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��� <br /> ��'al.� �� �JLe�� l�l 1Le� �J � Y��i� ��� �J <br /> I . <br /> 21817—The Augustine Co., County 6upplies, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> FARM LEASE ,� - <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into in duplicate this 25th ciay of January A. D. 19�+3, by <br /> and between Osca.r Pace of Bellwood, Nebraska, party of the first part, and �rwin Holtz of <br /> Shelton, Nebraska, party of the secand part, VIITNESSETH, That the said party of the first <br />� ��, part has this d�y �Ieased unto the p�.rty of the second part the following described property, <br /> '� C H and State f N braska to-wit: <br /> � situated in the ounty of all o e , <br /> I� all The S.E. quarter of section 1�, in Township lO, Range 12 West of the 6th P.M. , <br /> together with the far� buildings and improveraents thereon and thereto appertaining from <br /> M d M r h 1 4� and the said second art in <br /> the lst day of axch, 19�+3, to the lst ay of a c , 9 , P Y, <br /> consideration of the leasing of the above premises, hereby cavenants and agrees with 'the <br /> said party of' the first part to pay the said party of the first part as rent for the same <br /> as fo11o*as, to-«it: <br /> One-third �1�3) of all grain raised on said premises, the same to be delivered to <br /> market at Wood River, Nebraska, free of all costa to the party of the first part. <br /> IT IS FURTHER EXPRES�LY AGREED that the party of the second part sha,ll have the right <br /> to put down an irrigating well and pump on the land described herein arid at the exl�iration <br /> of this lease, or any extension or renewal thereof, shall have the right to remove the <br /> casing, pump and all other equipment installed in connection with said well; unless the <br /> party of the first part agrees to purchase tne s�me at a price to be a,greed upon by the <br /> . parties hereto. <br /> This lease is made in lieu of and supersedes a lease between the p�rties hereto, dated <br /> the 19th day of January, A. D. , 19�+3, which said lease is hereby cancelled and annulled. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED between the parties hereto that the said party of the <br /> first part should he deem it necessary may, at the cost and expense of the party of the <br /> second part, employ men and teams to go upon said premises and cultivate the crops and <br /> harvest them or to do anything that is necessary to promo'�e their growth or save them at <br /> any time before tney are in the granariee, the whole expense of the same to be a lien upon <br /> said second party �s ahare of said erops. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED by the party oP the second part that he will carefully <br /> protect all buildings, fences ancl improvements of every kind that are now on said premises <br /> or that may be erecte.d thereon during the continuance of this lease; that he will promptly <br /> at the expiration of the term herein granted yield up possession of said premises, without • <br /> notice, unto the p�,rty of the first part, in as good repair as they now are or may be at <br /> any time during the continuance of this lease, ordinary wear and loss by fire, excepted. <br /> Said second party also expressly agrees to haul and acatter upon said land regularly in <br /> th� apring and fall all manure accui�ulated t�ereon and he will keep the cultivated lands <br /> ��'��;'�:�t:premises free from weeds and destroy all weeds along the fences and about all the <br /> �ulldings, including all cockleburs on the hightaays ad,joining the land and along the <br /> borders of the fields before they ripen their seeds; that he will keep the well, pump and <br /> wi�idmill on said premises in good repair, exceptional loss by heavy wind or fire excepted. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED by the party of the secand par.t that he will not sub-let nor in <br /> any manner any part of the described premises without the conserit of party of the <br /> . first �art. ` <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER AGR�ED that the party of the fir�st part and his agenta may go upon said <br /> premiges at any time to inspect the same or to make improvementa thereon and to plow for <br /> future crons and to sow small �rain in corn and stubble ground in the fall bePore the <br /> expirationLLof this lease. <br /> '�he covenants herein shall extend to and be binding u�on the heirs, executors and <br /> administrators of the �arties to this lease. <br /> AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED that the second party shall secur� the performance of <br /> the terms and conditions of this lease on his pa .rt by giving to the first party on demand <br /> a ehattel mortgage upon a.11 or any part of the cro?�s growin� or gathered on said premises <br /> during said term. And if the said second �arty shall neglect or refuse to give such <br /> cha.ttel mortgage upon demand, or if he shall at any time give or attempt to give to any <br /> person or persons a lien upon crops or any part tnereof, or violate any of the condi- <br /> tions in this contract, then this 7.ease snall thereby terminate and in order to enforce a <br /> forfeiture Por non-payment of rent it shall not be necessary to m�.ke a demand on the same <br /> day the rent snall become due, and the said first party may at once recover possession of <br /> s��d premises and all crops thereon and the said second party shall in that event be held <br /> � . _�. and considered to have planted and cultivated said crop f'or the benePit of saidf��s�t <br /> party aild sha.11 be paid for such service as follows. �aid �irst party may sell said crop <br /> and the unexpired term fo-r cash a.t priv�te sale, hP may at his option, procure said crops <br /> to be further cultivated or gathered and sold in such market as he may see Pit, and in <br /> either event, the proceeds thereof shall be apnlied� First, to the payment of expenses <br /> incurred by tY�e said party in the premises including the time spent by him in connection <br /> therewith; Second, in payment of said rent; Third, the remainder, if any, shall be paid <br /> to the second p�.rty for his services in planting and tending .said crot�s, and seed furnished <br /> by him. <br /> It is Purther agreed that the covenants and agreements on the reverse side of this instrument <br /> are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this lease. - <br /> signed this 25th day of January, A.L. 1.943. <br /> Signed and delivered in the presence of _ O�car Pace (SEAL) <br /> L F. Kreizin�er _ <br /> s to sc�<r Pace <br /> W i Erwin Holtz (5EAL) <br /> H G. ellens ek <br /> s to rw�:n Holtz - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On tnis lst day of Feb. A.L'. 1943, before me, the undersigned, <br /> BUTLER CJUNTY ) ss• L.F.Kreizinger, a Notary Public, duly commissioned ancl qualified <br /> Por ancl residin� in said County, personally came Oscar Pace, the said leesor, to me known <br /> to be the ic�entica7. person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument as lessor and <br /> acknowledged said instrument to be his free voluntary act �.nd deed. <br /> �itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written <br /> ( SEAL) �. .Kreiz in r <br /> My commission expires the 7th day of April, 19�7• �otar Pu��ic <br /> Y <br />