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4�� <br /> �1[� SC��,�LA�T���J� ��C ��� �J <br /> 21917—The Auguatine Co., County Supplies, Grand Ialand, Nebr. <br /> IN WI2'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand this 21 day oP Septe�ber,l94�. <br /> Sidne,�y C.Dutton <br /> Affiant. <br /> SubscribEd and �v�orn to bef'ore me this 21 day of September,l9�� <br /> ( SEAL) Ra.y, �l4.Hi�€�ins <br /> Commission expirea Jan. 20,19�F7. Notary Publ.ic <br /> Filed Por record this 22 day of Septer�ber,1g4�, at 10 0'cloek A.PJI. <br /> � -���f�a� <br /> . Regiater of Deed <br /> —0-0-0—Q—Q—O—O—O—O—O—O—n—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—Q—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O— <br /> CONTRACT FOR SALE OF' REAL E5TATE <br /> ARTTCLES OF AGREEN1ErdT: Made this 31 day of May,19�F1} between Russell C.Rayburn and El��:e <br /> Rayburn party o� the first part,and Melvin M.Atordine and Alice M.r?ordine, Husba�ndand Wife, <br /> Grand zsland,Hall County,Nebraska,as party oP the second part. <br /> Second party aFrees ta purchase the Pollowing described property �7�0-4i� Eas� lOth Street, <br /> Grand Island,Nebras�a. Lo�s 1 & 2 B1ock 1].,Russell-Wheeler Addition <br /> under the Pollowing terms and conditions Por the sum oP ��00.00 <br /> Second par'�y pay� at the time this contract is signed, the sum oP �1000, recelpt oP which is <br /> acknowled�;ed by fir�t party;the balance of �3�00 shall be paid at the rate of ��5.00 per <br /> month,beginning with the month oP June,l�44, Unpaid balances shall draw interest at the : . <br /> rate oP 7� and subsequent payr�ents shall. be made on the Pirst day of each month there- <br /> after unt3.l the remaining �3�00.00 is paid in fu1l.Each payment made hereunder ahall be <br /> credited first on interest th�n due and the remainder on pr�.ncipal Additional paymen�s <br /> on principal in any ar_ioun� may be made at any t3me and sha1.1 be so credited d�n such port- <br /> iona of said pr3.nci�al sum as seller $hall elect.It is mutually agrPed and understood that <br /> �he interest is to be P3.gured fro�l Ma� 15,194� and this contract to run no'� lon�er �Ghan <br /> 36 months. <br /> Computa�ions of interest sha11 be as oP January f irst each year.If' said payments are not <br /> made Por a period oP sixty (60} days, the first par�y may dec].are a forPei�ure and immed- <br /> iately take possession of the porperty;and the second party agrees that in the event the <br /> payr�ents become sixty (60) days in arrears that he will surrender poasession oP said prop- <br /> er�Gy to Pirst party and sha11 Porfeit all ��ayMenta made under this contrac�.Such payments <br /> m ay be considered as rent Por u$e oP said premises and so applied by party oP the first <br /> part. , <br /> Buyer agrees to pay a1_1 state and county taxes Ievied and asaessed. agd�nst said premises <br /> for the year 19�F4 and all aubsequen'� years, said '�axes added to 'Ghe unpaid principal <br /> and constituting a. par� of 'Ghe monthly payrnents. (5eller w�.11 pay these taxea directly, <br /> and add them �o the unpaid principal and deduct them Proni the monthly payments. ) At the ��'.�: <br /> t3me this contract is made the abstract of title will show that all prior real estate <br /> �axea are paid. <br /> Buyer agrPes to pay a11 special city assesaments Zevied or whleh may i�ecome delinquent after <br /> date h�reof. <br /> Buyer a�rPes to pay Por th� existing unexpired inaurance policy. <br /> Buyer agrees to keep the buildings insured for a sum of not less than the unpaid balance <br /> on this purchase, f'or fire,winds�orm,hafl, durin�; the liPe oP this contract, �aid inaurance <br /> poliey to have a elause loss payable to the party of the first part and said ineurance <br /> papers ars to be held by party ot' the first part.Buyer a€�rees to malntain trie propert� in <br /> as good condition as it now is,and in the event there is any loss by fl�.re, �ornado or hail <br /> to,pay any sums due under the policy up to the ar.zount due the Pirst party, over 'Go the <br /> first party. <br /> Tt is a�;reed by and between the parties hereto that 3.�' the buyer Pails, rePuses or neglects <br /> to p�.� sai�, purchase price, interest and taxea thereon for a period o�' sixty days,or fails <br /> or ne�;lects 'Ga pay city specials or assessmenta before the same became delinquen�,or faila <br /> to keep the buildin�s and said premisPS insured as above provided, or Pails to keep and <br /> perf orm any oP '�he o�.�ier t�rms and conditions o�' this agreemen� on his part to be kep� <br /> and performed as herein provided �'or, tkien 'Ghe seller at their option may at once and with- <br /> out no�ice dec�are the whole a.mount oP the purchase prlce reMaining unpaid,at once due and <br /> coll�ctible. <br /> Buyer a�;rees to not transPer or assign the premisee,without the w�ltten consent of�he <br /> parttes of the f lrst part. <br /> Buyer shall not any claims or liens '�o be Piled a�ianst the property or to be <br /> a�tached thereto by reason oF any repairs or improvements.Buyer a�rees to make no ma,�or <br /> improv�ments without the consen� of the party of the first part. <br /> The party oP the f�rst part agrees to Purnish the pa .rty oP the second part,or assi�ns,a <br /> warranty deed and a goo3 and merchantable abstrac� oP title when the �ull amount oP pur- <br /> chase prlce i� paid, to�ether wi�h interes� and taxes as stated be�ore.The party oP the <br /> first part agrees to pay for bringing this abstract up to date at the time this contract <br /> � is made. <br /> Tt is mutually a�reed that time is the essence o� this contraet and it is Purther a�reed <br /> '�hat ln the event that neittier oP the parties hereto shall fail to perPorm the atipulat- <br /> ions of �his contract or any part oP the, the failing party shall pay the other party <br /> oS this con�rac� the sum oP fi�ty ( 50) dollars. <br />� The parties hereunto respectively bind themselves, their heirs,ASSigns, successors,and legal <br /> representatives to the faith�ul performance oP the terms oP this agre�ment. <br /> �VITNESS: G.L.Evans b7elvin 1t4.Nordine Secon�Porfy • <br />'� Alice b2.Nordine ��condp�trfy <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> SS 4n this ls'� day of June,194�+ bePore me a No�ary Public ln and for <br /> COUNTY OF HALL s�id County,personally appeared A�.I� and Alice M.Nordine, <br /> to me known to be the identical persons described �.n and who exe- <br /> cuted the above instrumen'G,and acY.nowledged the execution thereoP to be thelr voluntary <br /> acts and deeds for the purpose� therein set Yort,h. <br /> W ITNESS my hand and no�Garial seal the day and year Pirst above written. �.T.FZower <br /> I�, My commission expires Sep�ember 9,1g49 ( SEAL) Notary public <br />