insurenre. To keep the im�ara�emr�nts now or horeaftor located on thQ real
<br />�"�.��"4 estate descsibed hti3rein insured against damage by fi�re and such othQ.r h�zards as
<br /> ..,..: r
<br /> :.';;:;;'i: � Benaficiary may requare, in amounts and cnm�aanios acrepteble to Benaficiary, and _
<br />::;;,'�-:�� with lass payable to Beneficiary. In cose of loss under such policies� Beneficiary ;,
<br /> _���s,, is authorized to adjust� callect and compromise, in ita discretiori, all claims there- �
<br />,�:cs��-.,�.� un[�ez� and, at its so1�r aption, is authorized tq either appl.y the proc�eds to the
<br /> �� restnratian of the property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, b��t ��ymsn::: �"
<br />=�-.:;:x;,;� required by the nnte shall continue until i;he sums secuied her�by are pr�3d in full.
<br />__;y�s��:'��,j� ...
<br /> - " 5o Re�air. maintonance and Use. To promptly repair� res{:ore or rebuild any
<br />:,`;��, buildings or Smprovements now or hereafter on the property; to keep the property
<br /> ----- in good cand�tion and repair� without waste and free from mechanics ar other liens
<br /> —___— nn� expressly subosdinated to the lien hereof= to not make, suffer ar permit any
<br /> -�N�� nuisance to exi.st nor �o diminish or im�air the velue of the property by any act
<br /> .---- or wniasion to act; and to compJ.y with all requirements of law with respect to the _
<br /> _= property.
<br /> —.,�.:..� • ,
<br /> -- G. Condemnation. In the event the property, or any part thereof� sha11 be
<br /> =`�r�` teken by eminent domain. 8eneficiary is entitled to collect and recaive all compensa-
<br />=-�`�` tion which may be paid fdr any property taken ar for damages to property not tak��.
<br /> _;`�;`'�'� end �eneficiary sho11 eppSy such cumpensation, at its option, either to a reductian
<br /> �..�Q • of tha indebtedneas cecured hereby or to repeiz• and restare tl�ie proporty so taken. -
<br /> • 7. Performance bv Beneficiary. Beneficiary may, F�ut sha11 h��e no obliga�ion
<br /> —_- to, do� any act which Trustor has agreed but Failed to do� and �enoficiary may a].so
<br /> '�— do any act ft deems necessary to protect �he lien hereof. Trusto: ag�rees to repay,
<br /> --- upon demand, any �ums so Pxpended• by 8eneficiary i'or the above purpases, and any
<br /> sum so expended, by Eleneficiery shall be addecl tn the indebte�iness secured hereby
<br /> ____� �:' end becqmo secuce�l• by the lien hareof•. 6eneficiary shall not incur any �ersonal
<br /> __ � li�bility becaure� of anything it may do Ar unit to do hereunder.
<br /> � 8. Assipnment of Rents. Beneficiary shall have the right. powe�: and authority
<br /> during the conti.nuan�e af this Deed of Tsust to collect the rents, issu�s anci profits
<br /> �� nf the praperty and of any personal property located thereon with or wlthout taki.ng
<br /> =--- possession ot' the property affRCted hereby, and Trustor hereby absolutely and �ncondi-
<br /> tionaily asaigns all such rents. issues and profits to Beneficiary. Be�ieficiary,
<br /> �_ hawever� hereby consEnts to Tr�istorts collection and retention of such rents, issues
<br /> — and profits as they accrue and �ecome payable� sa long es Trustor is not� at such
<br /> tir�e, in default with respect to payment of any indebtedness se�ured hersby, or i��
<br /> the performance of any agreement hereunder. If any event of default described here-
<br /> --_— ' aftes in respect to this Oeed of Trust sha11 have occurred and be continuing� Beneff-•
<br /> - � ci�ry� es a matt�r of right and withoui: notico 1:o Trustor or anyone claiming under
<br /> � —
<br />