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i�''119Lt�1�''n`�'ltl���Il��r��` ��t. �� c h ��`�l�i ;� <br /> � ,�`tn�7�����'i�ry�-'Jff:r�- 1� ���3 s � ( �(>��iS�F�.St� i_.,.n -=�._ <br /> il�.k`,-...'Y "`�_,��'�-1.�"-.: � '-�,::C:•'Yi3:+" wYilMfifkvf3._... _ . _-...x.. .. . . <br /> __'"'__ '""_ ... " ""_ _"" " <br /> 9?-,.. ����� <br /> p�ynxms may no longer be rt�ulred,at Uio option ot I.a�der,If nart$ogo Insu�anro covengo(In Iho amonnl ond for thc jxdod <br /> ilut i.ender rcqulres)providod by an insurcr approvcd by IRndcr agaln Ixronxs orniln6to nnd is ob�aincd. Oorcowcr shall p�y <br /> �he prcmlums requlrcd to nuintain rr.ongagc insumnco in cf(a�,or to provide u loss rescrvc,umil the rcquircmcnt far nwrtgaga — - "` <br /> insunnra u�ds In accordaixe wtih any wdttcn ngramem Uc�x�ccn Rorrowcr and Lsndcr or app�icablc Imv. <br /> 9.InsPttilom l.e�dtt ar Its egrnt may mako rr.�snnable entrics upon anA inspections of�I:o Propeny. I.ender shall givo <br /> Oorrowcr notlw at tFc timo of or pdorto nn Imncalon shcclfying ceasonahlc nusc for the Ins�Uon. <br /> 10.Condemn�tlon.7he procrcds o(nny mvard or clalm for damn�a, dlra� or mnsequcnti�l, in connection wiih any <br /> eoudemnallon or nthcr mking of nny part nt thc Propeny,or Por mnvcynnm in Ileu ot condemnatlon,nrc hcrcLy nss(gncd ond �w,,.-::,-.�.- . _ <br /> snalibcpaidiui.cnucr. __��-_-. . <br /> Jn the event of a totnl�aking of�he Propeny,�ho procecds shnll bo nppliaf�o the suns sanred by this Sceurity Instmmen4 <br /> whaher or nol�hen duc, with m�y excess pafd lo portower. In�he event o[a Qanial takiny of eEo Property in which the fair ='__ <br /> market value of the Property inuc:cdialcly befom tl�e Iaking is equal to or gr.nter�han ike mr.ount of�he sunss v:curad by this _ <br /> Sccurily Inst�untcnt immr�diate(y Pactorc the tu'ing,untess tiorrmret ar.d lzrder ahenvise ageee in writing,the mnu saured by r�,_��;-_ <br /> �hls Securl�y Inurumsrt stull be nduced by �he antount of lhe procoeds muftiplicd by the foltowing traction: (a) the to;al ={��-r_:__ <br /> amount of the sums sacund imnnedi:tely before the ta.king,divided Cy (b)the fatr m.arket vaiuc of th:Pm�:rty imn:�dia�cly �t;�.� � <br /> beforc N.e taktng. Aay batance stuli be paid to Aorrow�er. In�he erent of a panial tatcing of the Pmperty in�4�Fidi ihe fair �::`•.'£`c.""` <br /> market value of the P icar,,;,)�bePoro�hc lakin is Icss than the amoun�of thc smns securtd tmmeJiatet !�;:'orc tl�e ��^-=' <br />