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rt �+ � ;, �. ?� <br /> ���;�� - ;�. <br /> � <br /> : �v t� <br /> �� ���11.SJl,e� l`�1 �� �.J � ��� ��� �l,J <br /> 21917—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. � � <br /> water rates, all asseasments ( apecial or improvement), and municipal or governmental ratea, <br /> which are levied and imposed upon said Premises, or any part thereof, and become due and <br /> p�yable during the period covered by the term of this lease� Provided, however, That the <br /> Government ahall be required to pay only such assessments, or installments of assessments <br /> ( specia3, or improvement),. which are levied and imposed uf�on said Premis�s, or any part <br /> thereof; and which i° unpaic� �aill become past due and/or delinquent during the period <br /> covered by the term oP this lease, it not being intended that the Government shall pay <br /> any asse3sment ��rhich may be payable in installments or othPrwise, or installments of <br /> assessments whieh do not mature during the term of tl�is lease. In any case where the <br /> Lessor is obligated under the terms of any mortgrzge or lien instrument to make periodic <br /> payments to a Special Deposits Account malnta.ined by the Lienor for the payment oP taxes, <br /> insurance, et cetera, the Government shall make such payments for �he account of the Lessor <br /> as outlined in paragraph 7 hPreof; but if such taxes or other itemg are not paid by such <br /> Lienor when due, the Government at its option maq such paymants and thereafter deduct <br /> the a.mounts thereoP from any subseguent amounts due such Lienor under the terms hereof. <br /> 7. During the term of this lease the aovernment shall pay the amounts of principal or <br /> interest which �y became due during the p�riod covered by the term of this lease on any <br /> mortgage, deed of trust, lien, or encumbrance, but only in the amount and according to the <br /> schedule follo?ain�;: <br /> ' 1 <br /> �l� �'irst mort�;age: (Give n�.me and address of mortgagee. ) <br /> Non�. '� <br /> �� <br /> (2) Second mortgage: (Give n�.me and address of mortoagee. ) <br /> None. . ; ,� <br /> mbran Ps other than taxes and assessments. (�ive names and. addresses . � � <br /> . n u c. <br /> Pns nd e c <br /> t3) <br /> Li � a <br /> of lienors. ) <br /> None. <br /> When any obligation scheduled in paragraph 7 of this lease, which is payable in substan- <br /> tially equ�.l in9tallments, is paid in full during the term of this lease, and upon the <br /> furnishing of evidence s�.tisfactory to the Goeernment of the diecharge of reeord thereoP, <br /> the Government shall pay as additional annual rent to the Lessor, effective as of the next <br /> succeeding date for payment of any installment of rent hereunder, and amoun'G equal to one <br /> year' s princinal and interest amorti�ation �ayment or, paym�nts on any �ucn obllgation, ' <br /> payable in quarterly installments in the same manner as the rent spe�if�ied in paragraph <br /> 3 hereof. Wh�n any single payment mortgage obligation on which intereat only ig schedule8 <br /> in paragraph 7 of this 1Pase is paid in full durino the term of this lease, and upon the , <br /> furnishing of evidence satisPactory to the (�overnment of the disch�.rge oF record thereoP, <br /> the Governm�nt $hall pay as additional annual rent to the Lessor, efPective as of the next <br /> succeeding date Por payment of any installment oP rent hereunder, an amount equal to the <br /> annual amount reserved by the Government to pay such interest on auch obligation, and such <br /> additional annual rent shall be payable in quarterly inatallments in �he same manner as <br />' the rent s�ecified in �aragraph 3 hereof. The Lessor covena.nts and agrees not to permit, <br /> place, or cause to be placed any mortgage, deed oP trugt, lien or encumbr�nee aP any kind <br /> on the Premises aPter the execution of this lease without the prior consent of the aovern- <br /> ment. <br /> �. The Government doea not undertake to furnish any insurance of any nature whatsoever <br /> on thP Premises for the benefit of the Lessor or to pay any premiums therePor. If, however, <br />', the possession and use o� the Premises by the Government is ,�eopardized by the failure of <br /> k the Lessor to protect the Premises by adequate insurance, or to protect the interests of <br /> any party having a mortgage or +�!�her lien upon or interest in the Premises, the GoverrlmPnt <br /> may furnish or pay for such insurance as it ma.y determins to be necessary, in which event <br /> the premium or premiums paid by the Government sh�ll be deducted from the stipulated net <br /> rental paya,b].e hereunaer to the Lessor. In the event of loss, the aovernment shall have <br /> the right, at its option, to apAly any insur�,nce proceeds �i�ailable to the Lessor or to the <br /> Government for the purpose oP rebuilding, restoring, or repairing the Premises, <br /> 9. The Government, during the term of this lease, shall take good care of the Premises, <br /> and may make any and all repairs, both interior and exterior, necessary to keep the Premises <br /> in good order, condition, and repair, without the consent or ap�roval of the Lessor. .Upon <br /> the surrender of the 1'remises by the Government, it shall redecorate and�or repaint the <br /> vacant portion of the interior thereoP. <br /> 10. WhenevPr the whole oP said premises or any essential part thereof shall be des- <br /> troyed by any cause whatsaever, the Government has the right and privilege to rebulld, <br /> restore, or repair said Premisea or elect to .term3n�.te the lease. In the event of election <br /> to terminate this lease, the Government shall give notice in writing of intention to <br /> terminate to tne Lessor within sixty (60) days after such des tructi�n, in whole or in <br /> any essential part, and the installment of rent payable for the periad during which the <br /> termination occurs shall be prorated. <br /> 11. The Government may terminate this lease at any time during the term thereof by <br /> givin� to the Lessor thirty �30) days ' written notice oP such intention to terminate. <br /> � In the event of such termin�.tion, the installment oP rent payable Por 'the period during <br /> which the termin�.tlon occura shall be prorated. <br /> 12. The Government may assign or sublet all or any part af the Premises to tenants, <br /> occupants, or other persons whom it ma.y select, and such assignees or sublessees shall <br /> have such of the rights granted to the aovernment under this lease as the Government may <br /> grant to such assignees or subl�sseea. � <br /> �3. The Leasor m�.y put up "For Rent" signs fifteen �15) days �rior to � the termination <br /> by the Government of its tenancy. <br /> 14. The Lessor with the intention tha.t the Govern�nt sh�.11 rely thereon and for the <br /> purpose oP inducing the Government to enter into this lease represents, states, covenanta, <br /> and �aarrants that he � ahe) �it� (they) has�have a right to enter into this lease and. has� <br /> have a good �,nd marketable title to the Premises as follows:��ee simple title. ` <br /> Sub,ject only to the Pollo?aing; �'� no exception�. <br /> ��,� � � <br />^ ��� � <br />; � <br /> � . <br />